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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Xaaji Xunjuf;783247 wrote: Somaliland does not want to secede along clan lines they declared independence on the bases of the boundaries of prior 1960.Not so sure what you are talking about why inject clanish talks into this topic. Colonial boundaries set up by the British. In the 21st century we have people claiming colonial borders set up by a third people. Unbelievable.
  2. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;783235 wrote: She raised good points, saaxiib. Especially that shady company by the name of Range Resources. Here from Faroole's own mouthpiece, Garoowe Online: Of course, this article was written in 2008 when Cadde Muuse ka talinaaye gobolladaas Waqooyi Bari. Is Faroole's mouthpiece (his son) a 'hater' as well? Will they remove this article now? Hmm... Santander, the bank, invested in Bernie Madoff, does that mean Santander is guilty by association? And no, the arguments against Range Resources by Faroole's son was no valid evident by the fact that he himself is working with them now.
  3. ElPunto;783219 wrote: There isn't much substance there. The splits she's talking about can and will be (re)negotiated. Small companies make big finds all the time - and yes they do get bought up by majors - but it doesn't negate the actual find simply because a small company found it. The environment?? - we're talking Africa here - people need to eat first. And her last 5 points are irrelevant - war torn South Sudan was exporting crude oil for many years with little of those she mentions. Somalida need to relax. At this stage - what's needed is to pray that anything found will be of benefit to the Somali people not gratuitous negativity. Warya Somalia - why do you keep saying the crude has to be refined - it doesn't. You can sell crude as is. It's internationally priced - here - I know that it doesn't before selling but Somalia doesn't have a refinery, Yemen does, several like the Safer refinery in Marib. ___________________________________________________________ Another note for the author is that Hunt Oil before Yemen was just like Range Resources. This is nothing more than haterade.
  4. No one ever thought that 2 trillion dollars would be paid out to Somalia, it's what the oil is worth. Second, this girl needs to know more about regions where oil are exported and that you don't need a central government. You need a country that will refine the oil for you and sell it in the market. This was recently done by Qatar on behalf of the Libyan rebels. As of a few months ago the Iraqi Kurdistan region negotiated with the Iraqi government to export its oil through a pipeline and before that during Saddam's era, the region exported the oil itself. You need a country to market the oil for you and Puntland would most likely be using Yemen. Her point with "no genuine company will consider spending a dollar to explore oil in Somalia" is just plain false, tens of millions have been spend already and no one pulls a rig onto a place like Somalia if there's no real chance of success. Does this look like no "spending"? Veiled language is so obvious these days.
  5. 5. SSC fundamentally belonging to Puntland. 6. Puntland oil rescuing the rest of Somalia
  6. I love it. Seems to me the only man in post 1991 politics which put fear in your bones was him. Ethiopian this, Ethiopian that, the secessionists are more treacherous than any other man in Somalia including him and the Ethiopians are in the country today but I don't see you whining about that. But please, move on, only women hold the past by the balls. He took you, he played you so stop whining.
  7. Don't cry. I made my points clear with the Xaaji, step aside son.
  8. Some of the comments in The Sun Somalian prisons are real prisons while British prisons are like cheep but nice holiday camps Fantastic!!, let get some trials in the UK for these prisons. May be have a third time caught and you end up here sort of thing.
  9. The Hermet;782882 wrote: For them its a matter of survival, i.e. want war against Somaliland is suicide as they have come to learn and see recently. :cool: looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool, you are funny, which bubble do you live in?
  10. I know, the Sayid didn't select people based on clan but his followers were mainly from 2 clans as previous shown. This quote backs up the earlier one about how the particular clan was not on his side and the story behind it. r. On 21 January 1920, ‘Z’ unit of the Royal Air Force attacked all of the Daraawiish bases simultaneously. Most of them had never seen an aeroplane before and were disoriented, their forts were destroyed and they were driven into the ******* (Hess, 1964: 432). There they regrouped, but were immediately subject to a smallpox outbreak that killed many. The British sent a delegation to offer peace, and the creation of a small religious settlement, but determined to demonstrate the strength of his resolve, Mohamed ‘Abdille refused, and instead mounted a raid on an Isaak on the Ethiopian border. So what does this show you? First I said you didn't fight with him, then you claimed he was a sick man and that was the reason. Now you claim that you did fight with him against the British. Pick a side man, just do it.
  11. First of all, they were the ones fighting your fight, that's what I said. This is while you were protected by the very same people they were fighting. You are trying to turn this into a clan thing, you people didn't fight alongside him, you fought against him. Look here
  12. Xaaji Xunjuf;782576 wrote: No the poet was actually related to the Mullah on his Maternal side he called him all kind of names, Islam and the Mullah you do know the so called Sayid was disowned by his own Religious teacher Muhammad bin salih.I don't think he was able teaching any one the fine principles of our beloved religion Islam.. Inaan Bile tagoogada ka xidhay, tebiya oo geeya Inuu xaarka taallada ka dhigay, tebiya oo geeya Inaad gaalo taag daran tihiin, tebiya oo geeya Labamaare inuu tiirsan yahay, tebiya oo geeya Shanle-dheere inuusan wax tarin, tebiya oo geeya Cabdiraxiin inuusan tol helin, tebiya oo geeya Daraawiishi inaysan tureyn, tebiya oo geeya In Ustaadku tiir-dhaadan yahay, tebiya oo geeya Somalia he called you're king Osman a weak infidel ? It doesn't matter if he called him a infidel, what matters is the man's actions. That's what we are speaking of. He was the one who fought the British, you did not. That's why he is in the history books. But you didn't touch on the fact that you never were given any attention by the Monarch that you loved so dearly. So it was men from other clans that were fighting for your freedom, that's where the hatred fundamentally stems from. Heck, maybe it's the reason why you want independence now, maybe you want a second chance at freedom all done by yourself? SNM = "freedom", Think about it.
  13. Xaaji Xunjuf;782569 wrote: Wadaadki waalna was coined by Mr Ali dhuux adan gorayo Ashaaday ba gaalki waka af iyo been dhe Abtirsiintadu waxay gasha eyda reer xamar eh The poet? Show me, funny little anecdote, ironic given the history you had before the Sayid showed you the light of Islam. So in reality, you are saying that the poet from the British loving clan made the term to diss the people fighting for their freedom? () Wow
  14. Xaaji Xunjuf;782538 wrote: The Dervishes were a group as the modern Alshaabist they used to identify them selves as Xarakata Darawiish Saalxiya it was not a clan or a group. The Sultan there you posted was described by the Mad Mullah as the Dulihi shareerna he was later locked up in Seychelles by the brits. See, you are proving my point. "Mad Mullah", a word invented by the British to delegitimize his cause. It's just goes to show my previous point regarding cuqdad against the other clans who fought for the independence of Somaliland. It was the Daraawish, where were you? I always see the secessionists talking about the Somaliland Camel Corps as if it's something you wear as a badge of honour. This is your history.
  15. The Daraawish were mainly made up of one clan. It's one of the reasons why people like him have a huge cuqdad against the people of SSC when looking at it historically. The Sultan of Sultans of Somaliland as he was known was from Sanaag, a man who was respected and known in the West while the Daraawish forces from Sool were respected for the fight they took against the British. They were the only ones fighting colonialism and were revered for it. The British monarchy at least noticed their importance but never gave you any love even though you were the most loyal. Famous UK Magazine 'History Today'
  16. MoonLight1;782350 wrote: Xaaji, I think Morgan just want to claim back his villa, whats wrong with that? I heard he used to have fun there.