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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. The Hermet;776316 wrote: ^^^^ which puntland is this..West Puntland or North Puntland...dam...things...they getting confusing...but anywhoo..all i heard was BACAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAC...... SOMALILAND AINT STOPING FOR NO ONE...BRING WHAT YOU HAVE AND JOIN THE PARTY...OR SIT BACK DOWN AND SHUT YOUR MOUTH.... What's odd is not your retarded comment, it's the fact that you put a 'embarrassed' smiley at the end of your rant.
  2. Madaxweyne ku xigeenkii hore ee Puntland ayaa ku hanjanabay in ay dagaal ku qaadi doonaan magaalooyinka katirsan Somaliland haddii aanay Somaliland joojin dagaalka ay kusoo qaadeen degmada Buuhoodle. Madaxweyne ku xigeenkii hore ee maamulka Puntland Maxamed Cali Yuusuf Gaagaab oo ka hadlaayey kulan looga hadlaayey dagaalkii ay Somaliland kusoo qaaday magaalada Buuhoodle ee xarunta gobolka Cayn ayaa waxa uu hajabaad kulul u jeediyey maamulka Somaliland. Gaagaab waxa uu sheegay in ay dagaallo ku qaadi doonaan magaalooyinka waa weyn Somaliland sida Berbera, Burco iyo Hargeysa haddii ay joojin waydo waxa uu ugu yeeray gumaadka iyo dagaalada ay ku hayso degmada Buuhoodle iyo shacabka ku dhaqan gobolada SSC.”Waxaan dagaal ku qaadi oonaa Hargeysa, Berbera iyo Burco haddii uusan maamulka SNM joojin dhibaatada uu ku wada dadka Soomaaliyeed ee aan isirka wadaagno ee ku dhaqan goboada SSC, ayuu yiri Maxamed Cali Yuusuf Gaagaab Magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta gobolka Mudug ayaa waxaa maalintii shalay la gaarsiiyey qaar kamid ah dhaawacayadii ka dhashay dagaalkii ay Somaliland kusoo qaaday degmada Buuhoodle ee xarunta gobolka Cayn.
  3. burahadeer;776296 wrote: west:D I'm still waiting for an answer mate. Why did you change the bit where the head of the World Bank's Oil Exploration for Somalia said that oil is 'there'? Why, oh why would you do such a thing. Why would you edit out the most convincing quote of the whole article?
  4. LOL, AllSanaag is the best news outlet, they keep it real.
  5. Their future will be decided for them given that they've had over 2 DECADES to decide. Those men you pictured were far more civilised than what they've left behind, do you agree?
  6. It's called a hole. And I will enjoy my hole full of gold as a whole.
  7. burahadeer;776250 wrote: We have more oil than them...check my posts on the otha PL oil thread, ofc Planders make everything a show! Hahahahahaha qosol badhanaa
  8. Eyes recoverable reserves of 300 mln barrels * Drilling to take 90 days * Somali has no proven reserves. By Abdiqani Hassan DHAROOR, Somalia, Jan 17 (Reuters) - Canadian oil and gas exploration company Africa Oil Corp. began drilling an exploratory well in Somalia's semi-autonomous Puntland region on Tuesday, the first to be sunk in the country since civil war erupted two decades ago. While there has been speculation about finding oil in the anarchic Horn of Africa country for decades, it has no proven hydrocarbon reserves. The prospect of oil beneath Dharoor's sandy, arid plains has excited officials of the impoverished region. "Soon Puntland will be out of hunger and shall stop asking assistance from the international community. We shall never beg, we shall be begged if the fuel comes out," Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamud Farole said at the spudding ceremony. "This fuel well is not only for Puntland. It will benefit all Somalis if Somalia becomes one with a common constitution," Farole said, while laying a foundation stone. Somalia, mired in conflict since warlords in the early 1990s and then Islamist militants reduced the government to impotence, represents one of the final frontiers in Africa to be explored. Africa Oil and its partners in the two Puntland licences, Australia's Red Emperor and Range Resources, target prospective resources of over 300 million barrels of recoverable oil. Horn Petroleum, a newly created oil explorer focused on Puntland, is drilling the Shabeel-1 and Shabeel North-1 wells within the Dharoor Valley block. Africa Oil has a 51 percent stake in Horn Petroleum. "The drilling of Shabeel-1 fuel well is not a one-day decision; it came after much effort and agreement with Puntland," David Grellman, Horn Petroleum's president and CEO, said. Dozens of workers buzzed around the site under the gaze of heavily armed Puntland troops. Shabeel-1 was spudded on Tuesday, and drilling operations have also started at Shabeel North-1. The drilling in the Dharoor valley is a milestone in evaluating Somalia's oil potential, Grellman said, adding that the drilling would last 90 days. The site is a humid, barren area of about 2,600 sq km (1,004 sq miles) near Dharoor town, some 350 km (217 miles) from the port of Bosasso on the Gulf of Aden. The Shabeel-1 and Shabeel North-1 prospects are located on a Jurassic aged rift system, which is part of the same system that has proven to be highly productive in Yemen. Puntland's government signed a production-sharing deal in January 2007. Puntland faced stiff opposition from the Western-backed interim government at the time, part of which refused to honour a 2005 deal reached with Australian independent Range Resources, giving it exclusive rights over all minerals and petroleum. Relations between Mogadishu and the Puntland authorities are on the mend. A new U.N.-backed roadmap targets a new federal constitution that brings the semi-autonomous regions into a closer relationship with central government. Africa Oil said last year it planned to drill up to eight wells in blocks it holds interests in across east Africa, including the two in Puntland. (Writing by Abdi Sheikh; Editing by Richard Lough and Jane Baird)
  9. burahadeer;776225 wrote: Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  10. First of all, northern Somalia in the survey was in Nugaal and Bari region, the study was by the World Bank and check out the link I showed you. NO ONE explored Berbera and that area. Even Mudug was explored, again, check the link I gave you. But my question is. WHY DID YOU EDIT IT OUT?
  11. Why did you edit that out? Why? Just answer the question!
  12. But WHY would you edit out the most important part of the piece you posted? I'll tell you why, due to xaasidnimo and cuqdad. Also, look at this thread if I haven't talked about SL's minerals before.
  13. You were caught red handed, YOU. Maxaa kaa si ah? Seriously, runta iska sheeg. Speaking only on mental health.
  14. I think people reading this have made their mind up. You took pathetic to another level sxb.
  16. burahadeer;776200 wrote: "It's left everyone thinking the big question here isn't famine relief but oil -- whether the oil concessions granted under Siad Barre will be transferred ," said Thomas E. O'Connor, the principal petroleum engineer for the World Bank, who headed an in-depth, three-year study of oil prospects in the Gulf of Aden off Somalia's northern coast. [ INSERT THE PART YOU EDITED OUT HERE] "You don't know until you study a lot further just how much is there," O'Connor said. "But it has commercial potential. It's got high potential . . . once the Somalis get their act together TO BE cont'd The part you edited out ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ " It's there. There's no doubt there's oil there, " said Thomas E. O'Connor, the principal petroleum engineer for the World Bank, who headed an in-depth, three-year study of oil prospects in the Gulf of Aden off Somalia's northern coast. Why did you edit that bit out? Original article
  17. burahadeer;776168 wrote: so nugal is all yours.That's what put you in trouble! learn before you brag about every little thing & let's see yours! The largest reservoir is almost 300 sq miles from near Burao to Gardho.Look the distance in called Nogal uplift.There r also in the red sea & all along the coast from east to west...anyway be happy & we be happy............ Every block is within Puntland and SSC areas. The only form of oil in the secessionist region is in the Northern parts of Berbera where oil seeps are located but no major block.
  18. Dr_Osman;776174 wrote: Burahadeer show me one drill in somaliland. put your money where ur mouth is!!! You cant cause somaliland has nothing. Puntland 1600km of coastline with 3 concessions already gone. 60 billion barrel potential Calm down, mate.
  19. Narniah;776118 wrote: ^Gosh, you love stroking your own ego, don't you?:rolleyes: Don't get jealous you still have a place in my heart.
  20. I shall take 2 wives from this city as a sign of unity inshallah.
  21. Dr_Osman;776101 wrote: Heifetz is not President Farole`s first lobbyist in the United States. In 2009, Farole hired Duane Morris to try to obtain American funding for Puntland. And last year, he took on the services of The Moffett Group, owned by the former Democratic congressman Toby Moffett, to try to persuade ConocoPhillips, which had abandoned oil exploration in Somalia in 1991, to resume operations in Puntland. :cool:
  22. It's a federal republic, it's suppose to be like that. Minister President's in Germany
  23. Archdemos;776031 wrote: you have superior taste in cars if i may say so. Classic indeed. Thank you, I am a rare breed.