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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Somalia


    Half of Badhan is Somaliland stronghold? Hahahahahaha, pure comedian. Is Xudun also a Somaliland stronghold, what about Taleex where all of this is happening? You are lucky you have the ear of the Ethiopian cause you'd be run out a long time ago, believe that.
  2. The Hermet;771078 wrote: To answer your question: The Party in Charge is the: PPP (Pay Pirate Party). Clans make up Somalia, and in Puntland the people are represented by their clans in a parliament, that's democracy. The secessionist region uses democracy to impress the world even though no major decision is made through the party system and parties are now created along clan lines. Looks to me that you are the ones going backwards as if you ever went forward. This notion of democracy is a fallacy which is why your so-called state is falling apart from the West to the East. As for your piracy statement, Las Qoray is located within the former British Somaliland, it has pirates, so this also goes to show that you are alluding to the fact that the majority clan's "territorial waters" has gotten rid of piracy. This is a dent on unity in the secessionist region.
  3. The ruling party is unknown. The opposition party is known as Xil u buke.
  4. This man played today's politics half a decade ago. Lets all salute him.
  5. The pictures warmed my heart a bit, but then I remembered I am stone cold. How is Hargeisa taking the possibility that they may have to withdraw from Laascaanood?
  6. Che, maybe you should focus on who is keeping this wonderful cycle in motion. Yesteryears thugs are reforming slowly.
  7. Add Puntland and we have this;
  8. Very unprofessional, the Prime Minister is not wearing a bullet proof vest! :mad: The security of a leader must be the top priority in a war zone.
  9. Was the Dancing Boys of Afghanistan ever posted here? That one was just wrong.
  10. Shame the city looks like a ghetto. Berbera has the best beaches on the Gulf of Aden.
  11. I hope the conference fails, Puntland is one. The clan of Sool shall get its fair share at home... in Garowe... Puntland... Somalia.
  12. Inshallah it shall return to its rightful owners
  13. Indeed, I'd be surprised if they didn't molest him like Gaddafi. Arabs are inhumane when it comes to matters like this. There's no compassion.
  14. I agree, I've seen nothing matching him yet. Another term in office should suffice.
  15. I am glad people recognize the 3 stars, Ministry of Health, Education and Women's Affairs. Puntland Health Minister in Denmark. Here they construct equipment for Puntland Hospitals.
  16. Clearly this King of essentially.. nothing, should return to his Kingdom that doesn't exist.
  17. Dr_Osman;770768 wrote: It's good that the locals are rising up against this project because employment should be given to locals. I say the best solution is to end this project before a war begins looooooooooooooooooool
  18. His current whereabouts are unknown but close sources have him at Somali Life, a known online refugee center. His last whereabouts was on SomaliNet, a totalitarian environment. He was last seen there in December with a brief comeback that went unnoticed and an immediate ban was issued on his name. My sources tell me the ban was permanent.
  19. Hargeisa never had the diaspora but it is losing the people on the ground. Looks good for Somali interests.
  20. I think it is proper for me to comment on this as well. Hi KoW, wherever you may be. I hope you are reading this. Good luck in your future endeavours.
  21. Garnaqsi;770404 wrote: What a laughable post! Why?
  22. Why would you post from a source you've called; bacaaaaaaaaaac ? This is just a meeting taken out of proportion.