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  1. The Biography of General Adan Abdullahi Noor (Gabyow) General Adan Abdullahi Noor (Gabyow) was born in Madogasho town in the North-eastern province of Kenya. He joined the KAR King African Rifle in 1947 and undertook his military training in the second capital city of Uganda Jinja. As well, in the same year, he finished his military training and he was taken to Jigjiga, the capital city of Ogadian region in the five zone of Ethiopia where the KAR army had a huge station. After he finished his duty in Jigjiga, he was then transferred to Kismayo, the capital city of Lower-Jubba region in Somalia when English government turned over Southern Somalia to Italy 1950. General Gabyow was among the last British troops taken from Kismayo and sent to Yanyugi town in the central region of Kenya. In 1951, he was among the British troops who sent to fight in Korea until 1952 and he was then sent back to Kenya. At the same, in the same year 1952 after the King George of England died, he was among the African troops sent to Britain to crown the Queen Elizabeth1st and that he was the soldier from Kenya. In 1954, he went back to his station in Kenya to rejoin the KAR who were fighting with the Kenya frontiers army known as “MAW” who was looking freedom for Kenyan country. General Adan Abdullahi Noor “Gabyow” went to Somalia in 1970 after he escaped from the Kenyan authority and he was a major in the Kenyan army. Soon after he arrived in Somalia, he was appointed to be the head of a new police station called” Bootiko” and later on called “Halane military training station” where he became a senior Colonel in 1976 and he stayed there until 1979. However, General Gabyow became an important member of Mohamed Siyad Barre’s regime after the military coup occurred. After being the head of Halane military training station for a while, General Adan Gabyow became the defense minister of Somali army later. After two years, as a result of the conflict between him and President Mohamed Siyad Barre, General Gabyow was finally arrested. The arrest of the defense minister alarmed the people of Somalia specially his own people who are based in the Jubba regions and the animosity between the president and the General got stronger and soon after the president realized that people were unhappy about the arrest of the General, Mr. Gabyow was released without random in 1991. General Adan Abdullahi Noor “Gabyow” continued his politics in Somalia. After the civil war broke out in Somalia, he became the leader of Somali Patriotic Movement (SPM). SPM was a political movement party which was founded in Jubba regions in Southern regions of Somalia when the bitter civil war erupted. General Gabyow made political alliances with some of the Somali faction leaders such as the second interim president of Somalia, Ali Mahdi Mohamed. Ali Mahdi and General Gabyow were among many Somali faction leaders based in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa who opposed to General Mohamed Farah Aideed who was controlling in Banadir region. In conclusion, the former defense minister, General Adan Abdullahi Noor Gabyow died in Nairobi Hospital after he contacted stroke disease and he was among the candidates for the presidency of Somalia in the Somali reconciliation conference taking place in Mbagathi outskirt of Nairobi. After a day later, his body was flown to the Middle-Jubba region capital town, Bualle where he was buried. Many of his Somali political partners accompanied with his body to Bualle. General Gabyow left eighteen children behind in the earth. May God rest his soul in the eternal paradise?
  2. Somalia would need Somaliland like China needs Taiwan.
  3. @Abwaan, how would you know that these people are from the same clan?
  4. Indeed, I speak for no one other than myself. Also, this beautiful message was made some months ago when SSC was in the dirt, though nothing has changed on that front.
  5. Not much, I thought I'd shoot myself in the foot before @Che gets there first..
  6. Horseed Media War-saxaafadeed kasoo baxay xafiiska madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud Faroole oo nuqul kamid ahi uu soo gaarey warbaahinta Horseed Media ayaa lagu sheegay in dowlada Puntland ay soo dhoweyneysa faragelinta Mileteri ee ay ciidamada Itoobiya ka wadaan qaybo kamid ah gobolada dhexe ee Soomaaliya. War-xafaadeedka ayaa sidoo kale lagu sheegay in ujeedada Puntland ay howlgalka ciidamada Itoobiya u taageereysaayi ay tahay maadaama howlgalkaasi uu yahay mid la doonayo in lagu wiiqo awooda Al-shabaab iyo dagaalyahanada ajaanibta ah ee ka garab dagaalma si looga fogeeyo deegeenada ay gobolada dhexe kaga sugan yihiin ee xuduudka la leh Puntland iyo dalka Itoobiya. Puntland ayaa sheegtay in howgalkani uu qayb ka yahay dadaal ay dhinacyada siyaasada Soomaaliya ku lugta leh ee kala ah DKG, Puntland, Ahlu-sunna, iyo bulshada gobolada dhexe oo kaashanaya ururka midowga Africa, iyo Kenya ay si wada jir ah u wadaan, qorshahaas oo ah mid ku aadan sidii loo cirib tiri lahaa dalkana looga xoreyn lahaa xoogaga Al-qaacida xiriirka la leh ee Al-shabaab. Waxaana ugu danbeyntii war-saxaafadeedka maanta kasoo baxay xafiiska madaxtooyada Puntland lagu sheegay in Puntland faragelinta ciidamada Itoobiya aanay u arag mid danaha Soomaaliya wax u dhimi karta, iyo weliba in danaha dalalka ku bahoobey urur goboleedka Igad ay yihiin kuwo isku xiran. Dhamaadkii sanadkii lasoo dhaafay ee 2011 ayey ahayd markii ay boqolaal Mileteriga Itoobiya ah oo xuduuda kasoo talaabay ay usoo gudbeen dhinaca gobolka Hiiraan, waxayna labo beri kahor la wareegeen gacan ku haynta magaalada Beled-weyne oo ahayd magaalo ay in mudo ah ka ariminayeen kuna xooganaayeen mileeshiyaadka Al-shabaab.
  7. Resigned. What else could he have done? The international community didn't support him no more and supported a bunch of people who weren't even the opposition.
  8. Somalis in the UK are generally the most self centred, holier-than-thou Somalis you'd come across.
  9. I'm sorry but that argument will never work now, especially now. There was nothing to betray, he betrayed some warlords is that your argument? Somalia was dead, a government was formed to create stability, he was elected by the people of the south, he got to Somalia and an Islamic court was formed, but not any, one that wanted to expand into other parts of Somalia in the name of Islam while not letting people of other clans return to their properties in Mogadishu. Then the US sends in Ethiopians and they capture all of South Somalia, for a split second there was hope that all of these lands would be under stable leadership, then a man comes and fires all the good people, then Mr Yusuf fires him, he resigns and Somalia starts over again. As if you wouldn't be calling Mr Yusuf something else if he resigned back then.
  10. The Ethiopian argument makes no sense, Wikileaks showed that the Americans pushed the Ethiopians to invade, what was he suppose to do? God bless Wikileaks
  11. Che -Guevara;769489 wrote:'s kind hard to ignore. One has to be in parallel world or detached from reality not to see the contrast between pics being posted and the current situation in Beled Weyne. The timing was indeed flawed
  12. What did he do that was treacherous?
  13. I will never cuss Ethiopia if Somalia is in a civil war. I will cuss them when we return to our glory.
  14. How is Mudane Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed comparable to a hypocrite? The King's agenda was clear and it happened 6 years ago, if anything this proves some people have a larger grasp at politics than others. Thank you Che. :cool:
  15. War on Al-Shabaab is not war on Somalia, this is excellent news.
  16. Tsk tsk, this thread is so ruined for her ..
  17. Ah, makes me happy that Abdullahi Yusuf has been so vindicated, his name has not only been cleared, we are at the stage where @Che has to be longing for the man's return, right? This is 2007 over again.
  18. These people plant and deliver our vegetables and fruits. They must be respected.
  19. Thank you very much, this has helped me tremendously and my confidence has been given a boost.
  20. Because your feelings are hurt it isn't trolling. If I intentionally wanted to hurt you, then it is trolling. How do you know rather or not I wanted to intentionally hurt you? You simply do not. Maybe this is a heartfelt speech.
  21. You broke the rule yourself. I feel like reporting you but the admin doesn't like me.
  22. Cambuulo iyo bun;769272 wrote: but somalina is from beledwein Same cloth.