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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. People were saying he had mental problems, I do not doubt it now.
  2. Xaaji Xunjuf;768341 wrote: Bosaaso port looks like an 18 century port very poor and undeveloped but why is Abdicawar still touring the garowe clan enclave shouldn't he be in Mogadishu solving different problems with the parliament and approaching the difficulties that awaits him. I have to say this guy is very disappointing atleast Faarmaajo was doing his job correctly. He is touring another part of Somalia and Mogadishu is STILL running fine. That tells people like you something.
  3. Che -Guevara;768243 wrote: This article seems like someone just get up this morning and decide to scribble something. Lol, so true.
  4. Abtigiis;768197 wrote: If you know more about the moon than those who landed on it, then you are for sure a genius. Beautiful response, I'll spend 4 minutes of my time to learn about your ever so successful organization. But hey, you know where to reach me when you reach the stage South Sudan did in 2005.
  5. Abtigiis;768173 wrote: With all due respect to the opinions of some people here, the timing of the struggle is something more mature heads discussed and agreed on. It is not for juvenile online persons who have yet to see an accacia tree let alone know about the region to judge whether liberation struggle should start after roads are built or not. Refugees are a byproduct of any struggle. It is to be expected and it is to be tolerated. You cannot defer struggle against arbitrary arrest, rape and extrajudicial killings. These injustices have to be faced right at the time they take place. I haven't been to the moon neither and I know what it looks I do not care for internet scholars who sugar coat failure but I will tell you this; you've been fighting longer than Somalia has had a civil war and the world still doesn't know your name. Accept failure, start over.
  6. China Long term security, Kenya and Ethiopia could be their next Angola so Somalia can't interrupt that in any matter. Oil in Kenya and South Sudan, a safe passage down to Lamu port via pipelines which are vulnerable as long as Al-Shabaab is ever in power. Maritime issue is a problem for possible oil exploration and a buffer zone could be created (Azania) to deal with that, which gives the reason why they've been funding Kenya for that. United Kingdom Possible recognition of the secessionist region now that Somalia is going forward, vital interest could be minerals there, they were the colonial powers, I would find it hard not to think there's something they know and we do not regarding resources. Somalis in the United Kingdom are a growing force, both financially and educationally as well as in numbers, in a decade they've doubled in numbers. It's in their interests to keep them under check, they have contacts with a ungoverned country, they go unchecked in that area. Turkey I can't see a strategic reason for engaging in Somalia, maybe also oil if anything was to happen to the Iranian line? It is a growing economy, the 17th largest in the world. US/India have no use for Somalia.
  7. It happened 40 km from Bosaso ... 2 days ago And this was posted on the blog "SomalilandPress", a propaganda outlet of the secessionist region. Please get your facts straight. This requires a response.
  8. Duufaan, if you'd come home. ... they would have shown you the respect you deserve.
  9. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  10. I'm going there next summer inshallah.
  11. One of my favourite breakfasts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I'll try and post some later.
  12. There's nothing fake about it, if you guys had any line to Bosaso you'd know.
  13. ^^ Puntland forces attack al-Shabab in Somali mountains Forces from Somalia's northern Puntland region have attacked a cell of al-Shabab militants, officials say. Puntland President Abdirahman Sheik Mohamed says the security forces killed 13 Islamist fighters after they attacked an army post near the commercial capital, Bosasso. The mountain raid was the first time Puntland's forces have clashed with al-Shabab, analysts say. The al-Qaeda-linked group controls much of southern and central Somalia. At least two members of Puntland's security forces were also killed in the clashes in the mountains near Galgalo. Puntland is semi-autonomous from the rest of Somalia but is allied to the embattled, UN-backed government in Mogadishu. The Puntland authorities have recently rounded up and deported hundreds of young men in Bosasso and sent them to Mogadishu, accusing them of being al-Shabab sympathisers. BBC News
  14. No other clan is going to unite with an organization which has brought nothing more than carnage and the false sense of pride to its people. The ONLF is nothing to be proud of. Instead of playing along like the rest of the clans do, get a piece of the pie, building solid institutions, roads, schools, this organization has not only divided with clans who are all in the same struggle, it has divided the very same clan it thought was its base. If they are vying for independence or unity with Somalia they need to look beyond their pride and start to evaluate the situation you are in. Build up, from the ground and when the time comes a struggle begins. The people they allegedly represent are in Dadaab refugee camp, across another border and the region it is suppose to represent is being overtaken by people who deport them to that very state.
  15. ^^ So you do not think getting rid of 4.5 is genuine? It doesn't matter what the true agenda is, it is a cause everyone supports.
  16. Dr_Osman, Karkaar will be forgotten during the next Presidency, the chair has to be passed on.
  17. Lets stop right there my friend I said I was 'comfortable' reading it, I didn't say I was into it or liked it! :eek:
  18. Nin-Yaaban;767949 wrote: Say's a lot about you sxb. Yes, it says I am a male.
  19. Our present for the secessionists should be a gold statue of General Morgan. The south should get their fair share of the oil revenue.
  20. My village. :cool: Then Garowe. Bosaso is too dry without trees.. When they plant trees it'll start looking good and urban planning makes a city look so much better.
  21. Oh do I long for the day a neighbourhood filled with crooks and thieves gets wiped out.