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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Everyone seems to have a spot for @Valenteenah. I think it's the Sophia Bush avatar, her voice alone is deeply arousing:o
  2. ^^ That's the one signed a few weeks back. I believe Germany has the same.
  3. xiinfaniin;772629 wrote: ^^The PM is irrelevant with respect to Taleex . You must remember his take on Hiiraan will be enforced by AMISOM deployment and he knows the Dabageed and co has no legitimacy on the larger political reality of Hiiraan. I understand the concern and clannish perception so the best option for him may be silence Agreed.
  4. SSC should fight SNM in Sanaag and create a full maamul goboleed. 1 + 1 that equals 2 in my book.
  5. xiinfaniin;772619 wrote: Waryaa Somalia, the PM knows better: 3500 delegates decided their fate inline with transitional federal government. A stark contrast to few warlords riding Ethiopian tanks who upon arrival of the city spoke about regional admin The PM will be seen as if he is favouring one clan over the other, he must reject both as they do not meet the criteria. If he approved Hiiraan then it could set a new precedent. Also this maamul goboleed "exists" already, maybe this is the upgrade.
  6. Mooge;772614 wrote: breaking news:SSC militia blocks Garaad from leaving and going to Garowe. muran ka taagan Taleex iyo ciidamo la isu adeegsaday. waxaa la hor istaagay boqoradii ka soo horjeestay galeyr oo waxaa loo diidey inay aadaan goboladoodii. I am just waiting for PM Abdiweli to tell them what he told Hiiraan.
  7. Holland was used as the entrance to Europe, from there it would go up to Scandinavia and around Europe. The traffickers must be holding a big crisis meeting.
  8. Dutch ban stimulant khat (AFP) – 2 hours ago THE HAGUE — The Dutch government Tuesday banned the use of khat, a leaf native to East Africa chewed for its stimulant properties mainly by the Netherlands' sizeable Somali community. "The drug khat is banned," the Dutch Immigration, Health and Justice departments said in a joint statement. Khat is grown in the Horn of Africa and has for centuries been chewed by users in Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and Yemen. "The problem lies especially within the Somali community, which is much larger than the Kenyan or Yemeni communities within our country," immigration department spokesman Frank Wassenaar told AFP, adding there were about 27,000 Somalis living in the Netherlands. "If taken in moderation there are no major problems, but an investigation showed it to be problematic among some 10 percent of khat users," leading to health and social issues, added the statement. An independent report commissioned by the Dutch government has cited noise, littering and groups of men who "roam the streets perceived as threatening", as some of the effects. With high unemployment and low education levels, the Dutch Somali community was "late" in terms of integration, the report said. Imported legally via Amsterdam's Schiphol airport four times a week, khat is distributed throughout the Netherlands but also in Germany, Sweden, Denmark and Norway, it added. Around 843 tonnes of khat, worth a minimum 14 million euros (U$18 million) passed through Schiphol in 2010, up from 714 tonnes in 2009 and 693 tonnes in 2008. Britain and the Netherlands currently allow the import, trade and consumption of khat, according to a European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction letter of July last year entitled "Drugs in focus." Fifteen of the European Union's 27 states and Norway list khat as an illegal narcotic, while in the other EU countries, the plant was not subjected to any controls, the EMCDDA letter said.
  9. Mooge;772508 wrote: khaatumo failed in my opinion sababtoo ah this not needed. it is now a war between xaglatoosiye and cali galeyr camp. xaglatoosiye thinks he fought for this ssc thing and cali galeyr is saying I am the smartest in the clan so i should lead . everyone from ssc in nairobi hates both xaglatoosiye and cali galeyr. it is a war now. lol
  10. Showqi;772510 wrote: Somalia, haa walaalo wax walba oo waalidkaa iyo reerkiinu ay iska lahaayeen oo aad xaq u leedihiin waa la idiin soo celin doonaa. Insha-allah idinka iyo 100,000 of other Somalis wey heli donaan guryohoodii iyo beerahoodii ay ka soo carareen. Xamar wataa nabadgalyadii ku soo noqotay. Wax walba iminka ayey Caano iyo Malab noqon doonaan insha-allah. Inshallah
  11. Xaaji Xunjuf;772505 wrote: ^^ What properties Real estate.
  12. Will my parents get their properties back?
  13. 2011 was one of the best years for Puntland.. This Amin Arts guy has lost all credibility. :eek:
  14. Samafal;772473 wrote: I hope and pray from Allah that Faroole term ends peacefully and him transferring power with no problems. He's very controversial person. He has some good qualities and bad ones. After Faroole the presidency should not go to Gaagaagb, Insa Samatar, nor Jama Ali Jama. Puntland should elect a technocrat with the political awareness but not a novice. Clan wise, the trinity should give up power for the greater good and handover to other disgruntled clans in Sanaag, Qandala, Raas casayr, Waaciye and Goldogob etc. That or else........ Goldogob or Sanaag. Ras Caseyr should be strangled for its naughty acts.
  15. At Puntland's entrance to mayhem, also known as Galkacyo. Suuqyada magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta gobalka Mudug ayaa mudooyinkii danbe waxaa si xawli ah usoo galyay lacago shilin soomali been abuur ah oo lagu soo daabacay gudaha dalka soomaliya . Lacagtan oo ah Shilin Soomali dhowaan lasoo daabacay isla markaana ka duwan lacagta caadi ah dhanka tayada ayaa si weyn looga dareemay dhamaan suuqyada magaalada Gaalkacyo iyo dakhliga dawlada Puntland ee ku soo xarooda Bankiga dhexe magaalada Gaalkacyo. Maamulaha Bankiga dhexe ee Puntland laanta Gaalkacayo Cabdilaahi Cali Bare ayaa ka hadlay lacagtan wuxuuna sheegay inay tahay mid si weyn ugu dhex jirta suuqayada magaalada Gaalkacyo, baarintaanna lagu wado halka ay ka timaado iyo weliba cida Puntland soo gelisa. Cabdiliaahi Cali Bare wuxuu intaas raaciyey in ay hayaan xog ku saabsan lacagtaas oo sheegaysa in lagu soo sameeyo magaalada Cadaado ee gobalka Galguduud, ganacsatada gobolka qaar kamid ahina ay faafisteeda kaalin weyn ka qaateen. Maamulaha laanta Bankiga Puntland ee Gaalkacayo ayaa dhanka kale ka hadlay dhibaatada ay lacagtaasi bulshada u keeni karto, isagoo tilmaamay in laga dhaxli karo sicir barar baahsan oo ku yimaada suuqyada gobolka Mudug iyo guud ahaan Puntland. Bankiga dhexe ee Puntland oo ah halkii ugu horaysay ee iclaamisay lacagtan been abuurkaa ayaa ugu baaqay dhamaan Hay’adaha dawliga ah ee ka hawl gala gobalka Mudug in la iska kaashado sidii loo xakamayn lahaa faafida iyo isticmaalka warqadahan been abuurka ah . Ma ahan markii ugu horaysay oo magaalada Gaalkacyo lagu arko lacago faalso , waxaase jirtey marar badan oo Bankiga dhexe laantiisa Gaalkacyo aysoo bandhigtay lacago been abuur ah oo laga soo saaray dakhliga soo gala dawlada puntland. Axmed Maxamed Cali [Caano-Geel] Horseed Media Gaalkacyo-Puntland
  16. Somalia

    Big Qarax

    An atom bomb works by initiating a nuclear chain reaction, which releases a huge amount of energy relative to conventional explosives. Per unit volume, an atom bomb may be millions or billions of times more powerful than TNT. The first atomic explosion occurred on 16 July 1945 at the Alamogordo Test Range in New Mexico, during a test called Trinity. It was developed during the top secret Manhattan Project, which was directed by General Leslie R. Groves of the US Army. Nuclear reactions occur when neutrons are fired at closely packed atoms with heavy nuclei (uranium or plutonium isotopes). These heavy nuclei break apart into lighter nuclei when hit by a neutron, in turn generating more neutrons which bombard other nuclei, creating a chain reaction. This process is known as fission. (Another process known as fusion releases energy by fusing together nuclei rather than breaking them apart.) By breaking down the nuclei themselves rather than releasing energy through a conventional chemical reaction, atom bombs can release more than 80 terajoules of energy per kilogram (TJ/kg). In the earliest bombs, the chain reaction was initiated simply by firing two half-spheres of high purity uranium isotope at one another in a small chamber. In updated designs, a uranium or plutonium bomb core is surrounded by high-explosive lenses designed to compress the core upon detonation. The compressed core goes critical, initiating a chain reaction that persists until many of the heavy nuclei have been broken apart. The atom bomb and its cousin the hydrogen bomb have probably been the most powerful weapons in the world since their creation many decades ago. Large bombs can destroy entire cities. Thousands of atom bombs have been detonated, though only two have been used in warfare - both used by the US against Japan during World War II. There are seven countries that openly declare possessing nuclear weapons; the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, the People's Republic of China, India and Pakistan. The world currently possesses enough nuclear capability to make the human race go extinct many times over. Calculated risks of abuse are taken in order to preserve higher values.
  17. Saalax;772358 wrote: kkkkk sunatimes is owned by waagacusub editor dahir alosowe. Take it with a grain of salt ya libaan. He posted the AUDIOOOO..
  18. Af xumaa ilmaha, they make me look like an oday Great stuff, the Microsoft guy was great, I like the bit about agriculture, I am considering taking a course on the side on the subject, I hope they focus on getting youth into education.