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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Abokor Omar;766751 wrote: The pirates either want more money or more power, in short it's driven by nothing but vulgar greed. Nothing to applaud here.. The self confessed qabilist returns. How have you been?
  2. Everybody has rejected it. So what? He is still there, and will continue for another 19 months
  3. Som@li;766740 wrote: These pirates have no respect, and scared of SSC taking off, more scared than SL, I believe. Viva SSC Hey, former secessionist, currently sii soco soo soco, no one cares about this organization with no grass root support, where are the people of Laascaanood? How come they aren't protesting for this so-called movement? Welfare queens in qurbaha make no difference on the ground.
  4. Prime Minister, Galmudug leader, and ministers including Minister of Defense arrive
  5. Wejiga 2-aad ee Shirka Wadatashiga heerka Qaran oo Garoowe ka furmay Waxaa maanta abaare 4:00 galabnimo ka furmay magaala-madaxda Puntland ee Garoowe wejiga 2-aad ee shirka wadatashiga ee looga arinsanayo Dastuurka qaran ee Soomaaliya, shirkaas oo ay kasoo qayb galeen mas’uuliyiinta ugu sareysa dowlada KMG ah ee Soomaaliya, Puntland, Galmudug, iyo qaar kamid ah maamulada kale ee dalka ka jira. Sidoo kale waxaa shirkaas kasoo qayb galay wufuud ka socota Qaramada Midoobey iyo Hay’adaha kale ee Caalamiga ah, waxaana shirka furay Sheekh Cabdiqaadir Nuur Faarax (Gacamey) oo dhamaan kasoo qayb galayaasha u dardaarmay cabsida ilaahay Soomaalida kalena ilaah uga baryey inuu qalbiyadooda isu soo dumo si dalku nabad iyo barwaaqu ugu caano maalo. Intaas kadib waxaa hadalka qaatay Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud (Faroole) oo isagu khudbad dhinacyo badan taabaneysey halkaas ka jeediyey ugu horeyna u mahad celiyey Wufuuda tirada badan ee shirkaas kasoo qayb galay islamarkaana sheegay in qabashada shirkani uu shacabka Puntlnad iyo maamulkoodaba sharaf weyn u yahay. Dr Cabdiraxmaan Sheekh Maxamed Faroole ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in maanta ay tahay maalin taariikhi ah qiime weynna ugu fadhida Puntland iyo Soomaaliya, isagoo intaas raaciyey in shirkani uu yahay talaabo weyn oo horey loo qaaday si Soomaaliya nabad iyo xasilooni loogu soo dabaalo. Madaxweynaha Puntland waxa kale oo uu soo hadal qaaday in qabsoomida shirkani ay tahay mid dowlada iyo shacabka Puntland ay wakhti, maskax, iyo dhaqaale tira badan geliyeen iyaga oo ujeedadoodu tahay inay marti geliyeen shirweyne guud oo ay isugu yimadaan dhamaan dhinacyada Soomaalidu. Mr Faroole oo khudbadiisa arimo badan kusoo hadal qaaday ayaa mahad balaaran usoo jeediyey intii isku howshay qabanqaabada shirkan iyo weliba sidii uu si habsami leh ugu qabsoomi lahaa gaar ahaan ciidamada ammaanka ee Puntland oo iyaga uu madaxweynuhu sheegay inay qoraxda u taagan yihiin mar walba heegan u yihiin sidii ay ammaanka shirka u sugi lahaayeen. Ergeyga gaarka ah ee xog-hayaha guud ee Qaramada midoobey u qaabilsan Soomaaliya Augustine Mahiga oo isaga horey loo qorsheeyey inuu shirka khudbad ka jeediyo balse ka cudur daartay inuusan wax badan oran karin maadaama ay jirto fariin deg deg ah oo kasoo gaartay Ban Ki Moon taas oo ah inuu isaga u metelo shir looga hadlayo sidii howlgalka ciidamada AMISOM loo baahin lahaa oo ka dhacaya magaalada Adis-Ababa ayaa bilowgii shirka ka baxay isagoo sheegay in uu habeen danbe soo laaban doono. Ra’iisul wasaaraha dowlada KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Prof Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali oo isna xafladii furitaanka ee shirka wada tashiga wejigiisa 2-aad ee maanta Garoowe ka furmay khudbad kooban oo aad u qiima badnayd ka jeediyey ayaa tilmaamay in hadii aan wadajir loo wada shaqeyn isku duubnina la muujin aan waxba la qaban karin beesha caalamkana hadii taas la waayo aan taageero laga heleyn. Ra’iisul wasaaruhu waxa kale oo uu soo hadal qaaday dib habeynta Dastuurka qaranka iyo dib u eegista golaha Baarlamaanka oo uu tilmaamay inay yihiin labo arimood oo hadii shuruudaha laga rabo ay buuxiyaan udub dhexaad u ah horumarka bulsho walba Soomaaliyana ay guul iyo baraare gaari doonto hadii ay hesho Dastuur ka turjumaya baahida shacabka iyo Baarlamaan ay dadku soo doorteen una qalma kana soo bixi kara howsha loo idmaday. Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka FKMG ah ee Soomaaliya Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadam oo isna madashaas ka hadlay ayaa ugu horeyn uga mahad celiyey Puntland iyo Maamulkeeda gogosha nabadeed ee ay umada Soomaaliyeed u fideyeen isagoo sheegay inuu rajaynayo in shirkani uu noqdo mid horseeda in dhibaatooyinka Soomaaliya ka jira xal loo helo. Wuxuuna aad carabka ugu adkeeyey inay lagama maarmaan tahay in Dastuurka qaab cadaalad ku saleysan loo dhigo maadamaa dhibaatoyinka mudada 20-ka sano ka badan Soomaaliya ka jiraa ay asalkoodii hore ka unkameen cadaalad dari ay sameeyeen maamuladii horay dalka usoo maray iyo Dastuur cid walba xuquuqdeeda siinaya oo aan jirin. Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa intaas kadib hadalka qaatay wuxuuna madaxweynuhu si diiran usoo dhoweeyey ugana hanbalyeeyey gogosha iyo soo dhoweynta ay Puntland Soomaaliya inteeda kale u fidisay isagoo sheegay inay tahay mid ujeeda looga gol leeyahay in ay tahay in Soomaalidu ay aayahooda kaga tashtaan. Mudane Shariif ayaa ka dhawaajiyey in dhibaatada Soomaaliya ka jirtaa ay tahay mid salka ku haysa maadaama aanay horay dadka Soomaaliyeed nasiib ugu yeelay inay arkaan doorasho xor ah oo qof walba uu fursad u helayo inuu codkiisa si hufan u dhiibto. Wuxuuna ugu danbeyntii tilmamaay in geedi socodka Road Map-ku uu hadii sida loogu tala galay ee loo qorsheeyey uu u fulo uu noqonayo wada keliya ee Soomaalidu ay u mari karaan horumr iyo baraare ay gaaraan. Khudbada madaxweyne Shariif kadib waxay wufuudii shirkaas joogey u baxeen fasax yar si ay salaada Makhribka usoo tukadaan dib ayeyn isug soo laaban doonaan inkasta oo Saxaafada badankeedu ay fasaxaas kadib madasha shirka isaga soo hayaameen. Howlwadeenada warbaahitna Horseed Media waxay bulshada ku taxan u balan qaadayaan in ayaamaha uu wejiga 2-aad ee shiraka wada tashigu Garoowe ka socdo ay si dhamaystiran uga haqab tiri doonaan. Sawirada iyo codadka shirka oo dhamaystiran naga fisha saacdaha soo fool leh hadii eebe ogolaado.
  6. Xaaji Xunjuf;766662 wrote: There is nothing spectacular about sharif meeting and discussing things with the governor of garowe maybe you think its a remarkable event but its just similar to the meetings in Mogadisho few months ago. The Garowe Clan enclave has accused the Conference organizers G6 to be behind the recent killings in Taleex they do care about it but they can't stop the Conference even if they wanted. Guul inshallah Shirka Khatuumo 2 umad Muslim oo Somali oo shireysa waxa shirkooda lo carqaladeyo wa cawaanimo walibo qaar la tol sheegenaya disgusting i say. Silly remarks such as governor only embarrasses you, at least Faroole is treated like a leader rather than a politician like Siilaanyo. But anyway, what does Puntland have to lose? You are the one who are vying for secession and it is you who is having your fictional territorial integrity violated, I mean, you can't even control your own supposed border. The killing did matter because it was a person who was from Puntland and it was a targeted killing but the meeting itself has no effect on Puntland, I hope your delusional mind can see that, Emp. You are very annoyed by the meeting, I see that by you posting random threads by shifting attention, I see that by your snark little comments, it looks pathetic wallahi, anyone can see it.
  7. No one cares about that conference it is irrelevant. And you secessionist have much more to lose than Puntland has. There is a meeting with the whole Somali leadership in Garowe, I hope it annoys the hell out of you, XX.
  8. Somalia

    New to London

    Welcome, the craziness has just begun. If you are interested in sunday markets the biggest one in England is in Wembley, North West London. Here things are cheap cheap cheap. The most famous would be Camden market in North London. Here things are 'shop expensive'.
  9. So I am checking out some things regarding intellectual property and I stumble upon this on the World Intellectual Property Organization website, one of 17 specialized UN organizations, this one deals with trademark infringement. ADMINISTRATIVE PANEL DECISION Dahabshiil Transfer Services Limited v. Dahir Alasow, Waagacusub Media/ Domains by Proxy, Inc., Protected Domain Services Case No. D2011-1356 1. The Parties The Complainant is Dahabshiil Transfer Services Limited of London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, represented by Bird & Bird, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The Respondent is Dahir Alasow, Waagacusub Media of Brabant, Netherlands; Domains by Proxy, Inc. of Scottsdale, United States of America; Protected Domain Services of Denver, United States of America. The Respondent is appearing pro se. 2. The Domain Names and Registrars The disputed domain name is registered with, Inc. The disputed domain name is registered with LLC. A. Complainant The Complainant is a company incorporated in the United Kingdom and the owner of several registrations for the trade mark DAHABSHIIL (the “Trade Mark”), including a registration in the United Kingdom registered on August 19, 2005, and an international registration registered on January 8, 2009. B. Respondent The Respondent Dahir Alasow appears to be an individual apparently with an address in the Netherlands. The Respondent Waagacusub Media appears to be an entity apparently with an address in the Netherlands. The disputed domain names were both registered on January 6, 2011. 7. Decision For all the foregoing reasons, in accordance with paragraphs 4(i) of the Policy and 15 of the Rules, the Panel orders that the disputed domain names and be transferred to the Complainant. Sebastian M.W. Hughes Sole Panelist Dated: September 28, 2011 :D:D Was this big news, I find it funny
  10. Anything out of SomalilandPress is absolute garbage.
  11. Very good, welcome Mr Speaker of Parliament, your visit shows the unity among Somalis and I believe you are a + rather than a -
  12. ^^^ LOL! Wow, Faroole does not like people touching him, wallahi I am the exact same. Look at the end of the video, they highlight it
  13. Dr_Osman;766449 wrote: Somalia so nothing was wrong at farole response from 9:17-9:20 mark? Nah man, they are just having fun. I wonder what you think of 2 men walking like this?
  14. Dr_Osman, PhD candidate, this thread is wrong. .
  15. Xaaji Xunjuf;766428 wrote: I agree Carafaat does not deserved to be called a secessionist he was a child when the declaration of independence happened in 1991 even though he supports the dissolution of the former Somali Union. lol
  16. I do not go on those websites for Galmudug news, just happened to be there.
  17. The same as in 2007, only thing that changed is the uniform. I hope it works this time around. Great job.
  18. Nin-Yaaban;766187 wrote: Weey ku fiicantahay. Ayada meesha maxaa geeyey? Hadii aad dhagax, ama la'dagaashid POLICKA aad oktahay ineey kuu naxeen, maxaad udhex geleysaa? Niman/Dumar maka la lalaha. Dumar/Nin midkaa doonto ahoow, hadii aad mar dhagax POLICE ka ku tuurtidad, ogow/filo ineey kuu naxeen. Kolba ninka Videoga Internet soo geliyey waa fulay, sababtoo ah, Naag ayuu diray siduu hadhow u yiraah do "Women" ayaa la ga raacay. Fulay. No sympathy here. Weey ku fiicantahay. Co-sign.
  19. The highest ranking in my opinion are; This guy Some people in a city council in Norway And President Siilaanyo. .. Dahabshiil owner too. @Carafaat every community has its elite, I am not talking clan but elite in business and politics in the diaspora. I can not mention Puntland's elite