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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Looks like an efficient list, excellent work. Taleex (Allpuntland)- Magaalada Taleex ayaa lagu soo gabogabeeyay shirweynihii Khaatumo 2 oo maalmihii tagay halkaasi uga socday beesha degta deegaanka SSC (Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn). Shirka ayaa lagu doortay golaha xukuumada uu yeelan doono maamul goboleedka Soomaaliyeed ee Khaatumo oo ergada shirku horay isugu raacday inay u dhisaan deegaankooda, iyadoo magaalada Taariikhiga ah ee Taleex loo doortay xarunta ku meel gaarka ah ee maamulkaasi. Gole Madaxtooyo oo wareeg ah kana kooban saddex madaxweyne iyo gole wasiiro oo ka kooban ilaa lix wasiir ayaa uu ka koobnaan doonaa golaha xukuumada Khaatumo. Saddex madaxweyne ayaa midba markiis mudo bilooyin ah qaban doonaa xilka Madaxweynaha waxayna magacyadoodu kala yihiin: Axmed Cilmi Cismaan (Karaash) Maxamed Yuusuf Jaamac (Indhosheel) Cabdibuur Cilmi Qaaji (Biindhe)- (Dib baa laga dhaarinayaa) Golaha Wasiirada ayaa iyagana loo doortay: Xuseen Saleebaan Xaaji Axmed (Dabay)- Wasiirka Wasaaradda Xidhiidhka Caalimiga iyo Jaaliyadaha Maxamed Ducaale Cabdi- Wasiirka Amniga Qaranka Cismaan Axmed Jeex- Wasiirka Wasaaradda Maaliyadda Cabdikariim Faarax Dhaaye- Wasiirka Wasaaradda Horumarinta iyo Khayraadka Dabiiciga Maxamuud Diiriye Cabdi Joof- Wasiirka Wasaaraada Adeega Arrimaha Bulshada Yasiin Axmed Sulub- Wasiirka Wasaaradda Arimaha Gudaha Xafiiska Wararka Allpuntland, Garoowe.
  2. Faarax-Brawn;776927 wrote: ^WHY would you say shah ikeen in the first place? Cause I would craving tea. () These frozen countries have brainwashed the youth and we must take a stand.
  3. Somalina;776944 wrote: If people means 'YOU' then I don't care what you recognize. Keep it moving Cusmaano. You wrote 5 people no one knows abut. The list would be different if it was the 5 most 'distinguished'. Your language and intelligence seem to pertain to your side of the fence.
  4. This is one of many classes that just graduated from Puntland Marine College. Ciidamado ka tirsan ilaalada xeebaha iyo la dagaalanka Burcad-badeeda ee Puntland oo dhowaan tababar loo soo xiray ayaa la geeyey degmada Qaw 30km dhinaca qorax u dhaca kaga beegan magaalada Boosaaso. Ciidamadan oo in mudo ah uu tababar uga socdey xero ku taala aga gaarka Airport-ka magaalada Boosaaso ayaa ah kuwo si heer sare ah loo qalabeeyey waxayna xero ciidan oo hor leh ka samaysteen degmada Qow. Xiriiriyaha ciidamada ilaalada xeebaha iyo la dagaalanka Burcad-badeeda iyo dowlada Puntland Cabdirisaaq Maxamed Maxamuud (Xidig) oo maanta xafiiskiisa Saxaafadda ku qaabilay ayaa ka warbixiyey ciidamada degmada Qaw la geeyey iyo ujeeda ay halkaas u tageen. Wuxuuna sheegay in ciidamadaasi ay bilaabayaan howgalo ka dhan ah Burcad-badeeda iyo dadka wax tahriibiya, howshaas oo uu tilmaamay inay tahay middii markii horeba loo dhisay inay qabtaan. Mr Xidig ayaa dhinaca kale sheegay in Bulshada deegaanka Qaw ay ciidamadan si weyn usoo dhoweeyeen maadaama uu deegaankaasi hada saldhig u noqday kooxo badan oo Burcad-badeed ah oo laga soo saaray deegaanadii ay horay ugu xooganaayeen. Mas’uulkan ayaa mar Horseed Media ay weydiisey su’aal ahayd waxa ka jira in ujeedada ciidamadan loo tabaray ay tahay mid dano kale laga leeyahay sida howlo la xiriira shidaal qodista uu ku jaawaabey in warkaasi uu yahay mid aan jirin ciidamadanina ay qayb ka yihiin ciidamada dowlada Puntland. Cabdirisaaq Maxamed Maxamuud (Xidig) ayaa ugu danbeyntii sheegay in ciidamada Mariinisku ay kaalin muuqata ka qaateen howlihii biyo dhaaminta xiliyadii ay abaaruhu jireen, deminta dabkii suuqa magaalada Boosaaso gubey, sugidda ammaanka magaalada Garoowe xiligii uu shirka wadatashigu socdey, iyo soo dhoweynta wefdigii Ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya xiligii a magaalada Boosaaso kusoo jeedeen. Howgalkan ayaa ah kii ugu horeeyey ee noociisa ah ee ay ciidamada ilaalada xeebaha iyo la dagaalanka Burcad-badeed ee Puntland sameeyeen tan iyo markii la asaasay, waxaana dhowaan la filayaa inay xarumo ka samaystaan 6-goobood oo ay kamid yihiin degmooyinka Eyl iyo Baargaal.
  5. AsadSL;776869 wrote: Thats only fair. That oil is property of the Citizens of Somalia not just a certin clan. If you do not want to share this so called oil money then by all means leave the union and stop taking aid under Somalia. what is mine is mine and What is yours is ours. Puntland way of thinking. Everyone knows 50% goes to the South.
  6. Carafaat;776867 wrote: Puntland politicians managed to kill every Somali central goverment so far. You would be critical if you cared. Central for whom?
  7. Your lists don't make sense. It says the most PROMINENT, meaning people have to recognize their name. Abdullahi Yusuf, Aideed, Ayaan Hirsi, Siad Barre and Sayiid.
  8. Makes me sick how Europe has brainwashed our girls. Today there's backtalk to 'shaah ii keen'.
  9. Abokor Omar;776606 wrote: From watching the video it reminds me of a criminal facing court doing his best to put things together in a way that paints him in a good light in every scene. -I told Syied Barre to change the plans -I saved my soldiers from certain death at the hands of Barres henchman -I told Siilanyo let's unite all the rebel parties Either this mans superman or his a sh!t liar. Btw, I couldn't help but think about him on top of Ethiopian tanks ordering them to kill poor innocent civillians, so he could finally be president. **** him and his fairytales. His a stooge not fit to be a toilet paper.. Superman or he's a shit liar? What happened to General Caynaanshe? Answer that. @Dr_Osman, yes I have a copy but it's not mine. It's as if it was limited edition, they didn't even put the stuff on the internet.
  10. ^^ True, lying is not his trait that's one of the reasons he pisses people off, he tells it like it is. His motivation after 1969 was power. As for their 1991 secession, it was in the interest of Puntland that it happened. If you get the book you'll see another side of Cigaal, turns out he was pushing the same line as Carte but his attempt failed and that's why the secession happened. There's also a great bit with him and Siad Barre and tensions they had in the 1950s over the killing of a UN appointed Egyptian diplomat.
  11. LANDER;776549 wrote: Are you proud of this weasel? so what if he was 70 km from Addis, he was responsible for having Ethiopians invade Somalia's capital (Mogadishu) for the first time in their history. There were reports he was high on power and was getting slapped around by some general Gebre in his own capital too! Do you not feel any shame or do you have no pride? I am proud of him, I am proud that he installed fear in the likes of you. I dream of what Somalia would have been like today if he had total power. A typical intellectual midget as yourself who indulge in rumours such as a General slapping Abdullahi Yusuf is no surprise to me given your ancestry.
  12. Chimera;776527 wrote: Siad Barre made several blunders: - After securing the Ethiopia-Djibouti rail-line the airport of Dire Dawa was ignored. - Not allowing independent communication lines to be set up, instead generals and commanders had to wait for orders from all the way in Mogadishu. - Not sending a sizable force all the way into Addis Ababa and dislodging Derg from power. - Keeping the Soviet-Somali friendship agreement intact. Had he done these four things the correct way, East Africa would look very different today. I think the way the communication lines were set up were to deter anyone from going against Siad Barre if Addis Ababa was captured, a centralized system. He cut off Dire Dawa and was told to stop, region could today have been part of Somalia but he went further than he should have. Also read this bit where Fidel Castro is disillusioned with Siad Barre because he wants a once race state while communism has no colour thus he chose the side of Ethiopia. Exchange between Erich Honeker, leader of East Berlin and Fidel Castro. Watch Maxamed Warsame Cali backing up Abdullahi Yusuf's claim The Russians threatened to level Mogadishu.
  13. How come no one has the agreement between TFG and PL? :confused:
  14. Narniah;776129 wrote: lol I wasn't jealous! Certainly not of a chauvinist with an ego the size of this universe. That's a bit harsh, a bit mean too.
  15. From 56:00 He very interestingly mentions what I've previously said on this forum that the secessionist ideology started back when what's now known as Somaliland didn't get what it perceived to be its fair share of government posts, especially cabinet posts and government directors. It also points to the same situation that they have now. Some want to further the ideology of Cigaal by going the same route as the 1960s and having a great presence in Mogadishu. Abdullahi Yusuf talks about extensively about Cigaal in the book. It also shows that some habro have a much more narrow view at the moment.
  16. BOB;776440 wrote: Really? by who? By me.
  17. Maaddeey;776425 wrote: Dr. Osman, sorry I mean Somalia!, how did he describe his relationship with Aideed?. I remember him saying regarding Aideed's Sal-Ballaar: 'Ninkaan oggoleyn Badda ha ka cabo' If you read the book he tells you of how him and Aideed grew up together and how he knew his father. He also mentions their struggle when in prison and how they used to look out for each other. He talks of him as if they were brothers. There are several pictures not seen before of them in the military and their time as military attaches in Moscow. I'll review the book and post what I can of it without giving away too much.
  18. I think that's our future. As for this video, if you look at 29:00, he mentions the consequences of the war in Hargeisa where 6 officials were gunned down and other retributions towards military officials. He was told to give up his best lieutenants and was part of the reason for the coup attempt of 1978. Also this is the place he is talking about 70 km from Addis Ababa, Mojo.
  19. I'm reading the book which has more details about him and Siad Barre during the Italian Trusteeship where he worked under him. I've been told one event in 1956 sheds some light onto Siad Barre's mindset about the political discourse at the time but I'll see how the book turns out. Here he talks about his relationship with Aideed and Siad Barre, 1977 War and how he led his unit to its intended target which was 70 km from Addis Ababa.
  20. You should be asking the question; Is it ok if your woman has a higher education than you? Stay in the kitchen my dear.