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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Saalax;767323 wrote: If Somalia provides direct support for anti Somaliland groups Somaliland can do the same and provide support for unruly anti Somalia groups within Somalia to destroy it within. Two can play the game. Hahahahhahaa
  2. Dr_Osman;767221 wrote: Somalia how is the ximan and xeeb conference going by the way? Caution: Article should not be taken seriously.
  3. The only people who are against the outcome are the people of the south and central regions who do not have their areas under control.
  4. Lol@Duufaan, Puntland just had a good year I am glad you acknowledge that, but maybe next year it will not have the same fun. What about the rest on the list, I think I have been fair.
  5. Qandalawi;767172 wrote: Poor A&T thinks we are the ONLF. Adeer whether you use the 4.5 or any other system the Puntites will always have a lion share in anything Somali. That's a god given right, the 4.5 formula gave us the largest number of MP's any Somali sub sub clan had ever received, the most ministerial posst and higher leadership positions more than any other sub sub clan since Abdiqasim's TNG (which is when the 4.5 thing was introduced) - that's if you talk clan politics. However, deep down I and you know that clan power share 4.5 politics is ridiculous and bad for Somalia bad for unity and bad for selecting people simply because they are from certain tribe. Jaahiliin ayaa Barlamanka isugu tagay for the simple purpose of 4.5, dad ayaa laxaqiray for 4.5, qabiil isu tirsi waligeed waa halagu jiro for keeping 4.5. Waxaas waa talo xun and Puntland should be against it. Also this is contradictory to Puntland's bottom up regional and federal political approach, everyone should be on the table based on the efforts and energy he puts in getting his region, district, tuulo in order instead of being from Reer hebel. I have more respect for a man like Tiiceey who makes an effort to fix Cadaado and his Ximan and Xeeb than the hundredreds of handpicked, qat-chewing, illiterate and bad mannered Somali MPs. He and such men deserve support and a power share deal and not to reward incompetent with this garbage 4.5 deal. Well said
  6. Thank God he lost, came in 3rd. I am HAPPY he lost. :cool: He could have won if he didn't wear the secessionist flag when he won the 10.000 m track race, got under a lot of people's skin, including mine. Imagine the publicity they could have gotten, a speech he would make etc. I can sleep well tonight.
  7. @Burahadeer This list shows what has been gained from actions. For example, people were targeted but that does not outweigh the stuff gained since people are killed in Somalia everyday, that is the reality. That is why Somaliland lost, its image depends on stability and unity, Puntland's does not, it benefits politically speaking because it will then seek outside funds That is why I mentioned the Galgala and Garsoor incidences.
  8. Winners TFG: Securing the capital, gaining the trust of the Somali people, bringing stability to what it governs, getting international support and high profile visits. Galmudug: Some incidences but overall has been steady going and understood that diplomacy is the way to go, now recognized region, meeting with TFG and others. Given a slice of the cake as well. Puntland: Taking its slice of TFG cake (funds and scholarship), right to sign its own contracts, international support for Galgala and Garsoor incidences and possible base of the future Somali Navy. Losers Somaliland: The revival of SNM and Borama and Erigabo incidences put a dent in unity, revived "Awdal State" and image tarnished both internationally and locally. However it has grown economically but the world isn't looking at that.. 21 years of lobbying and nothing to show. Up and coming states Ximan and Xeeb: Hosted a big conference for smaller states in central Somalia. Used diplomacy to lead the region, very likely to lead a unification of the central states. Lead by young Western educated man who has been recognized in media outlets like New York Times for his work. Azania/Jubbaland : Got international support but no unification on the ground, stalled by self interest and Al-Shabaab's hold on major towns. Movements SSC Movement: Last kick to the stomach was not being invited to Somali Reconciliation Conference (drafting the constitution), movement lost momentum and split into several factions. No support and allies. Awdal State Movement: No hold on the ground, revived last month, movement has taken off but the people it claims to speak for have not yet.
  9. You need to stop reading anti-Puntland websites if you want a fair view. Raxanreeb is not a good website and fabricates a lot since the Garsoor incidence. The whole conference is guided by Puntland forces along every road, the AMISOM bodyguards do not have weapons other than their AK. Some people are angry that their folks were not invited, but then again, who the hell are you? :rolleyes:
  10. The Zack;766925 wrote: So the dude doesn't trust the puntland army? He doesn't carry them when he goes to Nairobi. AMISOM doesn't have a mandate in Kenya nor is it the same. They are like his bodyguards, if it was unsafe he wouldn't take a few.
  11. He always have a few with him it is part of the mandate. But it is symbolic more than anything else, if it was unsafe he would have taken the entourage with him.. I've been told they are around half a dozen.
  12. There's no such thing as Somalinimo with a secessionist, so I will not vote for him, neither will I tell my family and friends about it. He just lost 50 votes
  13. I agree, the facts on the ground show that the city in the MIDDLE of SSC called Xudun is part of Puntland.
  14. LOL Sxb, you look desperate, I just showed you the city in the MIDDLE of the region being part of Puntland and you coming back with semantics. More semantics as usual from you. See me as a kid, in fact, I am a kid but you are just factually incorrect. "More united than ever" kulahaa. These men are crying over not getting an invitation to Garowe..
  15. ^ Looool, how desperate. You didn't have an answer, shax shax, you are a good boy. I do not care for the clan, I care for who the people support, that is the difference between you and me. You see clan, I see people. The people of Buhoodle can do what they want, but the people of Xudun have shown to be the most Pro-Puntland people of the region and it is fitting because they are Xudun, the heart of the region. As for your desperate attempt to obtain a PhD in diversion politics, kudos to you, you did not make it. I do like the made up facts with 90% now being 100%. God bless you
  16. Do not tell me of your sorrows. What did Xudun and Badhan say? I spoke of Xudun and Badhan. I repeat, Xudun and Badhan. Please, lets focus on the topic. Xudun and Badhan, I do not care for your building in Buhoodle, I am talking about the people of Xudun and Badhan. Also, one thing, do not stoop so low and lie that Puntland's budget was unfairly distributed to towns belonging to other clans. That is so pathetic and low.
  17. FreshPrince;766790 wrote: @Somalia Let's set aside Xaglatoosiye and his SSC movement. Do you or do you not, acknowledge and respect the choice of the PEOPLE of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn. Remember, we're not talking about individuals, we're talking about PEOPLE. You have not only insulted and tried to belittle SSC/Darwiishland, which has significantly impacted your life, you also tried to criticize and belittle the Khatumo Two conference that will be held next week. This conference is a grand meeting for the clans of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn. Yet, here you are, speaking for it, against it, instead of keeping your mouth shut, because frankly, not a shit you say is deemed important, that goes for your tribe as well. You want facts? Facts: SSC = The territories of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn settled by Dblock clan. 90% of SSC people are Anti-Somaliland and Anti-Puntland Not a single Puntland soldier, flag or administration is in Dblock territories of SSC Faroole would be shot right between the ears, if he ever laid foot in Buuhodle, Lasanod or Cerigabo, or any where in SSC. More Facts. You, Faroole and your MJ tribe do not speak for SSC people nor have any say in the future or self-determination of the tribes of SSC. Let me explain to you the reason why I am against this movement. This movement does not represent the people on the ground. I do not respect the choice of a people who's CHOICE I HAVE YET TO SEE. SSC is under occupation, so we do not know their choice. Also, what do we say about the part of SSC that comes under Puntland at this moment? What do you say of towns such as Xudun and cities such as Badhan? Xudun is the most pro-Puntland city in the region. Now onto the facts you gave. I do not know what you mean by 90% of the people are anti-Puntland, that is the most ridiculous made up fact I have yet to come across. I will not even address such make belief. As for "not a single Puntland soldier, flag or administration is in SSC, that is incorrect, I just told you of Badhan and Xudun. Xudun itself means the core, it is in the core of the region and part of Puntland. Listen to the people. Map of Xudun
  18. @FreshPrince I carry the name Somalia better than any of you, I am the realist here and I use facts, never have I used emotion to attack any group or individual just facts. Any fair minded person would acknowledge that. SSC the movement is a confused group of individuals who travel between Buhoodle-Hargeisa-Qurbaha The movement was started from abroad and it is not a state, it can barely be called a movement and should be called a party organizer because that is the only thing it has been capable of doing, partying abroad. @Saalax, minority clans are hand picked to be Presidents to appear like a "progressive" democracy.
  19. Abdul;766769 wrote: Speaking of welfare queens,does your mama knows you spend too much time on the internet??? Yeah, it is a holiday, I am on 24/7 now... for a month.. My mother works for a living, very unlike the people who make up your movement, travelling around the world, throwing parties with flags that never touched the ground they represent. It is like me going to the US, getting a couple of friends together and we hold a xaflad to see how we can conquer Montana.
  20. Where's the asphalt plant? They need asphalt, where will the asphalt be made? So many questions, so little time!