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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Dr_Osman, Che does not like the progress of Puntland, I can't say I blame him. I mean look at this sxb.
  2. He has one year left and this year will decide the future of Puntland. If he has any intention to prolong his stay like Dahir Riyaale he knows what will happen.
  3. One has to be sceptical about why it was released now...
  4. FreshPrince;772040 wrote: No, I blame the people of SSC for not creating their own State back in 1991 or 1998, instead of following blindly the "Tolnimo" bullshit. Puntland doesn't help anyone more than others, you invest in your own areas. What the hell do you expect, handouts to an area that goes forth and back between East and West?
  5. Somalina;771972 wrote: Carafaat, come again! Mudug hee? X-mas waa laga soo gudbey! Come again :eek: ?
  6. FreshPrince;772019 wrote: One asks himself, if Puntland "really" consists of 7 regions/Gobols, then why is it that all of it's "Projects" and "Progress" limited to only 3 Gobols (Mudug, Nugaal, Bari)? lol Are you blaming Puntland for the lack of progress in parts of SSC?
  7. burahadeer;771875 wrote: unionists:D:D:D when is it going to work!??? Separatists, when did it ever work?
  8. Great woman, I feel the plight. Thanks for the link
  9. uchi;771839 wrote: Pirate-land...Garowe Clan enclave? Figures, you only give nicknames to people you envy. Maybe our Somaliland brothers want to join the pirateboys and get themselves on International news headlines .
  10. I agree with this thread. I mean, lets take me for example. Young, professional, intellectually curious, very high ranking in the society, I mean just an all around catch. You just do not find them like this anymore, I am indeed a rare breed and for that Somali women are lucky. :cool:
  11. Great man, the man has a place in Garowe.
  12. You can't create your own state, it won't be recognized by the TFG. A state in-between 2 that do not recognize it and with no seaport or income will not live long. That's the time you need to have Puntland as a friend.
  13. Classic projection. Beautiful sxb, beautiful.
  14. Carafaat;771648 wrote: Beletweyn alone has more population then Bari and Karkaar together. Silly rules.
  15. I wonder which has the higher IQ, the person who wrote this rubbish or the guy who posted it here.
  16. Oh we shall see my friend
  17. That's what the Prime Minister is there for. Is this non-existent to you? Taken from the Australian Securities Exchange website.
  18. They play it nowhere, that's the brilliance of the game, and it is not according to me, it's the situation happening right now. Puntland gets its cut from the TFG, it has its Prime Minister and it has its own resources which is the port of Bosaso, its airports and its natural resources i.e livestock export and the right to sign its mineral/oil deals. It's not fair and it is not right but that's Somalia.