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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Listen though, T55 is an excellent weapon when updated. Countries such as Ukraine are well known to update them. They need reactive armament and then they are good to go. Mudug is well known for having a lot of them T55, especially near the airport of Galkacyo and elsewhere. Ximan and Xeeb has some excellent ones too.
  2. He met with the Special Representative to Somalia, not "Somalia and Somaliland". Typical bull article from this website. Who writes this stuff, Keyse?
  3. I'd be uncomfortable reading a homosexual male story, in fact I wouldn't do it... However, I would not be uncomfortable reading a lesbian story because it is the opposite gender.
  4. b-boy;767713 wrote: I do not get the point of using bosaso airport when he considers puntland the enemy of the ssc. We are not his enemy, some people of the so-called SSC Movement are confused.
  5. LOL, I just love the oldings of this site trying to minimize the man's speech. It was an excellent speech, and I commend it! He spoke the truth and nothing more than the truth, except the eating people part. :cool:
  6. Jacaylbaro;767677 wrote: I just love when kids educate each other .... Yeah ,, send him a PM Yep, one has to wonder why there aren't a lot of those "Garowe clan enclave" threads anymore ..
  7. OdaySomali;767662 wrote: Somalia and Dr. Osman have remarkably similar characters. weird :confused: I was also similar to Knight of Wisdom I was told.. What is the similarity?
  8. Dr_Osman;767539 wrote: I am calm, I am just suprised he claims his from mogadishu but is against waagacusub footage is something amiss here or is it me!!! sxb they want to diss bro but they dont want anything to say back. I feel sorry for them wallahi stay away from the maqahiyad if i were you its nasty as hell and no moderator either. I dont mind the dissing bro but i hate it when they dont allow me to diss back because I can win easily and I think they know it!!! or else they wouldnt care. I ignoring that dude posting about pirates yet his ppl are raping his kids, his ppl are starving and the youth are tahribbing and he worries about a couple hundred of pirates when thousands are on the brink of allow alle his backyard Sxb, EVEN if they diss you, do not return the favour. I'll tell you how it is done on the forum, check your pm.
  9. Nah, he's just playing because Faroole basically threatened to take another road if the conference didn't take place and Shariif is just joking with him because he knows that would not happen. Puntland is part of Somalia and will always be part of Somalia. Even if the rest of Somalia told us to leave we'd still be there. Too much blood has been vested for us to ever even consider leaving.
  10. I think he is joking, just like he was at the end of the Garowe Conference.
  11. The man seemed to have praised a certain clan a lot..
  12. Dr_Osman, this is a moderator you are speaking to I felt the same in the beginning. Wallahi calm down before they ban you, I called someone a pathetic loser and I was warned by some moderator that "kids watch this forum" so it was not appropriate and I would be banned if I did so again.
  13. They made their fake currency on par with the dollar? :D:D
  14. Che -Guevara;767483 wrote: I saw no pirates. LOL
  15. Indeed we have a great capability. Look at this farm in Mudug. Check out the videos he posted.
  16. AfricaOwn;767451 wrote: ^^^No longer calling him Sheik Hotel? Sheikh Dalxiis was when he flew to Garowe, Sheikh Hotel is when he stayed at the hotel and Mudane Sheikh Shariif Sheikh Ahmed, President of Somalia was when he signed Somalia's political future in good faith.
  17. I 100% agree, agriculture and livestock should be our priority when it comes to our financial security.
  18. AllSSC, WaagaCusub, GalgalaNews, they have a special spot in my heart
  19. LOL, this conference was a success, Faroole saying "have you ever seen half a person?"
  20. The crossover from the irrigated land to the city