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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Well when a person makes up something he must be corrected. I think it is evident from the name changing of this thread and the edited first couple of posts - who was right in this instance. And with that, I leave you with this.
  2. There's nothing to envy in regards to your "investments". Where are these so-called investments? Making up that you have billionaires is not really attractive. lets look at the facts. No major extraction company has signed up with the triangle state due to the fact that isn't even considered to be a state, more like in limbo for 20 years. I mean, I do not even understand why you guys need to lie, you have other things to brag about but money isn't one of them. This is legitimate, some made up story about you having a connection to Canary Wharf is not. The level of deceit that some people will stoop to is unbelievable. I do not blame you though, you have nothing going on for you... at all.
  3. People have hated brilliance throughout history, you just have to learn not to mind it. Spit on them when they come near you. As a Puntland citizen tell haters of all shapes and sizes that they are not worth the bottom of your sole. With that mentality you can conquer them all. As for Mogadishu, it's the capital and will always be seen as the mothership, but if Puntland gains control of its own resources and gets its share of the pie from Mogadishu, it can overtake any city in Somalia in no time. We will model ourselves after Oman and Iraqi Kurdistan, those two places should be the blueprint for Puntland and our stepping stone for more ambitious projects.
  4. Listen man, whatever floats your boat. Puntland is dirt, Somaliland is the sky. There, I said it!
  5. Lol, are those tears I see? Why are you crying? I call people out all the time my friend. Caddaankaanu wada loollanaa madaw xisaynmayno" And you said the poem was from 1890? I mean, even I do not care for poems but I see the connection here, what happened around 1890? Do you even know your own history?
  6. I sang that one for you after you ironically quoted an anti-colonialist poem when you had Ethiopians entering Buhoodle which is part of what was known as "British Somaliland" while no foreign power has touched Puntland. Doesn't that strike you as a bit moronic? I mean who does that, who quotes such a poem in this time and place?
  7. You've embarrassed your people enough for one day, post more about your billionaires.
  8. It's ironic as a "Somalilander" that you post that piece of 'poetry'. Haye, sii soco, gadhaalna haa soo eegin.
  9. Hahahahahahahahahaha, qosol badhanaa "insider info"
  10. Lol, I like him though, he's alright.
  11. Puntland doesn't have its clan elders speaking out against this conference like the triangle state. And we online Puntland supporters aren't posting #Deadlinks to back up our fabricated bull. Check yo' self before you wreck yourself.
  12. Of course you re-edited it, you looked like a straight up moron. Now, where can I see where it says he owns 65% of the portfolio which he made from his "own investments"?
  13. Very good government indeed, inshallah the new coming government will be just as good
  14. You do not like Sheikh Shariif at aaaaaaaaaaaalll.
  15. Listen. He is not worth 1 billion. It's two separate things. He manages a portfolio worth 1 billion, he doesn't own it.
  16. What a crock of ... It is a plus rather than a minus for Puntland that the meeting goes well. Kulahaa it's Puntland that tries to sabotage it.. All I see is your fingers shaking while you press your keyboard. Also it's a #DeadLink you posted... Goes to show what you're up to.
  17. Puntland controls the core of Sool : Xudun It controls the city of Badhan And it controls Las Qorey.
  18. MoonLight1;771432 wrote: I think XX made a deal with Puntland guys in this forum, which is "don't talk about Rascaseyr state and we will drop the case of Awdal state". Isn't that true Yaa Xaaji just realizes there's a bigger play at stake but no deal was made.
  19. I still believe it's part of Puntland but I recognize the right of self determination. I don't want to diss SSC, it's too easy and you are too close to my heart so spare the condescending attitude.
  20. Rumsfeld was the worst Secretary of Defence in US history If he reminds you of him then have at it Anyway, clearly this old man who must be respected for his seniority has lost the plot. I now officially recognize the self determination of SSC Somalia My enemies enemy is my best friend. :cool:
  21. Saalax;771400 wrote: What part of 1 region doesn't make a federal state in the TFG dastuur don't you understand. SSC is 2 regions in the federal charter thus it can become a state. You should focus on Khalif Galaydh and the Ethiopian MPs lobbying Meles Zenawi on the Laascaanood withdrawal.
  22. Dr_Osman;771408 wrote: His land is occupied by him, thats why their having shir beeleed!!! ur trying to make this into snm thing, if it was their would be conference with them as is going in awdal. wax aan jirin lagama daba ordo. The second they unite its game over I got you. As for Amin Arts, his attack on Professor Abdiweli exposed him nice and easy.