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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Dervish;773472 wrote: Such a simpleton Somalia. Obviously bosaso or galkayo no nothing about city planning. I'll give it to garowe tho, at least they have some Semblance of basic planning. A lot has changed about Galkacyo. I wish you'd get a proper education though.
  2. Dervish;773462 wrote: I'm currently studying Urban & Regional Planning in university, I got one year left inshallah. My main motivation to study this program was to use what I learn in implementing structured plans for a city. Africa has historically been lacking in this department. We need to bring all urban planners, architects and engineers together and really focus on the future You studying to arrange buildings in a line? What does the course entail?
  3. Dr_Osman;773200 wrote: Bro gives us 10-15 years we will match the south in agriculture We'll have to get our farms in the south back though. A few distillations plants on the coast can make it happen for us in the North.
  4. KeydMedia's agenda is nothing short of ironic given official purpose of the release. - The views held by the men in the video have been known for years but it's different seeing it for yourself. Though the views are considered atricious by some, this was a civil war and these views were held by both sides. - When you look at the other videos uploaded by KeydMedia, for example the one where Aideed says "Do not harm civilians", I am paraphrasing but that was the message portrayed to the audience and compare it to this, the agenda is clear. - Also look at the comment section. Bear in mind these are comments APPROVED by KeydMedia, we as of now have comments like these; Viva mujahidiinta usc warcriminal morgan must die Look at all of the other APPROVED comments where they insult the opposing clans. I posted a comment saying KeydMedia was not fair and balanced in its selection of videos and my comment was not displayed. I then posted a comment saying that I believed KeydMedia had an agenda regarding the video and they blocked me. So please, lets not take this as a legitimate news organization. This is the equivalent to ''. Cadhow shisheeye amuu kuu xalaaleenkala deegan aadhan laheen That's KeydMedia's agenda.
  5. They definitely had it coming and I sure will.
  6. A_Khadar;773159 wrote: Is that a good reason for you to support ssc cause! Yeah, Puntland's SSC province.
  7. Waxaanay ahayd in ay ETHOIPIA usheegto xubnaha aanay xidhiidhka fiicani ka dhaxayn ee shirka kazoo qayb galay ,taasoo hadhoow raad dhabar jab ah ku noqon lahayd dhaqdhaqaaqa BUUHOODLE My God, the knuckle dragging Neanderthals weren't even doing that in the first place? Lol
  8. Caano_Geel;773151 wrote: ^^^ Prove it. Clan names are not allowed on SomaliaOnline, read the Golden Rules laid down by the Admin.
  9. Great stuff, I like the new military pics. I sure will take a lot when I go there in summer inshallah.
  10. Streets are named after a particular clan in Italy.. :cool:
  11. In uproar I tell you! SSC really rubbed a nerve, made me smile for a change. Step into any SNM restaurant and you'll see. They know when Khalif Galaydh is in the game, something is up. Today was a good day! :cool:
  12. Xaaji Xunjuf;773129 wrote: ^^The Suldaan wants reach the Somaliland border has with Somalia some where 5 km from garowe so he himself wants to liberate the land:D 15 km.
  13. Bluelicious;773102 wrote: Yeah I miss the guy What disaster has happend over there? Post me the link whatever it is. Someone leaked all of their "sketches" (of themselves of course) and put it up on YouTube. Some of them are normal pics as well. The videos were removed, this is the bad version. The good videos were removed but according to sources, they will be reposted soon.
  14. ^^ Lol you really miss the dude. Anyway, I love the song as well after the disaster at SomaliNet. I hear they are still trying to seal the leak
  15. Jacaylbaro;772977 wrote: It is fake coz Bugland media did not write it ?? Horseedmedia and more importantly AllPuntland didn't report it. Thus it didn't happen. Have a bit of decently.. very disappointed.
  16. This is fake news... Some people have no shame.
  17. I'm afraid that's how they do it in Bosaso.. :cool:
  18.!" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> LOL@0:48 "Wadankaan system baa lagu socdhaa :D:D
  19. She has a Tumblr blog as well. But, there's a larger question at play, what's with the attack on Somali men?
  20. Isn't this the guy who dressed up and tried to bust an alleged prostitute party in Hargeisa?