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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Waa khatar, gacan aa uu taagay, she must be reer Mudug, she kept it real
  2. Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool :D :D Laakinse, is she reer Mudug , reer Somaliland baan moodhey
  3. Xaaji Xunjuf;772304 wrote: Why not make gagaab the vice president it will bring the Garowe folks and and the north galkacyo Community closer to each other politically:D Gaagab and Faroole are childhood friends and great allies. I do not know what you've been hearing...
  4. The Vice seat should be given to Goldogob. Reer Laascaanood have shown no inclination for unity.
  5. Somalina;772149 wrote: LOL. Such a drama queen. Habar baa iska hawhaw lee heelada inoo tuma. You have enjoyed peace in Baraxley gabar, you should thank this man. The next administration will have footsoldiers from the Hawd, they are less kind.
  6. burahadeer;772259 wrote: ^^^everytime I see your name I come to see what's the latest bla bla....not worth any response. Yet you respond #FAIL
  7. FreshPrince;772255 wrote: Lol, I bet 1,000 dollars transfer to Paypal that the Faroole will be reelected or a man from the same clan as Faroole will be made President (AGAIN) and the VP will most likely be from Galgala (Only to secure the Oil fields of Galgala region). Come on you can do better than that..
  8. One of those insulting Faroole now of course. Probably the one that got cheated last time
  9. Qandalawi;772241 wrote: Liibaanyare, I'm not pro-Faroole but how can you compare the lunatic Xaglatoosiye's divisive politics to a man he himself and his supporters helped to be elected as the President of Puntland. We know the contest between Ilkajiir and Faroole, Xaglatoosiye's votes went to Faroole. He got out smarted and outmaneuvered as he expected to get the VP but instead Faroole brought in Ina Ali Shire. Xaglatosiye is mad man and was expected to be mad given the situation but developing such serious lunatic syndrome was unexpected.
  10. 'Liibaan';772229 wrote: War Criminal Faroole Fool attacked and insulted SSC People at every oppurtunity, he called SSC People "terrorists". No one in World believed, Faroole is two-faced liar. War Criminal Faroole imprisoned, tried, killed and executed as an enemy. My President is Hon. Sulieman Axmed Xaglotoosiye, the President of SSC State of Somalia. And Faroole is your Warlord. Hon. Sulieman Ahmed Xaglatoosiye received a standing ovation and hero welcome from SSC People in Khaatumo Conference, Xaglotoosiye was speaking more than 1 hour about SSC State and SSC Movement, and every time he earned applause and admiration from SSC audience. SSC People elected Xaglotoosiye, no cares the opinion of Warlord Faroole supporters. On the other hand, Issim Abdulaahi received big boos because of his Pro-Faroole position. SSC people forced to end his speech right there, and leave the stage immediately without him concluding his speech. Calm down sxb, calm down
  11. Somalina;772211 wrote: First of I'm not your eedo, I'm pretty sure we are not related in any way. Secondly, you're being too obvious Mr. Qandalaawi as per usual whenever a member of tolka is mentioned (xaalkaadu waa habar baa iska hawhaw lee heelada inoo tuma like aunt Furoola) nothing new here just saying. lol@controversial. Classic!
  12. Abtigiis;772174 wrote: I don't agree. It shouldn't be a big deal anywhere else, not in SSC. These creatures are half-crazy. They love Somali unity,and we love them for that, but they are certifiable lunatics on the majority.
  13. Somalia

    Gedo (pics)

    Great stuff, lets hope the people are confined there instead of moving into land that doesn't belong to them.
  14. I was listening to this just 5 minutes ago :eek:
  15. He's right, people who go North do it to cross the sea. The Turks have opened by biggest camps and all of them are well fed in the Turkish ones. Listen to the audio.
  16. Carafaat;772127 wrote: He already started. Apparetenly elections will be not through the ballot box by one man one vote, but 400 clan delegates selected by Faroole will vote. We all know what has been stated and what people are saying will happen but the response will not go well. It will be Jama Ali Jama over again but this time it's legitimate.
  17. This article was put up on SomalilandPress and was written by one of its supporters, some random Arab dude. Why would they host such an article? ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF), a terrorist armed group , was product of such “Greater Somalia” Policy. Barre regime trained, educated and financed large number of Somali-Ethiopians in Mogadishu to fight Ethiopia. The regime instructed the group to fight Ethiopia and merge the 5th Region of Ethiopia into “Somalia”, in order to demarcate the internationally recognized Som-Ethiopian border. The group continued illegal armed struggle against Ethiopia for decades without substantial result. The group attacked schools, civilians and even killed children in different areas of the 5th Region of Ethiopia. They created instability in the region, where children were too fearful to attend schools. The region felt behind in education and development compare to other Ethiopian regions. NOTE: The website has not stated that this is the "opinion" of the writer. I think it's clear for everyone to see.
  18. Jacaylbaro, he's our President, we should show him some respect ya dig
  19. He will graduate with his degree in a happy state.
  20. We will then educate him in Puntland State University in Garowe His course will be 3 terms. It will be called Life Skills Fd degree 1st term: Civility 2nd term: Norms in society 3rd term: Civil liberties
  21. Then Darawiish will transport him to Garowe via Qardho
  22. He needs Puntland Police Forces to help him. Then PIS will have their turn.