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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Abokor Omar;780720 wrote: The point I'm making, my Pirate friend is that these injured people are your cousins. Who if you had a fibre of integrity you would be fightingwith shoulder to shoulder, not posting pictures of Pirates in nurses uniform. What you have posted says more about your shameful morals than ours. Men fight and someone will get injured on each side but this world has no room for cowards nor the after life. So pirate boy either pray for peace or get to the battlefield, but please spare us the cowards actions.. Well, I can't really argue against your first point other than the pirates in nurses uniform. All I see are doctors and some nurses. Weird to see a Somali female pirate who is also a nurse. ()
  2. Carafaat;780699 wrote: little Somalia, ka leexo meesha. I am discussing here with my cousin Mintid. Oh, sorry for winning an argument.
  3. Abokor Omar;780709 wrote: Pirates cant fight like men, but are happy to dress up as nurses and do what comes naturally to them.. Pirates? I don't know which movie you are watching. These are pictures of casualties from Buhoodle, Somalia who were bombarded by Somaliland tribal militias. Children are included as you see. Why do you like hurting children? What have they ever done to you?
  4. Carafaat;780646 wrote: Somalia, Somaliland has been boycotting 20 years the failed attemps of your uncles to create a goverment. So go pray for your sake and mine that it will workout this time. This one is by your daddy. At least my uncles benefited from it.
  5. The Somaliland tribal militia should stop killing innocent civilians, in the name of humanity just stop it.
  6. Freedom;780684 wrote: Nope just facts plus were is the world reaction I don't here nothing. So you need the world to react in order for you to stop killing innocent people, says a lot about you mate. I just hope the Somaliland militia will pull stop bombarding civilians.
  7. Freedom;780676 wrote: Stop with the pics of kid, propaganda to fullest I see old man You don't want the world to see the horrific atrocities perpetrated by your Somaliland militia. Understandable.
  8. Freedom;780674 wrote: Khat all Somalis chew pirates chew like crazy and people in south chew so stop Making this Somaliland thing people lol I love how you were more concerned about the khat thing making you look bad instead of your parliament being on khat being the bad thing. Your "parliament".
  9. Freedom;780667 wrote: May the dead rest in peace, but Somaliland should move forward and win Haven't moved an inch sxb
  10. Jacaylbaro;780659 wrote: And I thought there was xasuuq in Buuhoodle not the other way round ,,, No wonder you are all like that, misinformed I guess. Look at the pics. Pictures never lie.. unless photoshopped. ARE YOU SAYING THEY WERE PHOTOSHOPPED?!
  11. AUN, they were lost souls given orders by sick people. Somaliland should call back its militia so no more have to die.
  12. Elderly and children included arrive in Galkacyo, Puntland. Many more pictures:
  13. Dr_Osman;780641 wrote: I give credit where credit is due Glad you do but I just thought it was a bit weird coming from you.
  14. As if they would have the balls to boycott anything let alone something set up by their colonial masters.
  15. Safe to say you are a bit of a weird fella. :confused:
  16. The Hermet;780601 wrote: the licence plate on that vehicle arent even somaliland enstien they are somalia. the big numbers are a give away...the Somaliland licence plate has arabic, english and somali even the numbers are half one has lost this argument son...but your lot have not only lost your sanity your about to lose alot more men...the death toll from oppossing side is 30+...keep sending your sons into the grinder..lets see whose standing. Listen halfwit, that's not a license plate. Which license plate has 3 numbers?
  17. The picture posted is of a truck seized from secessionist forces. The other secessionists of this website know when to shut up but you are such an embarrassment that you keep on going even after you lost the argument.
  18. If you won the war like they did, then you'd be calling it a war. This is what you lost against.
  19. Narniah;780222 wrote: Why all of this resentment? What if he comes back? You come across scared. Man up! Are you shacking in your boots too? Fall back! already=) What resentment? Why the hell would I be scared of him, it's like debating a wall. :confused:
  20. AfricaOwn;780282 wrote: Send them to LA Enough said No, no no no no no NO! Not "enough said", nothing said. Don't say anything, hang your head in shame sxb. It's embarrassing.
  21. Interesting. I've now been told that it was Osman Atto, and that he shipped out lampposts as well, as well as some equipment at the port of Mogadishu. He also tried to take out the stadium lights but had no luck. The man is a businessman. Salute.
  22. kingofkings;780276 wrote: when did this turn into Puntland? What? @AfricaOwn, you should be embarrassed to even type anything on here, you shouldn't be posting on a day like this. I would be embarrassed too wallahi, a few dozen men... imagine if they had horses too