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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. GaadhHaye;775998 wrote: They can see the Dharoor pictures....and Cadde Muse doing business with white men .... lol
  2. Oil exploration has begun in the arid north-east of Somalia, which has been wracked by civil war for two decades. The Canadian firm Africa Oil behind the project said its two wells are the first to be drilled there in 21 years. The semi-autonomous Puntland region where the drilling is taking place says it is an opportunity for peace. "It's a new beginning - if oil is found it will change Somalia for the better," Issa Farah head of Puntland's Petroleum and Minerals Agency told the BBC. Speaking on the BBC's Focus on Africa programme, he said it was an important development not only for Puntland, but the whole of Somalia, which has not had a functioning central government since 1991 and has been convulsed by fighting between militias. "I think in 10 years' time - if oil is found, we will see a better country, a stronger country that lives in peace and prosperity with its own neighbours and hopefully that produces what we have been all looking for - peace, prosperity, development and progress," he said. In the area where the two wells are being drilled to a depth of 3,800m (about two miles), there is an assumption that "there will be about 3bn to 4bn barrels of oil", he said. Nigeria, which is Africa's biggest oil producer, is estimated by the International Energy Agency to hold 37bn barrels of reserve oil. According to Africa Oil, whose firm Horn Petroleum Corporation is operating the project, the drilling of each well will take about three months. "These wells are the first to be drilled into the deep areas of the rift basins and will be key to unlocking the hydrocarbon potential of this unexplored prospective trend," David Grellman, head of Horn Petroleum Corporation, said in a statement. Mr Farah said that Puntland would not allow this "historic project" - involving three oil firms - to be a curse, as oil has proved in some other African countries. "Before any barrel of oil comes out will have a policy that will benefit our own people and will not be detrimental to us," he said. "We want this to be something that can improve our lives, not take us back into the dark ages." Puntland is relatively stable compared with other parts of Somalia, but many of the pirates who function off the country's coast are based in the region.
  3. Raamsade;775950 wrote: Hopefully the money will be hoarded by Puntland which will hopefully use the money to turn Puntland into Abu Dubia of Somalia instilling envy in other Somalis who will hopefully be inspired to get their acts together by creating the conditions for oil and gas explorations. :cool:
  4. Hello I shall commemorate Khaatumo and the struggle soon.
  5. NGONGE;775927 wrote: A PL Petroluem Company will be set up (or is set up already). The board of directors is almost certain to include the current PL president and, by the pictures posted here yesterday, I bet the previous president too. Like other 'oil producing' countries in Africa & Middle East, the president & the board will have the final say on where and what the proceeds go. As for Somalia; have you not been paying attention, adeer? Federalism nooh! Federalism all the way What I want to see is how the previous agreement between Adde Muse and the companies compare to the new one. It's like a non existent Banana Republic with the tight info and stuff.
  6. 1. Chinchilla coat, for my trips to Russia to study Military Topography 2. Mercedes G Class, non pimped out version, I have to stay modest. 3. Summer house in Garacad 4. Finest girls Somaliland have to offer.
  7. What are the re-negotiated agreements between Puntland and, Range and Red Emperor?
  8. Jacaylbaro;775920 wrote: ..... Xataa beenta ma sheegi yaqaanaan The deegan comes under Buhoodle. Justify your killing rather than dissecting the truth homie.
  9. Buuhoodle: (Allpuntland)-Wararka saaka laga helayo Deegaanka Sool-Joogto oo ku dhawaad 25-Km Dhanka Waqooyiga uga beegan magaada Buuhoodle ee xarunta gobolka Ceyn ee Puntland ayaa kusoo waramaya in Saacad ka hor Duqayo & Rasaas waaweyn ay isdhaafsadeen ciidamada Deegaanka & kuwa Somaliland ee labo cisho ka hor soo weeraray degmada Buuhoodle ee xarunta gobolka Ceyn. Wararku Waxay sheegayaan in labada dhinac ay Madaafiic isweydaarsadeen islamarkaasna rasaasta Qoryaha cul-culus ka dhaca ay mudo halkaas ka socotay iyadoo aysan jirin weli wax khasaaro nafeed ah oo deegaanka Sool-joogta laga soo sheegayo kadib Madaafiicdii. Wararka ayaa intaas kudaraya in Xaaladu ay degenayd daqiiqadihii u danbeeyey, Waxaa la dareemayaa xaalad kacsanaan ah marka la eego magaalada Buuhoodle iyadoona laga cabsi qabo in markale ay halkaas wax ka dhacayaan iyadoo aysan jirin dagaal toos ah oo halkaas ka dhacay. Cabdiqani Xayir Allpuntland Team
  10. Dr_Osman;775795 wrote: This is not a snm topic. A new Somali era has begun an OIL era. An era where ppl are self-sufficient its being reported by huge news network inside somalia and outside like msnbc and your sitting here talking about SNM. war niyahow naga tag!!! if u want snm go to that topic stay out of this one You said they are going back to 1991 and then I mentioned SNM. You were clearly alluding to it. Lets focus on SNM more than the oil homie.
  11. Dervish;775786 wrote: Shutup don't you have journalists to lock up and innocent people to murder your people are savage. Reer puntland is moving forward seems like your people are headed back to '91 So true, I feel embarrassed for SNM at this moment. :cool:
  12. I agree. But it will never change, even if we paved their front yard. Universal TV will be bought anyway... by us. inshallah
  13. Dr_Osman;775756 wrote: Now lets talk about your future guys, my future is established. Where are you haters? galgalanews, somalilandpress, dayniile, bbc. voa, amiinamiir, their devastated, their broken down, their shocked, their speechless, their defeated, they see a future in puntland where-as they no sort of future in their land. I am so happy to be a citizen of this state Dervish;775757 wrote: Landers only respond to propaganda and fake news, they stay away from anything tangible and :cool:
  14. kingofkings;775740 wrote: Once the oil comes, the airports (garowe, bosaso, galkacyo and one more in wardheer ) and the major roads will not only improve the economy of Puntland, but also create jobs for unemployed reer puntland citizen. Thus, improving the overall economy of the state. :cool:
  15. These secessionists really have no shame. The hatred and envy seething through them, I mean, you couldn't contain it for just 1 day, could you? I've seen how you have all avoided the oil threads. No shame in these niggas.
  16. Gaalkacyo: (Allpuntland)-Waxaa Maanta Hoolka shirarka Isbitaalka guud ee gobolka Mudug ka dhacay shirweyne degdeg ah oo ay soo qabanqaabiyeen Odayaasha, Waxgaradka, Siyaasiyiinta, Aqoonyahanka & Maamulka gobolka Mudug kaasoo looga hadlayey xaalada cusub ee colaadeed ee kasoo cusboonaatay magaalada Buuhoodle ee xarunta gobolka Ceyn kadib markii shalay Maamulka Somaliland uu duulaan xoogleh kusoo qaaday magaalada Buuhoodle islamarkaasna ay dadbadani ku waxyeeloobeen weerarkaas iyadoo ujeedada kulankani ay ahayd canbaaraynta gulufka Somaliland & U istaaga difaaca sharafta & midnimada reer Puntland. Shirkan oo Saacado soconayey ayaa ay ka qaybgaleen qaybaha kaladuwan ee bulshada gobolka Mudug waxaana halkaas sidoo kale ka qaybgalay Gudoomiyaha gobolka Mudug Maxamed Yuusuf Jaamac Tige, ku xigeenkiisa Farxaan Cali Xirsi, Taliyaha qaybta Booliska gobolka Mudug Gol.Jaamac Sandaqad, Duqa magaalada Gaalkacyo Gol.Siciid Cabdi Faarax, Madaxweyne xigeenkii hore ee Puntland Dr.Maxamed Cali Yuusuf (Gaagaab), Wasiirkii hore ee caafimaadka Puntland Dr.Bashiir Cali Biixi, Taliyihii hore ee Ciidanka Daraawiishta Puntland Gol.Cali Baadiye, Salaadiin & xubno kale oo aad u farabadan kuwaasoo si iskumid ah u canbaareeyey weerarka dhulbalaarsiga ah ee Somaliland ay ku qaaday Magaalada Buuhoodle. Gudoomiyaha gobolka Mudug Maxamed Yuusuf Jaamac Tigey oo si rasmi ah u daahfuray shirkaas ayaa sheegey in ujeedada shirkani ay dahay Difaacista & taageerida shacabka reer Buuhoodle Waxaana uu sheegey in shirkan aysan u harin maamulka & qaybaha kaladuwan ee bulshada gobolka Mudug, Gudoomiyuhu wuxuu weerarkii Buuhoodle shalay ay Somaliland ku qaaday la mid dhigay weerarada Alshabaab isagoona sheegey in Hogaamiyaha Shabaabka & Madaxweynaha Somaliland ay isku reeryihiin ayna u midoobeen xaalufinta shacabka reer Puntland, Maxamed Yuusuf Wuxuu sheegey in Dhaawacyadii laga keenay Buuhoodle ay siweyn usoo dhaweeyeen islamarkaasna wuxuu mahadcelin u diray shaqaalaha isbitaalka guud ee gobolka Mudug oo uu sheegey inay muujiyeen dareen wanaagsan ayna si hagar la’aan ah u caawinayaan dadkii wax ku noqday Dagaalkii Buuhoodle isagoona ka tacsiyeeyey Hal Ruux oo kudhintay Meel u dhow Gaalkacyo xili Dhaawaciisa laga soo qaaday magaalada Buuhoodle, Wuxuu shacabka gobolka Mudug ka codsaday inay u diyaargaroobaan dagaal adag oo lagu difaacayo Dadka reer Buuhoodle. Madaxweyne kuxigeenkii hore ee Puntland Dr.Maxamed Cali Yuusuf (Gaagaab) oo isna ka hadlay shirkaas ayaa dhaliilay hogaanka Maamulka Somaliland oo uu sheegey in ay hormarkii ay ku faanayeen ay u badaleen xasuuq shacab islamarkaasna wuxuu ugu baaqay in Somaliland ay si degdeg ah u joojiso xasuuqa ay kawado gobolada SSC, Shacabka Gobolka Mudug ayuu Dr.Gaagaab sheegey inay diyaar u yihiin inay Naftooda & Maalkooda galiyaan difaaca reer Buuhoodle oo uu sheegey inuu muqadas yahay. Suldaan Cabdicasiis Suldaan Maqtal Suldaan Rafle oo kamid ah isimada beelaha ******* oo halkaas ka hadlay ayaa sheegey in beel kamid ah Beelaha Somaliland ay kusoo duushay deegaanada Puntland Wuxuuna sheegey in Beelaha uu ku abtirasada ay diyaar u yihiin inay ku laabtaan dhulkooda wuxuuna ka digay in hadii weerarada Somaliland ay sii socdaan ay gaari doonaan ilaa magaalada Burco, Taliyaha qaybta Booliska mudug oo isna hadlay ayaa sheegey in Cududa gobolada ay la ehelka yihiin shacabka reer Buuhoodle ay diyaar u yihiin inay Difaacaan walaalahood. Wasiirkii hore ee caafimaadka Puntland Dr.Bashiir Cali Biixi oo soo xiray kulankaas ayaa sheegey in diyaar loo yahay waxkasta oo lagu difaacayo gobolka Ceyn & guud ahaanba gobolada kale ee SSC, Dr.Biixi Wuxuu sheegey in shirkii Khaatumo uu ahaa mid wanaagsan ayna soo dhaweeyeen wuxuuna sheegey in loo baahanyahay in dadka gobolada SSC laga daayo Dhibta & Xasuuqa lagu hayo.
  17. Inshallah I will get 4 wives due to this black liquid.
  18. Lets not turn political. What will be the first thing done IF Puntland gets paid? Roads? Schools? Expanding Bosaso's port? We gotta think big. :cool:
  19. The Zack, watch from 1:50 One of my favourite scenes
  20. ^^ We are now past the stage of "is this happening?" to the point of "how will this be managed?". :cool: