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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Dunno what you are thinking but Puntland isn't giving back land, you must be out of your god damn minds
  2. Xaaji Xunjuf;768820 wrote: ^^ Yeah he is incompetent what exactly did he achieve since he was the Prime Minister? Are you serious?
  3. FreshPrince;768734 wrote: I see that user Somalia is avoiding the question I asked him on page 7. lol Well, do not believe I disagree with either men with things you people disagree with them about. The typical "Ethiopian invasion card", that one I throw right out of the window given recent events. As for Faroole, I do not agree with how he handled the SSC region but I understand his motives. His handling of Mudug region is bad as well but I see his problem there too. There's some things institutionally I do not agree with such as the handling of wealth as well as nepotism. My major problem with development would be the taxation system and the weakening of a centralized regional government, one of the things that kept Puntland above many other regions. Some steps he has taken to silence some people were not good either. Overall though the goods counter the bad for Faroole.
  4. Nin-Yaaban;768649 wrote: Hadii aadan rabin ehelka/qaraabada, af Swahili (iyo kikuyo) si fiican u baro saad u fahantid. I lived in Nairobi for 5yrs after the war and left '97. It was nice when i was there. I heard it changed alot since then. If you can get in contact with our Kenyan SoLers so that they can show you around, its even better. Good luck. And keep us updated on how things are going. Bisinka, how old are you?
  5. Abokor, all I am doing is playing ball. If it hurts you then do not play. I mean even the US Department of Justice knows about the plight of women in the great country of Somaliland.
  6. I know what you mean Burahadeer. Clearly this has gone too far and it must be tackled with the utmost care.
  7. I am just sharing facts and highlighting a case that needs to be highlighted. Hargeysa, December (Haatuf) – Tirada Hablaha da’yarta ah ee lagula kaco falalka Kufsiga ayaa muddooyinkan u dambeeyey caasimada Hargeysa si xawli ah ugu soo kordhaya, kuwaas oo la sheegay inay geystaan Wiilal dhalinyaro u badan, gaar ahaan kuwa shaqo la’aantu ragaadisay ee ku sugan Xaafadaha kala duwan ee magaalada Hargeysa. Hablaha weerarka bahalnimada ah lagula kaco ayaa la sheegay inay da’doodu u badan tahay 20 jir wixii ka hooseeya, inkata oo ay jiraan caruur isugu jirtaa Hablo iyo Inamo sidoo kale lagula kaco falal faro-xumayn ah, sida uu sheegay Xafiiska SARC oo Cusbitaalka guud ee Hargeysa u qaabilsan dadka falalka Kufsiga lagula kaco. Maamulka Cusbitaalka, isla markaana ah Madaxa Xafiiska SARC Axmed Daahir Aadan oo maalintii shalay Wariyeyaal ka tirsan Wargeyska Haatuf oo booqday Xafiiskooda si ay wax uga ogaadaan dhibaatooyinka la soo darsa Hablaha Kufsiga lala beegsado ayaa sheegay in ku dhawaad Bishii 10 Hablood oo falal Kufsi loo geystay ay xafiiskoodan wax ugu qabtaan, waxaanu yidhi “Bishii ilaa toboneeye in ka badan inay noo yimaadaan ayaa suuragal ah, hablaha dhibaatooyinka Kufsiga loo geystaan ee xafiiskan yimaadaa waxa ay da’doodu u dhaxayso 20 iyo wixii ka yar, waxaana ku jira Caruur Hablo iyo Inamo aad u yaryar oo la faraxumeeyey, isla markaana tiradoodu way sii kordhayso, waxaana hablaha naloo keeno ka mid ah kuwo ay Kufsadeen ugu yaraan saddex Nin, kuwaa oo aan xataa la ogayn inay caafimaad qabaa oo laga yaabo inay qabaan xanuunada lagu kala qaado galmada, sida Jabtida ilaa Aid-ka oo kale, kuwaas oo ka qayb qaadanaya waxyeelooyinka Kufsigu soo gaadhsiiyo Hablaha”. Maamulaha Cusbitaalka iyo Madaxa SARC Axmed Daahir Aadan mar uu ka hadlayey Raga geysta falalka Kufsiga Hablaha iyo waxyaabaha xafiiskoodu uu u qabto dhibanayaasha ayaa waxa uu yidhi “Dadka falalkan Kufsiga ku kacaa waxa ay u badan yihiin dhalinyaro, waa Active group-ka kuwa loo yaqaano, shaqo la’aanta dhalinyarada haysataana waa ka qayb weeyaan, Markaa waxa muhiimka ahi waxa weeyaan dad Islaam ah ayaynu nahay in diinta lagu dhaqmo ayaa muhiim ah, macnihii Diintu waxa xun oo dhan ayaa inaga joogsanaya, in caruurtan xaafadaha tuban dib loogu celiyo waxbarashadii ama dee camal loo sameeyo, Saldhigu waa Diinta Islaamka oo lagu dhaqmo oo lagaga leexan lahaa xumaantan oo dhan. Inantii yarayd Aroos baan tagay bay odhanaysaa, Arooskaas inta laga soo raacay ayay u badan yihiin Hablaha la Kufsadaa, markaa waalidiintu inay aad ula socdaan ayaa la gudboon, markaa Hooyada ayaa loo baahan yahay inay si weyn uga war hayso oo ay la socoto inanteeda. Xafiiskan ku dhex yaala Cusbitaalka Guud ee Hargeysa Hablaha la keeno waxa ugu diyaar ah hablo isugu jira Bileys, Looyarkii iyo adeegyadii kale ee Caafimaadka u qabanayey, taas oo loogu talo galay in gabadha waxyeeladu ka soo gaadhay Rag hadana ay Ragg kiiskeeda baadhaan taasi waxa ay ku dhalinaysaa dareen sas leh, balse Hablo marka ay u adeegaan maskaxdeedii ayaa dagaysa”. Masuulkan ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in Raga loo qabto falalka Kufsiga ah in aan lagu sii dayn xeer jajab ay odayaal gadhwadeen ka yihiin, balse ay maxkamaduhu mariyaan ciqaabta faldambiyeedka uu ku kacay. AllSanaag
  8. Looks like all of my highlighting the sexual violence in the region paid off, the region is waking up to the plight of women. I would like to thank myself for my formidable research. 2 days ago. Rape Cases On Rise In Somaliland’s Capital Hargeisa HARGEISA (Hadhwanaagtimes) – As Somaliland is still enjoying domestic relative peace, rape cases are increasing, Hatuf Newspaper said on Sunday. Most of rape cases were committed against the girls, whose ages under 20, according Hatuf reporters who visited Hargeisa Hospital and SARC offices. Young children male, female are also among the victims of rape cases, Hospital and SARC officials said. At least ten girls are raped every month in Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland republic, says Ahmed Dahir Adam, the head of SARC in the city. Mr. Adam added that unemployment is the main factor of rape cases increase as most of Somaliland young boys are sitting streets idle. He called for those unemployed young people should be given opportunity to work to lessen the rise of rape case in Somaliland. Hadhwanaag Times __________________________ For more on my research go to the following links. We have already looked at the following Rape in the Somaliland Presidential Compound Somaliland Gang Rapes Increase Somaliland's Female Mutilation "Most Dangerous" US Department of Justice: Somaliland Raped Minorities UN: Somaliland Child Abuses Increase; Sexual Violence/FGM
  9. Che, I am sorry if I hurt you, but I am just telling you what everyone else is thinking. Nothing I told you guys was a lie.
  10. Che -Guevara;768468 wrote: Cuz it's Ethiopia's little B! that clear enough for you. Well said, that's all I needed to know. Now, get off your high horse, swallow your pride and fight another time when its logical.
  11. I am honestly saddened that you people see ONLF as a solution. Its time is over and it is the only thing holding you back. The brothers of NFD recognized that and so did the Republic when they signed the peace accord in the 1960s. @Abtigiis, I am able to think for myself, I do disagree with a lot of Abdullahi Yusuf did and I am not a big fan of Faroole as a leader. Your fight with the Ethiopians has gotten you nowhere, absolutely nowhere. The fight is legitimate, it is courageous and the most just in modern Somali history, but its time for a change. They'll be cheered by the people like SNM is in the secessionist region and their history is known, but when the people are disillusioned and a movement loses its core support there's nothing worthwhile left.
  12. I never said I had any control in Bokh, but why is Bokh DIFFERENT? See, if you had just an ounce of intellect, you'd understand what I am saying. It is part of the "greater humiliation" inflicted on Somalis. You are still engaged in diversion politics.
  13. What does "free" mean? Is Djibouti free of France? Is Iraq free of America after the troops left? If it is that kind of free, yes it is. If you mean China, Russia free to do what it wants, no.
  14. It was in the context of NOW... Bisinka.. In response to this: In other words, you are cool with them if they surrender? Ninyahow ma Faroolaa ku dhalay lol. What happened to the famous wisdom of " die with dignity instead of living with humility"? I think you wouldn't mind being colonized and humiliated or would you?
  15. Lol, how many meetings are these people going to have..
  16. Che -Guevara;768449 wrote: ^Puntland didn't exist then and now it's still at the mercy of foreign powers:-) Were you dropped as a baby? Of course Puntland didn't exist, but the tribes that live in Puntland did.. So why isn't Puntland being terrorized by Ethiopians, and why aren't the people of Bokh region of Somali Galbeed?
  17. He went to another region, not any region, but a secessionist region of Somalia, total embarrassment. Now Faroole looks like the good guy.
  18. Che -Guevara;768440 wrote: ^We all were and are the mercy of colonial powers....only a fool would convince himself that his tribal homeland is the exception. Read what I write before you respond. I am speaking of TODAY. Go ahead and answer the question instead of using diversion politics. 1. You said we were colonized. 2. Then I said Somali Galbeed was colonized as well. 3. And that means I said Puntland was NOT colonized? The Zack;768441 wrote: :D true. We were never colonized kulahaa. Where did I say that?
  19. Che -Guevara;768425 wrote: Could it be you were colonized by Italians and Bokh is loyal to the Woyanes. This very region was annexed into Italian Somaliland so stop deflecting from the issue, it's embarrassing. Answer the previous question in line with current events.
  20. The Zack;768408 wrote: In other words, you are cool with them if they surrender? Ninyahow ma Faroolaa ku dhalay lol. What happened to the famous wisdom of " die with dignity instead of living with humility"? I think you wouldn't mind being colonized and humiliated or would you? We haven't been colonized like you, and why is that? Why is it that the Ethiopians never cross into Puntland or burn people up in Bokh, Somali Galbeed?
  21. The Zack;768397 wrote: Your hate for the ONLF is well noted on this forum and every thread. If (and this is big IF) this agreement is reached, the ONLF will still be there either fighting against the Wayanes or leading the region, yaa 18-year-old-European-raised-but-know-too-much-about-Somali-politics-clannish-system lol. If the agreement is reached and the ONLF decides to play politics instead of dumb warfare, they will gain the respect of many. Their strategy defies logic.