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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Looks excellent but you shouldn't brag to an Oil Sheikh, that shit will get back to hunt you.
  2. Nin-Yaaban;785280 wrote: Good point. But what was the purpose behind Iraq? Almost 10yrs later, thousands dead, trillions in debt, and Iraqis are no more closer/friendly with the U.S than when Saddam was in power. What have they really accomplished, what was their endgame? As for Iran, i really think a war is going to happen, and this is all about containing China and it's access to OIL. The U.S can't economically compete with China, so they are trying to limit it's access to things that keep China's economy rolling. They went after Libya, broke up Sudan into two countries and are now looking doing the same to Iran. I am sure the Chinese (and the Russians) see the writing on the wall. That's why China refused to cut it's oil import's from China and are vetoing everything. I dunno, but i really hope this ends peacefully. Well lets see what they gained in Iraq. They gained oil contracts but they don't even need that oil, they got plenty in Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Canada. So why would invade a country with a Shiite majority when they are hostile to the Shiite neighbour, full well knowing that when they leave Iraq will not be on their side and join Iran which they have had their eyes on since 1979. I honestly have no idea why they would do it. There's no logical reason for it other than it being a message to the rest of the world that they are capable, or what's known as a New world order, not the conspiracy bullshit, the political aspect where history enters a new dramatic change, maybe they were facilitating that policy. But I agree with you, they need China to be a second, not a first so they will try their best. But even if they put sanctions on Iran, Iran will still be able to sell oil and not lose any money because the price will double. It's a win-win situation for Iran, they continue with their nuclear programme and they still get their oil money.
  3. I'm sure he will be found not guilty. Shit happens, move on please.
  4. I'm going to Somalia for the first time in my entire life this summer. I shall ride the camels inshallah.
  5. Jacaylbaro;785605 wrote: Yes ,, good move indeed. Somaliland from Lasanod to Ceelaayo as one nation represented by not other than President Siilaanyo Lol at you saving face after all of your calaacal.
  6. I like this dude but all of the songs sound the same.
  7. Inshallah our kids will do the same.
  8. You have to look at it from their view and this man summarizes it. Surprisingly I am a bit sympathetic.
  9. Xaaji Xunjuf;785507 wrote: ^^^Duke just blames it on Alshabaab but i think its some one else It's definitely Al-Shabaab, I mean who else could it be?!
  10. I don't believe anything said from that website. Cried wolf too many times.
  11. Taleexi;785424 wrote: Ahahahah, waa markii ilmaadeeraday wax walba inoogu sheekayn jireen. Just for you my brethren to the East.
  12. Somaliland with World War 2 Weapons in 2010 M1 Garand
  13. Those are not M4s or M16s M4s are Special Forces weapons and not used by any in Africa And those are not M16s either. They are Cambodian made AK-74
  14. He has the international support and contacts. Are you trying to tell you, you will get people to explore in your regions yourself? Haha Parts of those regions already come under Puntland.
  15. The rifles of secessionist region Somaliland are from World War 2. M1 Garand
  16. Don't worry, she'll be apologizing to Faroole and asking him to drill in her area as well. Just wait and see. Somali unity is bound by the dollar sign.
  17. King Cismaan Maxamuud has to lay his hat somewhere else after Bosaso was taken away. Good job.
  18. Duufaan;785352 wrote: General this is typical of you, if you do not known anything about this issue, get informed. this is fact, Rangers is not going to drill th e Nugaal Valley with faroole contract.Yes Daroor valley I'm afraid it will.
  19. Wow, Dr_Osman just doesn't care, just doesn't give a monkeys. Factual karbaash 101 right here.
  20. Iraq wasn't a mistake, there's always a purpose. As for Iran, no there won't be a full out war. It's 4 times the size of Iraq and has 3 times the population. Iran is also much more developed and would be harder to contain. Remember they've sanctioned Iran almost to the extent of Iraq in the 1990s and the only thing they haven't touched is the oil. If they touch the oil then there may be problems as we are seeing that now. Also remember they passed legislation in the UNSC that Iranian ships may be boarded if they are found to violate SC resolutions, they haven't boarded a single Iranian ship yet. So they don't want a war. They even thought of ruining their economy through inflation and printing fake currency but it's too sophisticated. There's only 2 scenarios in which Iran is attacked. - If there's a world wide economic collapse with the Euro going first. A diversion would be needed and this has happened historically before. - The other scenario would be if Iran is attacks first. Ask yourself, if they attacked Iran, why would they build their largest embassy in the world in Baghdad, Iraq, a Shiite controlled country? That embassy has 15000 Americans working in it.
  21. Shameless bunch if they still claim "Somalilandnimo".