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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Every no man wants a name for himself, no good niggas who think they should be in the loop when in reality it's; who the hell are you?
  2. Kamaavi;779332 wrote: Xukuumadda DDS Waa magaalada kaliya ee Soomaali daggan yahay ee ay daggan tahay xukuumad dhameystiran oo leh dhamaan waxyaabihii ay dawladi lahayd lehna awood ay ku hawlgalaan iyo karti ay ku fuliyaan. Waana midda keeneysa in caasimaddu ay yeelato nadaam dawladeed oo dhameystiran kuna hawlgalaan dhamaantood. Jidadka iyo Gaadiidka Caasimadda Jijiga waa magaalada kaliya ee faceed iyo caasimado badan ku dhaaftey dhanka jidadka iyo gaadiidka iyadoo Jijiga uu dhexmarayo Laami aad mas mooddo madawgiisa, Nalalka Traafikada oo si wanaagsan u shaqeynaya iyadoo habeenkii Jjiga farasmagaaladeedu noqdey Dharaar cad oo irbadda la arki karo. Awoodda Korontada oo si xawli ah uga hirgashey Jijiga waxey keeneysaa in ganacsiga magaaladu uu cirka isku shareero taasaana qaybweyn ka qaadaneysa in baaxadda magaalada iyo dhaqdhaqaaqeedu cirka maro. Magaalada Jijiga maalinwalba waxaa jidadkeeda ka hawlgala kumayaal dad ah oo hadda ku hawlan dhinacyada Jidka(Pavement) waxaana mararka qaar is qabta Boodhka shaqada kasocota darteed. Excellent
  3. Sensei;778864 wrote: Energy production plan 2012- turn pony poop into methane gas. Looool, is this real ? Trolling is always real.
  4. The Hermet;779288 wrote: What history do you have? other then political and military failures in every level. Somalilanders created the xeer tribal system , they wrote the somali language, they made the largest colonial power on earth sign their terms, they created the political concept of Somaliweyn, Were heads of the first independent somali state, they lead in the liberation of djibouti and Somalia...they destroyed and raped your uncle and his large army leaving you refugees up until today running around screaming khatumooo loool... Saxib what history do you have?? you have no history what so ever...Even in terms of tribe you live in villages like las canod and bosaso...While Somalilanders live in major cities like Hargaisa, Burco, Borama and others which are heavily populated.. The people of Mugdisho are the mostnumerious in Somalia followed by Somalilanders in the present state of Somalia you are a minority which is about to be ripped apart between two states and you or your khatumoo forces loool cant do anything about it.. Even in Ethiopia Somalilanders live from Gashamo to Dagaxbuur and Aware which is the entire former Reserve Area. Enjoy life in exile with the likes of Galayd screaming bacaaaaaaac .:cool: I think that says it all...when your leader and savour throws in the towel we can mutually except this is the end of the line. But dont feel bad..considering your long list of losses i thought you would be use to it by now?? Every single thing you said is false. I think I lost like 4 IQ points after reading that.
  5. Interestingly enough, I've been contemplating the very idea that we might have a set of primitive people in our midst. I mean, what could the explanation be otherwise? You stated it, we are a homogeneous people, the only ones in Africa apart from Botswana. So maybe we should explore whom in our midst is this primate and how shall we defeat him.
  6. You should have a list for 'People who disappeared under the regime', I'd be the first one on there.
  7. I always knew there was a high proportion of mentally retarded people in the secessionist regions but at least you shouldn't make fun of them by uploading them to the site. They need help, that's all.
  8. I don't think anyone is surprised it's SL TV... I mean, lets be honest, it was the same place that Al Jazeera covered, with mothers teaching their kids about clans as if it was Quran.
  9. No one should expect uncivilised primates to even understand the nature of respect. A distinguished Somali professor voices his opinion, state why you are against it.
  10. Hahahaha, dirta waqooyiga oo iskala sooci, what kind of world do we live in.
  11. Somalia

    Manly Man

    Carafaat;778400 wrote: No, I am not reer Sweden. I do however read and write Swedish and more then 40 other languages thanks to . I fooled you little brilliant *** atleast. Alright, calm down mate, I thought you were reer Goteborg.
  12. Somalia

    Manly Man

    You all ought to consider how a kid with no facial hair outplays you on SOL. I think I need to get my body checked out for the disease known as 'Brilliance'. Also Carafaat, aren't you reer Sweden?
  13. She doesn't even look like a horse.
  14. Somalia

    Manly Man

    I don't know, I haven't been able to grow a beard...
  15. Garaad Bari;778359 wrote: Zainab Badawi is a Sudani girl and knows what health from oil can do if misused,,, at the end she prayed for Somalia hoping the dicovery of oil to be blessing ffor somalis rather than curse! I don't care if she's from Mars. The wording of her questions is evidently biased. First she says "I know what you are going to say...", taking away the power of what the interviewee will say. And then she comes up with the 'Puntland government turns a blind eye', I mean, what else are they suppose to do, they don't have near the same amount of money as the pirates, she doesn't even explain the circumstance and makes it look criminal.
  16. They should convert that field in Bosaso City to a park and create a stadium outside the city or at least clear the IDP camps and create one there, when the civil war in the south finishes.
  17. The Hermet;778325 wrote: you still claiming Eastern Sanag even though as you can see Somaliland officials walking around and being welcomed...ehh its just like you claim las canod That's why a claim is done, because one believes the land belongs to him rather than the other, so I as a Puntland citizen believe that Sool, Sanaag and Cayn comes under Puntland due to clan relations.
  18. Jacaylbaro;778322 wrote: Great ..... Another Ministerial delegation are also in Badhan as we speak. Not true.
  19. But why would you post a fake video and claim it is something it ain't? An Iraqi video. :confused: As for your display, meh, I've seen better.
  20. Xaaji Xunjuf;778297 wrote: I do post the news here and there Somalia but Dr Osman beats me with the oil thing:D lol
  21. You posted a link of the Iraqi Republican Guard and now you claim you "knew" it was fake. Here's a video just for you.