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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. This is the car I said I was going to buy with oil money, And it is armoured too. :cool:
  2. kingofkings;785360 wrote: She's definitely read this now. My favourite line is this one. She has now mixed hypothetical questions with opinions.
  3. Puntland will party all the way to bank, Puntland Central Bank... in Garowe... Puntland.... Somalia, where all of that oil money be flowing to. :cool:
  4. I don't live in America hence why I am a bit more put to gather than the rest of you.
  5. Those dollars are urgently needed in impoverished non-existent "Somalilaind". I'm still trying to find it on a map, my doctor even prescribed a new pair of glasses for me.
  6. IAmRevolution;786048 wrote: Calm down. Reer Nugaaleed is a term Beesha SSC uses to refer to the large half of Tolka SSC that settle in Sool and Southern Sanaag. Although, there was a time Sool and Nugaal were one GOBOL known as Nugaal. Knight of Wisdom, your trolling skills are improving, you have reached 9000!
  7. Xaaji Xunjuf, the Colonels, Generals etc, are they real ones from Siad Barre's era or are they ones made up?
  8. Wow, the obelisk is still standing, I thought the ICU or Al-Shabaab would deem such things as un-Islamic and paganism.
  9. So ironic that they chop off the limbs before giving them these wheelchairs..
  10. Somalia's border with Ethiopia is not permanent so it defeats his whole argument. He is
  11. Then why not go after Morgan? And why do you pick on these small minority clans?
  12. AsadSL;785869 wrote: If morgan lived in the united states or any western country with a democratic system he would be served. What do you mean why don't they morgon? Do you think the somaliland clan is sacred of the Puntland clans;) It looks like it. He is in Kenya and it is a signatory of the ICC, so it shouldn't be hard. Why pick on the defenseless ones after you discriminate and rape his people in Caynabo anyway?
  13. Hahaha, the day one of them finds out the others age
  14. Carafaat;785758 wrote: Somalia, intee ka adee Mudug? Yes, Mudug is the place I will lay my hat, where will you lay yours?
  15. Beer-Gaal;785853 wrote: Taken away by who? reer baraxlay miyaa? Nope, Faroole gave the city back to its rightful owners and told the Royal family to go back to Qardho after too much calaacal.
  16. I don't know which is more funny, a non-existent entity that can't contain people it claims live within its borders or the fact that they claim they have 40.000 troops.
  17. Jacaylbaro;785798 wrote: You ?? ,, who ?? What? Are you alright up there?
  18. No what he did was horrible, but you guys hold a grudge, move on man, why you holding the past by the balls?
  19. The only reason he is being targeted is because of his minority status. @Abtigis is also right, the discrimination they endure till this day is disgusting Why don't they target General Morgan or Riyaale? I wonder...