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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Dr_Osman, do not think your work goes unnoticed, a lot of people watch this forum and know about your work wallahi. Keep it up.
  2. Xaaji Xunjuf;770682 wrote: ^^ Doesn't faroole's clan enclave already recognize sool and sanaag as part and parcel of Somaliland, so whats the difference between him and mr faroole? If it wasn't for the Ethiopians, we both know what would have happened in SSC.
  3. Carafaat;770596 wrote: Maan fahmin? Me neither I just thought it was witty and smart to say.
  4. Well, it isn't called the Land of Punt for nothing..
  5. The clan system in Puntland is a blessing in this regard, each man needs his share, that's just the game. You people should worry about the South getting its cut distributed fairly
  6. Article 5 of the Transitional Federal Charter adopted in Kenya in 2004 states that Mogadishu will be given a special status once the federal system is implemented. The parliament still has to define this in order to protect the city’s diversity and symbolism, its economic power and national political standing. Because of its troubled history, ongoing bloodshed and the ungovernable situation, for many of Mogadishu’s residents this cannot come soon enough.
  7. The Japanese have also made it into a race game. WipeOut is a popular video game and they have converted it into a controlled race game. Link Science behind the technology We start with a single crystal sapphire wafer and coat it with a thin (~1µm thick) ceramic material called yttrium barium copper oxide (YBa2Cu3O7-x ). The ceramic layer has no interesting magnetic or electrical properties at room temperature. However, when cooled below -185ºC (-301ºF) the material becomes a superconductor. It conducts electricity without resistance, with no energy loss. Zero. Superconductivity and magnetic field do not like each other. When possible, the superconductor will expel all the magnetic field from inside. This is the Meissner effect. In our case, since the superconductor is extremely thin, the magnetic field DOES penetrates. However, it does that in discrete quantities (this is quantum physics after all! ) called flux tubes. Inside each magnetic flux tube superconductivity is locally destroyed. The superconductor will try to keep the magnetic tubes pinned in weak areas (e.g. grain boundaries). Any spatial movement of the superconductor will cause the flux tubes to move. In order to prevent that the superconductor remains “trapped” in midair.
  8. Som@li;770127 wrote: Maakhir Conference is next... hahahahahhaah silly man.
  9. @Hermet, water injection is used as a secondary pressure. Burn Notice;770485 wrote: Africa oil/Range/Horn will not be doing the refining...there job is simply to prove the oil is there so that the Chinese or a big Oil major can come in and and develop the oil field Exactly.
  10. Disgruntled underachieving expatriates always resort to silly name calling. Faroole is a warlord now...
  11. Puntland hasn't done anything to SSC other than spilled blood and resources on it, we still control large parts of Sool region even the heart Xudun is part of Puntland. It's like giving away your leg, how would you feel to give away a leg? We are one people, stop dividing us up. This SSC Movement is a special interest group, they are not looking for unity, if they were looking for unity they'd unite the clan living there, something they haven't been able to do in 4 years, it's embarrassing.
  12. The only interest they could have would be dealing with their Somali population that goes unchecked when it comes to their affairs back home. It's a every so more growing community, especially regarding education and finance.
  13. Lol, to form a state you must capture the lands. Use "Hobyo Port", looooooool. ok. However, I find all of this disgusting. We must unite under the name of Puntland.
  14. Hypocrites honouring hypocrites He is cleaning up Mogadishu though. Good job.
  15. Lol even Carafaat got jealous of those pics. @Kajdes, I do not know why the delay happened but the equipment has arrived, it's time to wait and see.
  16. @Somalina There's nothing wrong with being embarrassed. I would be too if I was in your situation. This hasn't got anything to do with his uncle or your uncle, this has to do with the fact that a thick fog of hypocrisy is descending on a few people on this site. I mean, if I were you I wouldn't be thinking about how you were just exposed, I would be thinking about, what could have been? What could have been if your "people" were cheering the right side..
  17. The conversation was regarding President of Somalia, Colonel in Somali Army - Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, where you talked about how "your people" haven't forgotten his actions etc. Here are some quotes, and here is the link. I am not Cusmaano, ask the admin to check my IPs. Btw, reer beledweyne will never forgive your uncle for what he did to their town. Just a reminder. - Somalina Clearly you are referring to Ethiopian troops being there. And in this thread you claim the following; Few places in Beledwein have actually been destroyed in the last ten years give or take and that's because there was never real "fighting" taking place, more like skirmishes on the outskirts of the city. 2 tikniko firing few rounds here and there and baam! the media makes a meal of out of it. Here is the link.
  18. Maaddeey;770333 wrote: ^That was back 2009, and you only joined 2011, how do u know that? I read their dialogue @Somalina, I am not a multinicker