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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Carafaat;781625 wrote: Shamefull article. Particularly because it's Puntland who backstapped the clan. back·stabbed, back·stab·bing, back·stabs To attack (someone) unfairly, especially in an underhand, deceitful manner It was you who did this, Puntland wasn't even in the fight. How come you were unable to tame a small group of fighters, I mean, we are talking about a maximum of a few dozen. ?
  2. Forget Duke, where are you? Getting karbashed by a tiny group of loosely knit fighters. You shouldn't even be online, put your head in your pillow in shame sxb.
  3. Lol, now Faroole is a terrorist for not fighting. Hilarious What's amazing is not the message but the fact that around 2 dozen women are carrying it. That makes it invalid in any normal person's book. Make a big show of it at least.
  4. Abokor Omar;781419 wrote: My point exactly. You claim Yey was a hero as well as the mad mullah. Don't be surprised if I laugh at your claims.. I never said the Mad Mullah was a hero but he was a man with honour just like Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed. Those men knew how to deal with your kind and that's why I liked them. No one cares about Egaal or Riyaale, those men are irrelevant, they didn't have the idea, the ideology needed in Somalia. Thank you.
  5. kingofkings;781405 wrote: remember, logic is your friend. Lol, he really needs to understand that.
  6. Abokor Omar;781403 wrote: Lol, I'm glad you found it funny, plus the hundreds of your people killed also. Don't come here with nonsense. You go and learn about Shiekh Bashir before you start demanding amything of us. Because in your simple world; Yay the murderous coward traitor equals a hero, not because of his actions but because of tribal reasons. Lol Sxb, don't be mad if we judge people on their substance and reach a conclusion which questions your logic.. Of course President Abdullahi Yusuf was a hero, I am glad to have grown up in an era to witness the horror he put in your heart because that's the only way you will civilize. Somalis don't know democracy, they know fear. Traitor kulahaa, look at this, aren't you a "traitor" as well. Use your brain before you talk, I seriously recommend it. " Ethiopia and Somaliland send troops to border" . Hargeisa: SomalilandPress. 18 May 2010. Imbecile.
  7. I missed you too man, its been a long time. Did you finish your course?
  8. He made funny poems about every clan. But he wasn't an Osama. What is wrong with your kind to write such garbage?
  9. The violence there flared up after a tribal separatist militia held a meeting in the historical town of Taleeh, once the base of Sayid Abdullah Hassan, a religious fanatic and the late 19th century version of Osama bin Ladden, in which they declared the formation of a semi-autonomous state. President Ahmed Silanyo said his government would not tolerate the disintegration of Somaliland during an emergency meeting of both Houses of parliament. An army unit was dispatched to the nearby town of Buhoodle and the conference in Taleeh came to an end. Hurting little kids wasn't enough, now they try and rewrite history. Wow.
  10. The Hermet;781261 wrote: Its seems this sorry Somali race will entirely wipe itself out...considering none of us are willing to budge...lakin unfortunate walahi the children...breaks my heart walahi....all this because of these ****** SSC so called *******s who bring instability into this peaceful country...cant you see its better to live in peace with your naihbour and prosper then be killed by your believe in the concept that its better to be killed by your brother then live and prosper with your naibour...?? it doesnt make sense to me walahi.... Why do you hurt children, I mean they haven't done anything at all..
  11. Mr Xaaji Xunjuf, first of all, I would love to see who handpicks the leaders of these so-called enclaves. Second, you have a track record of handpicking people. For example after the death of Mr Egaal, a man from a minority clan, Mr Riyaale was selected purely out of political masquerading to show the world a minority man could rule. But we both know he didn't have much power did he?
  12. My favourite show of all time You will never find a series that will even come close to matching it.
  13. Jacaylbaro;781351 wrote: ^^ he is telling you Bugland is mafia dee We didn't know. Thank you so much for clarifying that. You are an indispensable asset to the site.
  14. Puntland government should shut the hell up in this instance. :mad:
  15. Dr_Osman;781312 wrote: Werent you saying that about garad salebaan also? there is no force in Puntland, states can join freely and leave freely, the constitution of the TFG is clear regarding the formation of states and there is no force allowed. Exactly, the man has 2 tongues.
  16. It's the talk of every cafe, I am in one right now, it's hilarious. How were Ciidanka Qaranka defeated. It will be asked for years
  17. The Wire, Breaking Bad, Boardwalk Empire, Game of Thrones, The Sopranos, Rubicon (until cancelled after 1 season).
  18. The Hermet;781282 wrote: what insures buhoodle is part of somaliland is not the press...its a piece of paper in the presidential office signed by all the tribes of somaliland in 1991 that states end of all hostilities, the somaliland borders are thus this...and that the union with somalia is no more...etc... unlike your kind we somalilanders dont have a habit of talking out of our a%%% ... buhoodle is legally part of somaliland today and according to the union between somaliland and somalia along the colonial borders of british somaliland and italian somalia buhoodle is part of somaliland. :cool: so no one actually gives a dam..if you dont agree. Show me the agreement
  19. @Somalina, there's some pictures you haven't posted from Krupar.
  20. AfricaOwn;781193 wrote: Is all politics, example: the pirates are clearly against the Buuhoodle incidents, but celebrated for Abdullahi Yusuf when he brought the Ethiopians to slaughter the people of the south. Stop with the diversion politics.