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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Jacpher;781237 wrote: It takes a lesser intellect to call others dameero. No it doesn't, what a profoundly poor attempt at a comeback. Dameer is a perfectly normal thing to use as an insult to people who seem less equipped mentally like the ones in your region.
  2. loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool :D:D:D:D
  3. The Zack;781215 wrote: OK, that Abdullahi comment was a joke. We are not weak, hana caayin, Shariif Canbe is weak. I know it was joke but we are weak cause we are divided. I mean within your peaceful region you are divided, so where does that leave the rest of us?
  4. The Zack;781210 wrote: Are you kidding me? Abdullahi Yusuf would have never tolerated this kind of mistreatment. He would be like "Nigga! I am going to back to Mogadisu!!!" LOL We are weak people, in the 21st century the world is considering putting us back into colonial hands. We're screwed.
  5. I like the guy, he seems cool, he's useful. As for this, I don't find it to be bad.
  6. *Blessed;746557 wrote: The name is Carrays, ya chipis. looooool
  7. It is a bigger slap in the face that Morgan spoke out against them. I love it.
  8. AsadSL;780879 wrote: i didnt do anything to thoese children please post the pictures in the topic you've made. No, but the militia you praised did. Please tell that militia that they should stop hurting children. Thank you.
  9. AsadSL;780876 wrote: The tape is fake fake fake loool you know its fake:cool: I don't know jack. I asked you to discredit it, you have yet to do so. Let me ask you, why do you like to hurt children? What have they ever done to you?
  10. AsadSL;780868 wrote: loooooool this is so fake! Keep the propaganda coming! Nope. Prove it. The tape is pure evidence that you are projecting and not showing the people your true feelings. It's ok to be sad.
  11. Children and elderly wounded by Somaliland militias in Buhoodle Somalia, 26th January 2012
  12. I laughed out loud@Somaliland aqoonsi siiya, siiya, siiya People around me might think I am crazy
  13. Saalax;780857 wrote: They are both from SSC. It's part of the media propagenda endeavor. LOL. Then I am from the moon. I come in peace
  14. Saalax;780852 wrote: The woman is from SSC camouflaged as SNM. Listen to the tape. It is more likely the man is from SSC. Look how she hesitates and nervously laughs when he almost praises SSC fighters.
  15. Dervish;780753 wrote: Naaa no courts for siilanyo I want him to be hung in the middle of buuhoodle. A fitting tribute to the last warlord standing in Somalia. It's not him, it is the people that fundamentally believe you belong to them.
  16. Xaaji Xunjuf;780821 wrote: Carafaat adeer the problem is no one likes war no one likes death and destruction but the problem is there are some anti peace elements hiding in some parts in the buhoodle district, and carrying out attacks against the Somaliland army this is unacceptable sure peace talks are needed, Or even perhaps a ceasefire. both sides are Muslims and Somalilanders there must be another way to solve this matter but no one wants to come with a long lasting solution. Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool, qosol badanaa. I bet none of this would have been said if you lost.
  17. After they lose. Why didn't they call for the peaceful solution BEFORE they went to war and LOST. Imams when it suits them.
  18. Highly entertaining clip. Thank you SSC. You warmed my heart, I will sleep comfortably tonight.
  19. LOL@Khilaaf iyaga ("Ciidanka Qaranka") oo is heesta baa la gaadey LOL@Wii qalqaleen ("Ciidanka Qaranka") LOL@Gaadista ii noo gaaden bii la farxaayaan LOL@Waa la baqaaya LOL@Gantaalo bii la wareegeen. LOL@Madaxweynaha muu seexdey LOL@Hub faro badan bii qabsadeen LOL@Burco bii soo galidoonan. GUUL SSC GUUL
  20. Wow, this thread was posted back in the day day. I used to play with Action Man, it was the best time of my life.
  21. Carafaat;780769 wrote: Qandalawi, adeer you know that in previous times wounded Las canood folks were not even allowed in Garowe, and brought to Galkacyo. So i was wondering if the Hospital and Airport Verbot was still in place in Garowe for SSC folks. No it's not forbidden for them. It's more logistical than anything else. Use a map and see which one is closer and also see which territory they would pass to get to Garowe.
  22. Dervish;780766 wrote: Their rotting corpses will be burried wrapped in the blue flag they hated soo much. Loooooooooooooool, so true.
  23. What an absolute embarrassment. Twice they try and take the city and haven't come close to it.