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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Gaalkacyo:”Somaliland ugu dulqaadan mayno inay markasta na yasto”Afhayeenka Galmudug. Gaalkacyo : (Allpuntland)-Maamulka Galmudug ayaa canbaarayn kulul usoo jeediyey maamul goboleedka Waqooyi Galbeed Soomaaliya ee Somaliland taasoo ay Galmudug ku eedaysay in Somaliland ay kula dhaqanto dhaqan xumo iyo Aflagaado joogto ah oo ay Yasid iyo macno yarayn jiritaanka Galmudug ah taasoo ay Somaliland usoo qaadato maamul liita ama aanan jirin. Afhayeenka Maamulka Galmudug Axmed Maxamed Baasto oo Maanta Warfidiyeenada kula hadlay magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa sheegey in galmudug ay marar badan u dulqaadatay Dhaqan xumada iyo Aflagaadada maamulka la magacbaxay Somaliland taasoo uu sheegey inay Si diciifnimo ah iyo yasid ah ula dhaqanto Galmudug taasoo uu ku tilmaamay mid aan sina loogu dulqaadan Karin. Afhayeenka Galmudug ayaa sheegey in Dawladiisu ay canbaaraynayso hadalada ay Somaliland markasta soo qaadato oo ay kamidyihiin”Annagu maamul Xaafadeed sida Galmudug oo kale ah lama fariisanayno”, Wuxuuna sheegey in taas ay ka xunyihiin. Xafiiska Wararka Allpuntland, K/Gaalkacyo.
  2. Oodweyne;771576 wrote: Hence the genesis of "Garowe Principles" and why some are happy to go the "second stage" of Somalia long road of "stealth trusteeship" (even if this time it will be under the AU as opposed to UN , which it was previously), and some are not happy with it... All in all; this is a second half of a long game. And unlike the first half of this same game, whereby, UN and Mr. Mahiga (and all of his predecessors) were the "referees" of this "trusteeship" ; this time around, Mr. Museveni (or who ever he chooses to be the AU's peace envoy for Somalia) and the rest of contributing nations from Africa will be the "guarantors" and the "referees" of this AU's trusteeship over Somalia. And, the local actors that have signed the "Garowe Principles" will be the local "stake-holders" , in which this "new trusteeship" will be based on, in-terms of the "legitimacy" it will have... This, my friend, is the "real game" , that is afoot in here... Stop putting "" where it doesn't belong, your grammar boggles my mind. :confused: As for the Garowe Principles, it is a very legitimate and wide reaching agreement based on the original states of Somalia. If you want to start from the beginning it would be the original 8 states of Somalia and that one just ain't realistic.
  3. You think a clan concern is legitimate? Alright, then I disagree with you. I personally stated that I didn't support drilling but I see why others do. And yes, these resources will be shared among Somalis but I don't care which end you are from, if you post garbage like this and expect people to take it and go "oh, that's right, the environment, how clever, I didn't think of that one", then I can't help you.
  4. kingofkings;784963 wrote: not happening. They can eat one another, each other, or eat whom ever, but no us. Not on our watch. What you are witnessing in this thread is a taster, a taster of what will arise if oil is found. Forget about the environment which they care so much about now, the lengths they will go to, to make sure you do not succeed will be enormous. If a person can make such an article what is next? The wind, are they going to say the wind is too strong for the rig so this might be a disaster? I just don't understand after 20 years of killing, raping and pillaging each other they got the nerve to talk about people who have gone forward, while they have dragged down the Somali name. And the icing on top, he talks about others being "neo-qabyaaladists", he ain't far off who is a qabilist though, a mirror is needed.
  5. Dr_Osman;784865 wrote: Duufaan, werent u the same guy who said the ICU captured Puntland back in 2006? The same gu who said Puntland wont be able to withstand the USC? The Same Guy who said Dahir aways al-itihaad will take Puntland? You have alot to learn duufaano Lol
  6. It's an excellent camera, I was opting for the Olympus Pen but this one is far better.
  7. kingofkings;784954 wrote: something will be hard for people to comprehend even if you say it a thousand times. Listen, these people are afraid for clan reasons, nothing more, nothing less. After 20 years of eating each other, they want to eat you sxb.
  8. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;784776 wrote: Waa markee ciyaalka isku camiri jireen with their petulant melodrama-like playground behaviours. Daa'uud, ha isku daalin dadkaan, the neo-qabyaaladists. No wonder kuwa goosashadoonka wants nothing to do with certain folks. I can understand now. Iyagaa ka daran separatists. As though dadka inay ka xigaan camal dhulkaas iskugu camiraayo. We will always question what is not good for Soomaaliya, regardless the expected knee-jerk, pettish reactions or not. You will question what is not good for your clan, that is expected, just down give us the excuse that it is for Somalia. Somalia as you wanted it is gone, and for good reason, it's Federal, so it is not for you to worry about Puntland's regional affairs. I explained it to you before, oil is not a national matter anymore, but you know that. The article itself was baloney, 15 pages in a thread for a cuqdad filled article. If the article had any merit, I'd be siding with it because I personally didn't want oil to be drilled but I see why others do, but at least I do not pretend it was for the "environment", convenient people care about the environment all of a suddent. Furthermore, to make this project seem legitimate, a few pictures where taken of the two areas with equipment staging a lucrative “come buy me” position. Excuse me? Last I checked, technology is so advanced that finding oil takes minimum effort by simply pointing a satellite. It looks to me that they are trying to gas up the hype. Forget the snark references. Kulahaa satellite pictures can find oil. God help us all.
  9. kingofkings;784929 wrote: why write meaningless paragraphs when you can watch with own two eyes your leaders attend the meeting:confused: Afterall, if it was up to you, and it's not, you wouldn't be here moaning and complaining. Don't even bother we these lot. Their house of cards is crumbling around them. Forget the international community, the TFG, Khatuumo/SSC, Puntland, Awdal, Somali Galbeed or even Djibouti, they themselves internally have a massive rift, their minority clans within the secessionist clan seem to long for Somaliweyn due to mistreatment, ironically the same mistreatment that caused them to be the first rejector of Somaliweyn in 1961, lack of power.
  10. Monk-of-Mogadishu wrote: I guess it wasn't important to launch this party when Indhacadde was stripping the Lower Shabelle of its trees for a whole decade! What are the odds of this happening now, eh? Man, it looks like Somalis finally care about the environment when there is a reason not to care ($$$ + progress). ---mother****ing jaahils, may they swallow a razor with their cornflakes! ^^ :D:D
  11. Jacaylbaro;784707 wrote: give him some history lessons .... the kids born after 1991 are so blind Or they are annoyingly correct
  12. ElPunto;784678 wrote: ^Heh - what about the '.5'? The .5 will be counted on one of the wives maternal line.
  13. It's minus 11 Celsius in the UK and no snow. Winter has come in a British fashion.
  14. AsadSL;784669 wrote: Horta kan wuu liiita in everyway. Brilliance is now bad? Lol
  15. No one is obsessed, he reported a news story regarding Somalia, he said that Somaliland will attend under the flag with a 5 point star.
  16. The reason is simple. The secessionists are not worth the same as the people of Somali Galbeed. Ethiopians have much more to lose than to gain if they side with the weaker and more irrelevant side.
  17. Before they say : Waagacusub :D:D:D I will get Hadhwanaag for them. Hargeysa (HWN)- Dawladda Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, ayaa goaan ka gaadhay ka qaybgalka shirka dawladda Ingiriisku qabanqaabinayso ee lagaga hadlayo arrimaha Soomaaliya oo la qorsheeyey inuu dabayaaqada bishan ka qabsoomo magaalada London. Wargeyska Jamhuuriya ayaa ogaaday xalay in dawladda Somaliland goaansatay inay ka qaybgasho shirka arrimaha Soomaaliya lagaga hadlayo oo 23ka February 2012 ka dhici doona magaalada London, iyadoo Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibedda Dr. Maxamed Cabdillaahi Cumar uu caddeeyey inuu meesha ka baxay werwerkii Somaliland ka qabtay ka qaybgalkaa shirkaas, kadib markii ay wadahallo arrintaas la xidhiidha la yeesheen dawladda Ingiriiska, wadaxaajoodyadaasna ka soo baxeen in ka qaybgalka shirka London aannu wax dhaawac ah ama saamayn ah ku yeelanayn madaxbannaanida iyo qaranimada Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland. Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibedda Somaliland Dr. Maxamed Cabdillaahi Cumar oo ka soo laabtay shalay booqasho uu muddo toddobaad ah ku joogay magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Itoobiya oo Jamhuuriya khadka telefoonka ugu warramay xalay, waxa uu sheegay in dawladda Ingiriisku u caddaysay in Somaliland shirka London uga qaybgeli doonto qaab ka duwan sida maamullada kalee ka jira dalka Soomaaliya, isla markaana aanay Somaliland waxba ka khusayn ajandaha lagaga hadlayo khariiddada nabadda Soomaaliya (Road Map), marka laga reebo in Somaliland talo laga weydiiyo sida xasillooni looga hirgelin karo waddanka colaaduhu aafeeyeen ee Soomaaliya. Waxa jiray wadahadallo xidhiidh ah oo u socday dawladaha Somaliland iyo Ingiriiska oo la xidhiidhay qaabka Somaliland uga qaybgelayso shirka arrimaha Soomaaliya lagaga hadlayo ee ka dhacaya magaalada London, markaa waxa dawladda Ingiriisku noo caddaysay in aanay Somaliland qayb ka ahayn khariidadda nabadda (Road Map) ee lagaga hadlayo shirka London, arrintaas oo ku kooban qaybaha kalee dalka Soomaaliya iyo sidii nabad waarta looga hirgelin lahaa Soomaaliya dhibaatooyinka colaaduhu ragaadiyeen. Waxay Ingiriisku noo sheegay in shirka London aannu wax saamayn ah ku yeelanayn Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, balse loo baahan yahay tallada Somaliland ka gaysanayso qaabka xasillooni looga hirgelin karo Soomaaliya, sidaa darteed uu ka qaybgalka shirka London faaiido u leeyahay Somaliland, maadaama lagu casuumay madax badan oo ka kala socday qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada caalamka. Wadahadallada aannu la yeelanay dawladda Ingiriiska waxa nooga soo baxay in werwer badan oo shirka London naga hayey ama aannu ka qabnay hadda naga baxay oo ka qaygalkeennu aannu wax saamayn ah ku yeelanayn madaxbannaanida iyo jiritaanka Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, dawladda Ingiriiskuna arrintaasi way noo caddaysay, ayuu yidhi Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibedda Somaliland. Waxa kaloo Dr. Maxamed Cabdillaahi Cumar uu sheegay in daraasad badan oo Somaliland shirkaas ku samaysay ay ka soo baxday in ka qaybgalka shirka London uu Somaliland u yahay fursad qaali ah. Markii aannu darisnay shirka arrimaha Soomaaliya ee London, isla markaana aragnay qaabka dawladda Ingiriisku shirkaas uga qaybgalayso Somaliland waxa noo soo baxday in Somaliland fursad weyn ugu jirto ka qaybgalka shirka London, taas oo wax u taraysa qaddiyadda madaxbannaanida iyo aqoonsi-raadinteenna, iyadoo madaxda reer Somaliland ee ka qaybgala shirka London heli doonaan fursad ay madaxda adduunka iyo hayadaha caalamka ee iyaguna shirkaas ka qaybgalaya kaga dhaadhiciyaan qaddiyadda goonni-isu taagga Somaliland iyo taariikhda Somaliland leedahayba. Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibedda Somaliland oo la weydiiyey waxa uu yahay doorka Somaliland kaga qaybgalayso shirka London ee laga hadlayo arrimaha Soomaaliya, waxa uu ku jawaabay; Doorka Somaliland kaga qaybgalayso shirka London wuxuu yahay sidii ay Somaliland beesha caalamka iyo ka qaybgalayaasha shirkaas ugu soo bandhigi lahayd qaddiyadda madaxbannaanida Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland iyo sidii aannu talo uga gaysan lahayn qaabka xasilloonida iyo kala dambaynta loogu soo dabbaalayo dalka aynu dariska nahay ee Soomaaliya, dawladda Ingiriiskuna waxay doonaysaa in laga faaiidaysto khibradda Somaliland u leedahay dhisidda dawladnimadda iyo adkaynta nabadgelyada, markaa sida dalal kalee jaarka la ah Soomaaliya sida Itoobiya, Kenya iyo Uganda u doonayaan in xal loo helo dawlad laaanta ka jira Soomaaliya ayey Somaliland qudheeduna doonaysaa in nabad laga dhaliyo Soomaaliya, shirkaasna waxay Somaliland kaga qaybgalaysaa sidii ay beesha caalamka uga codsan lahayd in taageero loo fidiyo Somaliland, gaar ahaan dhinacyada la-dagaalanka budhcad-badeedda iyo argagixisada oo ah waxyaabaha la doonayo in xoogga lagu saaro shirka London. Dhinaca kale, sida ku cad qoraallo Jamhuuriya helay oo ka soo baxay kulan loogu gogol xaadhayo shirka London oo 10kii bishii January ee la soo dhaafay dawladda Ingiriisku ku qabatay magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya, waxa la doonayaa in Somaliland shirka London kaga qaybgasho qaab ka duwan hannaanka ay kaga qaybgalayaan dawladda Sheekh Shariif, maamul-goboleedada Puntland, Galmudug iyo kooxda Ahlu Sunah Wal-jamaaca, waxana qorshaha dawladda Britain wadato ee Somaliland shirkaas kaga qaybgalayso ka cadhooday oo shaki xooggan ka muujiyey maamulka Sheekh Shariif oo ku dooday in arrintaasi dhaacawayso midnimada dalka Soomaaliya, isla markaana muhiim tahay in Ingiriisku awooddiisa u adeegsado sidii Somaliland uga qaybgeli lahayd wadahallada nabadeed ee dalka Soomaaliya, miiskana ula fadhiisan lahayd maamullada ka jira Soomaaliya. Dawladda Ingiriisku waxa ay kulanka ka dhacay Nairobi ka sheegtay in aanay ku hawlanayn qorshe lagu dhaawacayo midnimada dalka Soomaaliya, sidoo kalena aanay si rasmi ah u aqoonanayn madaxbannaanida Somaliland, balse waxay dawladda Britain caddaysay in Somaliland gacan weyn ka geysan karto mustaqbalka Soomaaliya iyo sidii xasillooni looga dhallin lahaa, taasina tahay sababta Somaliland loogu martiqaaday shirka 23ka bishan February ka dhici doona magaalada London. Cabsida maamulka Sheekh Shariif ka qabto qaabka Somaliland uga qaybgalayso shirka London, ayaa muujinaya in dawladda Ingiriisku qorshaysay hannaan ka duwan maamullada kalee Soomaaliya ka jira oo Somaliland uga qaybgalayso shirkaas, kaas oo ah in Somaliland talo ku darsato xasilloonida iyo dhismaha dawlad loo dhan yahay oo ka dhalata dalka Soomaaliya oo nabadgelyo-darro xun ka taagnayd 21kii sanno ee la soo dhaafay. jamhuuriya
  18. Inshallah I will get 4 wives due to this oil, one from each clan to bring unity among Somalis when I become President.
  19. Oodweyne;784612 wrote: No, Turkey sees Somalis in general as a very enterprsing lot; and,therefore, their hope, is use as a conduit to get in on the act of business opportunities in horn as well as east africa, and in Ethiopia. And, their altumate goal is that of creating a first step for their "Gülen movement" , with it's large and behemoth finance and economical footprint in the muslim world. And, this of course, is no different from the Wahabi-affliated charities and business in much of the muslim world. In other words, this a generational strategy of building political, economical and social influence in much of the muslim world. And, therefore, just like Wahabi's footprint was first observed in serious way in late 1960s in the Somali peninsula, we are know going to see the first footprints of this Turkish model of Islamic society taking root in our peninsula. This is the game that is at foot in here, my friend... Wait a minute, I agree. :eek:
  20. It's a nice stadium. I think Garowe should have one, maybe 25000 seater and turn the current site into a park. Make a thread about it.
  21. General Duke;784253 wrote: Somalia, stop with the clannish nonsense. Also don't insult the people of Galmudug. Attack politician all you like, but be respectful of the people. "Clannish nonsense", what was clannish about what I wrote? Please go ahead and explain. Stop polishing yourself.
  22. Somalina;784270 wrote: "I can't teach you my swag, you can pay for school but you can't buy class." Doesn't matter, our future is set.