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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. I'm pretty sure those are Iraqi Republican Guards. Is this also true?
  2. Omg, like these ones are so so hot.
  3. Carafaat;778270 wrote: Or Abdulahi Yusuf and xabashi's. You people never cease to amaze me. Still using the Habashi card. Tell me what your score was.
  4. I'm more amused that these so called 'reer miyi' are playing mind games with the likes of you. I heard there were demonstrations across the secessionist region. lol
  5. Somalina;778218 wrote: Allahu Aclam! Waa shaqsi iska dhibaateysan, Ilaahay ha u gargaaro. Aamiin. Lol, you still mad though? I had to expose you, I am sorry, please forgive me.
  6. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumada Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa maanta booqday dugsiga Maxamuud Mire kaasoo ay wax ka bartaan ku dhowaad 1,000 arday kuwaasoo si lacag la’aan ah wax ku barta. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa booqashadiisan waxaa ku wehlinayay Wasiir kuxigeenada Wasaaradda Waxbarashada iyo maamuleyaasha iskoolka Maxamuud Mire, iyadoo ra’iisul wasaaruhu uu mid mid u gacan qaaday ardaydii halkaasi ku sugneyd wuxuuna sidoo kale booqday qeybaha xafiisyada iyo keydka iskoolka. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa u mahadceliyay shaqsiyaadkii gacanta ku hayay isla markaana badbaadiyay xilliyadii burburka wuxuuna ka sheegay goobta in maanta ay tahay maalintii ugu farxada badneyd maadaama uu hortaagan yahay boqolaal arday Soomaaliyeed oo diyaar u ah inay mustaqbalkooda dhisaan waxbarasho lacag la’aan ahna heysta. “Dowladdu waxay ahmiyad gaar ah siineysaa waxbarashada oo ah aas aaska bulshada, waxaadna la socotaan in ummad kasta ay horumarkeeda ku xirantahay heerka aqoonteeda” ayuu yiri R/wasaare Dr. Gaas oo tilmaamay in xukuumadiisu ay fursad u siisay arday fara badan in loo helo waxbarasho dibadeed oo lacag la’aan ah sida dalalka Turkiga, Sudan, Yemen iyo dalal kale oo haatan la filayo. “Waxaan ku guuleysanay inaan balanqaad ka helno dowladdo kala duwan, waxaana ka mid ah balanqaadyadaasi dhismaha wasaaradda Waxbarashada iyo Jaamacaddii Ummadda Soomaaliyeed oo dowladda Sucuudiga naga balanqaaday” ayuu yiri Mr. Gaas oo balanqaaday in iskoolka Maxamuud Mire ay u dayactiri doonto xukuumadu qeyb ka mid ah iskoolka. Dhinaca kale, R/wasaaraha ayaa kormeeray xarunta Wasaarada Arrimaha Dibadda oo la dayactiray isla markaana ay xafiisyo ka dhigteen Wasaaraddo dhowr ah oo ka soo guuray Wasaaraddii Harkaha iyo Saamaha wuxuuna R.wasaaruhu ugu baaqay Wasaaradduhu inay dardargeliyaan hwolaha bulshada ay u hayaan.
  7. kingofkings;778174 wrote: is it me or does she come off biased? sweety, if you want a pirate husband, just go to Puntland. Yeah, she is. If you remember, she's the woman who covers the secessionists.
  8. Somalina;778047 wrote: Jan 2, 2011 Cusmaano is just trolling as usual. Stop holding my own words against me!
  9. Timur;778030 wrote: I just wanted to bump this topic and laugh at the silly secessionists. I wonder how many of them are taking pills for depression right now... lol
  10. peasant;778021 wrote: Kingofkings War adiga cunigii keligiis xaafada bombalaha ka haystay oo marka la dhaho ii dhiib inyow dhihi jiray baad noqatay. Waxaan waa wax mar hore dowlada dhexe iyo puntland ay isku af garteen sharciguna wuxuu qabaa in gobolada ay la soo bixi karaan khayraadka lakiin laga rabo in ay soo celiyaan 50% si ay dowlada dhexe u isticmaasho ugana cawiso gobalada dakhligooda yaryahay. loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
  11. FreshPrince;778018 wrote: USC nor Maxamed Farax Caydiid are at fault here. Somalia's enemy wasn't USC or Caydiid or Siyaad Barre or SNF. Somalia's enemy is SNM. They masterminded the destruction of Mogadishu, they masterminded the instigation between Dblocks (SNF) and Hblocks (USC), knowing that if SNF and USC kill each other off, they can secure their interest. I am a son of SNF and I say this with pure Nationalism, USC and Caydiid are NOT the cause of Somalia's destruction. It's Siilaanyo and his SNM mafia with their help from Mengistu and British. You are giving the secessionist WAY too much credit, I mean this is a complement more than an insult.
  12. kingofkings;778007 wrote: i could have sworn dr osman worked in Puntland? This is the real Dr Osman. I wonder where this Osman got the idea for his username from....
  13. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;778001 wrote: This figure you are spewing -- you don't have a problem with it whatsoever, aha? Laakiin haddii la dhaho Soomaalida kale qeyb ayee ka leedahay quuqdaada Google dhan laga soo maqlaa. Yaab. N. B. - I don't think inay 40% helayaan kuwa qodaayo, more like 60%, waaba haddee wax qodaan, which itself I don't think is possible xiligaan sharci la'aanta jirto. Plus natural resources is a dowladda dhexe jurisdiction, not wax maamul goboleed shuqul ku leeyahay. This is not Imaaraadka ama Swiss cantons. Haddaa dowlad dhexe ka mid tahay, waa inaa sharcigeeda raacdaa. Regional governments can sign their own deals, just look at Iraqi Kurdistan.
  14. peasant;777936 wrote: ^ Hadii adan wax wanaagsan oranayn ninka threadka haka qaribin sxb. Cay iyo is nacayb waa waxa meesha ina dhigay. I just stated my opinion, nothing hateful at all. Are you going to challenge me on it?
  15. Che -Guevara;777935 wrote: lool@king and Somalia..don't too excited. Don't worry, I'll treat your kind well inshallah.
  16. It's the most uncivilised part of Somalia. Outranking the ones that kidnap children.
  17. So they don't even have anything worked out? Wow, I thought a deal was signed Mr Gaas in Galkacyo with basic terms of agreement.
  18. This happened in Baraxley, the place where they kidnap children. God damn, what a bunch of uncivilised ^%*&
  19. Does anyone have the oil agreement between TFG and Puntland? No one seems to know.
  20. kingofkings;777864 wrote: the differences are so tremendous that one asks where do i start. Well, one gets treated like a leader while the other gets treated as nothing but a politician. Do you remember what happened what Siilaanyo visited the UK? SL community hired a limo for him where he had to take it from the Taxis spot, the kind of limo teenagers use to go to proms, while Faroole was escorted by FCO straight off the plane. :cool: