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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Xaaji Xunjuf;784256 wrote: What lool one of the owner defects to Somaliland even better just like back home Normally a new .index page being made to put it in your face "YOU ARE HACKED". This hacker is being careful not to ruin the site. This website was a lot of trouble though, so kudos.
  2. That's not a hack, the owners of the website had a dispute and one wrote that.
  3. Somalina;784245 wrote: Cusmaan teenager aan ahaay iyo sheekooyiinka paltalk aad isku aqriso intaad ka baxdo, waxaad lahayd noo sheeg adigoo documents haysto. Weligaa inaad Xamar aragtey uma maleynaayo, iska dhaaf inaad guri ku lahayd. Wuu ku sugaaya waxaad hayso la imow. WTF. PALTALK? Now you are accusing me of being on the dead-beat zone of Paltalk? I'm honestly mostly insulted by that and not the Cusmaano accusation. Wow. I've never said I owned anything. I said my parents owned. Look at the messages again. I clearly stated I am just a teen so how would it even be possible. Somalina, my love for you is too strong for our battles, we will conquer it all, just as soon as you pretend that I am this so-called Cusmaano. I can't wait for Dr_Osman to log on and see this.
  4. Somalina;784239 wrote: I think you're delusional, and you are right if you were to go in Xamar you will be shot outside of Aden Adde International, you see that's the only way to deal with Cusmaano. Do you know how many houses you owned in Mogadishu, do you have numbers? Waxaadan lahayn waad ku qarwi kartaa. Keep trolling Cusmaano, that's the only thing you're great at. Love makes me delusional, I love you gacliso. How many I owned personally? Well, I am a teenager so I wasn't even around to buy anything. But my parents sure owned a lot. As for the statement that the people who owned the city were native to other parts of Somalia, an honest native of Mogadishu will tell you that. "Waxaadan lahayn", ok waa war cad, that one is noted. It is written in my notebook
  5. Somalina;784233 wrote: Dawlada H.E Sharif wey hanaqaadey, ciidamada qalabka sida waa la isku dareeyo coast to coast, Xamar waa la xoreeyey, dadka guriyaha sida sharci darada ugu jiraa haraati ayaa lagaga saarooyaa. Haha been badanaa, if I go to Mogadishu your kind will eat me apart. Most of the properties in Mogadishu were owned by people who weren't native to the region I doubt they will get back what is rightfully theirs. I still don't see why you think I am Cusmaano, I think Xaaji would even attest to that. Our grammar, writing style is even different.
  6. Somalina;784204 wrote: Why don't you start with your heart? Xoogaa jug maa tahay? My heart is clean, politics is in my DNA that you can't fix. Xaaji Xunjuf;784209 wrote: Awoowo why are the pirates angry where warlord cabdilahi yusuf failed a son of Mogadishu succeeded and that's what matters in 2012 . @Xaaji, there wouldn't even have been a TFG in Mogadishu if it wasn't for Abdullahi Yusuf, his very ideology is being carried out in Mogadishu as we speak, it's called federalism. I am glad the man still makes you scared. What a lion. As for Mogadishu, who fixed it? Was it Farmaajo or Sheikh Shariif, it looks to me the people who left the city had to come back to fix it for you, and yes, I mean you.
  7. Somalina;784160 wrote: Cusmaano cabaad badnidaa dhur ku baxee. I'm telling these young people to cleanse their hearts and understand that it's all politics, not to take it personal. Ain't that right darling?
  8. Carafaat;784020 wrote: War isku xishoo. anaga hal magaalo haa no kala saarin. shalayna Suldaan ayaa lagu dilay xafada kale, maanta dhaqtar xagan. waxba isma dhaaman labaduba, hadii kale heerkaas mee gareen oo mid ayaa tanasul yeelan lahaa. Ma naag baan ahay markaa xishoo ii tiri :confused: The people to blame for all of this is clear. It's the lack of governing on the "Galmudug" side. And it is true that is should be called by the name of Baraxley because it is a one neighbourhood administration and they can't even control that while they are trying to expand elsewhere.
  9. I listen to it, don't hold it against me. Now I listen to old skool rap, 1980-1990s but songs of the early 2000s reminds me of my early childhood, I get nostalgic. Plus it's much better than the stuff nowadays, I can't remember the last time I look at the Billboard. Ja Rule and Ashanti had some good songs together. Some others are Always on Time and Happy. I'll post some more later.
  10. Xaaji Xunjuf;784079 wrote: But that happened in the 80s what is the connection to what is happening today i mean i don't see the connection between Abdi cawar and Siyad bare ,what is this every one hates my clan do not be so angry no one hates you Somalia stop being so paranoid. Who said we are talking about being opponents in Politics i don't think Somaliland deals with Pirates never did they when Somaliland deals with you're kind is when Somaliland deals with Somalia as a whole. Only a person with severe hatred makes threads like these with the snarky little comments such as "Garowe clan enclave", "pirate leader". I see the connection, if you had an ounce of brain power you'd know that I am referring to the bombardments in the 1980s and the fact that they may have caused something in you people that made you as you are today. There's no other logical explanation to all of this. I mean, I am honestly not even angry, I feel pity cause you could do just as well as Puntland but you think everyone is against you. At least I have a reason to think so when reading your comments. Saalax proved my point in this thread. It's classic projection, projecting his feelings onto others that have absolutely nothing to do with it. The thread is about Mogadishu, yet he says this. Saalax;783921 wrote: Excellent. The pirate ninnies must be biting their fingers, for there is no Garowe village to be the capital. What that has to do with Garowe, I just don't see. So please, cleanse your heart and at least try to be as slick as Puntland, it'll get you somewhere.
  11. Xaaji Xunjuf;784061 wrote: But what does Cabdi cawar and the pirates being freed got to do with the 1980s he was a young man in the 80s was Abdi cawar part of the regime of the late General Siyad bare? Nothing, I am referring to the fact that you were bombed back to the stone age and still holding a grudge, but not against the people who committed it. It's the unfounded hatred that I do not understand. I mean, personally I don't give much thought to you people, I don't see you as a worthy opponents in the field of politics, you rank alongside the minorities you rape in Caynabo, but at least I understand why the people of the south are the way they are towards my kind, but damn me if I can understand your logic.
  12. Xaaji Xunjuf;784051 wrote: ^^ What does Cabdi cawar got to do with the 80s The 1980s was a tough time for you people, maybe that's why you suffer from cuqdad and attention seeking. No one gives a damn about the secessionist region. The only time I like to talk of it is when you people posted threads like these but then I realised it was in your nature to make them and I stopped with my heartbreaking inflammatory investigative rape series in the Somalidiid region. Continue on your path of jealousy and envy. I thought you people moved on but man, you are stuck in the Camel Corps era.
  13. Only a secessionist suffering from post-1980 traumatic stress, schizophrenia and envy comes up with a title like that. Great job.
  14. Baraxley, Galmudug now started killing its own professionals. So wrong
  15. He has a PhD doctoral, what does Siilaanyo have that is remotely close? Does he even have masters? Stop hating son, we making money and taking over.
  16. Abtigiis;783955 wrote: What is truly baffling about Somaliland’s secession agenda is not that it doesn’t have buyers, but that it is marketed by leaders who do not believe in it. Mohamed Haji Ibrahim Igal was a closet believer in unified Somalia; Abdirahman Tuur openly showed where his heart was soon after he left the perch of Presidency; we all know the whole gimmick was about buying houses in Cairo and renting opulent flats in Paris for Siyaad’s former spy Rayaale ; and Silaanyo’s doubts about the cause of Somaliland, the one he reluctantly leads, is well acknowledged. Wisest man in all of the land. uchi;783956 wrote: Could someone summaries this into 1 paragraph for me~ just the gist of it would do. Somaliland gun mess'd up hard homie.
  17. Why you mad son? WHY YOU MAD? You mad? Stop being mad son, we making that cash money.
  18. Saalax;783940 wrote: Pirate ninny projecting his ill feelings to the thread. Exhibt A. Wow, just wow. The man @Saalax doesn't even know the difference between projecting and stating something. I stated my opinion, you projected your opinion onto me. I mean we ain't talking about rocket science here. Why do you feel the need to steer attention to Puntland in a thread that's about Mogadishu? The only logical explanation is that you are afraid of the future, just like Faisal Waraabe. Listen to this at 6:20
  19. Carafaat;783935 wrote: uchi, asking question regarding natural resources in Somalia can't be called hate speeches. But you seem to be angry, care to explain why? Care to explain the sudden interest of other people in the affairs of Puntland?
  20. Saalax;783933 wrote: That is the speak of the Pirate anxiety of witnessing Mogadishu get stronger. Howelse would you explain Pirate ninnies spewing their deep seated hatred and lowliness complex on Mogadishu associated threads? Again, you are projecting YOUR feelings onto me. Why? Why do you feel the need to project what you feel onto me? Just express yourself man, it's getting pathetic. It is in my interest that the capital is safe and not yours. Get it straight. Why did you edit your last comment as well, made it look less pathetic than it was.
  21. I honestly pity you more than anything else. People reading this can see the fear arising in the bones of the secessionists and thus they feel obligated to project their feelings onto me. Get off of me man!
  22. Saalax;783921 wrote: Excellent. The pirate ninnies must be biting their fingers, for there is no Garowe village to be the capital. Projection Psychology a. The attribution of one's own attitudes, feelings, or suppositions to others: "Even trained anthropologists have been guilty of unconscious projectionof clothing the subjects of their research in theories brought with them into the field" (Alex Shoumatoff). b. The attribution of one's own attitudes, feelings, or desires to someone or something as a naive or unconscious defense against anxiety or guilt.