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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Man, I do not like the whole thing. Makes me sick each time I hear a child say "I am a Somalilander" Sounds like a pokemon or something.
  2. Carafaat, I think it is time you start showing a bit more love if you want a piece of the cake you feel me
  3. No wtf, why would you even say that? That's just wrong. Somalina is an aunt, I'm just a kid .
  4. I'm going to town tonight celebrating, buy a few chocolate milkshakes and take a couple of shots of candy.
  5. Galia is a girl. And she definitely could be Somalina's other half.
  6. AfricaOwn;773682 wrote: The study is clearly blaming the players, Ood is hardly doing that. He says Faroole will use pirate money to fund a possible Presidential campaign in Mogadishu.
  7. @Oodweyne, do not blame the player, blame the game.
  8. galia;773656 wrote: Whats interesting is that when you attempt to speak for the majority of the somali people , you don't. You say what the old fart from your clans, says I am from Mogadishu, and i am proud that the people of Somaliland are independent and prosperous. While you are driven by tribal hatred for these people, you hate to see them shine but by Allah by shine. You are a tribalistic driven sad person pretending to be a somaliweyne adovate. Punkland is nothing but a cesspool full of inbreeds I do not speak for anyone other than myself. I am for Somaliweyn hence my username is Somalia, you are a real detective there I must say, and I would like you to point me to where I have had clan statements. Please, f off back to SomaliNet. Projection is the weakest defence mechanism. Lets just end it here man, people reading this thread will know what's what.
  9. Don't embarrass yourself man, you do that enough on the other forum. Istahiil Mental Hospital is in Hargeisa but I doubt they'd even have you there. Lets end this here.
  10. galia;773642 wrote: Its funny how the SSC losers try and attack the free people of Somaliland. All motivated by clan loyalty to Punk-land. Somaliland will defeinatly get the indepence that it is owed, the Independence that it once had. Punk land is nothing but a tribal state, populated with inbreds It's as if he explained a slice of the theory.
  11. A man called Emperior once tried to educate a savage, he tried to make the utter degenerate realise why some actions might favour both their clans but the imbecile didn't understand, he was screaming the same nonsense he has since 1991. It was funny.
  12. galia;773630 wrote: There is no oil in Punk-land, its just a dusty barren land, with a small port You should show more respect now that Puntland will have a sizeable majority in the parliament to rule your butt for ever.
  13. The army abandoned their post because they had more urgent matters to attend to.
  14. FreshPrince;773614 wrote: Puntland just lost the largest oil deposit in Somalia, Hol-Hol Oil Wells. lol Do you have any geological surveys to back up your claim cause I do not see anyone exploring in Sii Soco Soo Soco land.
  15. LOL@Dr_Osman @Rampage those are some good ones.
  16. Well, that's how we do it in Puntland you feel me dawg. :cool:
  17. Somalia

    Forum Query

    No, I gave you a positive one.
  18. Listen to the audio
  19. Dervish;773490 wrote: I'm an architect and minor in urban and regional planning. I'll be doing my masters in urban/real estate development. What exactly do you study? That's great man, continue on your path.