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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. STOIC;787551 wrote: Good for you was no accident perhaps you choose to belittle another man opinion.... I belittle no one, I call out a man who tries to take his clan ideology to a meeting promoting a peaceful transition of the Somali government. If you can't understand that, then Mr STOIC, I can't help you.
  2. STOIC;787549 wrote: What is there to argue about? Nothing. You lost.
  3. STOIC;787544 wrote: Your die was casted the day you were born.....I can guarantee you if he was from your clan/region you wouldn't have posted this....The topic was relevant for him.He had the right to say anything about Somalia. No one from my region would go to a meeting like this and talk about clan politics. You are just mad cause you can't win an argument. You must love your clan politics right? @Gaacuur, is his English so bad that he can't articulate it without involving clans?
  4. He's still looking for a position in the TFG, Khatuumo is his only way in. His last cards are being played.
  5. Hahahaha "no clue which region he is talking about", then why would I have a motive? I understand though, viewing your previous posts why you see fit what he did, why talk about clan politics in a meeting in front of representatives from another country when the subject of the meeting is completely different? Am I missing something here, Mr STOIC, help me out.
  6. Qabyaalad, hah, ironic coming from you. The man in the video is talking about clan politics when the meeting is about TFG transition and you see fit to argue with me about it?
  7. None of those things you stated can be ascribed to what I wrote. Ok, from now on I will use pictures to describe everything I do in writing, just like you. No more typing for now.
  8. I didn't break no rules. That's not a personal attack nor is it trolling. I simply stated what he plans to do. I direct you to this place.!
  9. Of course none of you find it embarrassing in an open meeting, not the internet, not some cafe but an actual meeting to say stuff like that. The secessionist were also there in full force talking about "Somaliland independence" when the meeting was about the TFG transition. No shame in those niggas.
  10. ^^ He'll tame the beast right in the heart of the belly.
  11. Watch at 37:10. I haven't finished what he said cause it's so cringe worthy, even the audience is laughing. :mad:
  12. Mario B;787450 wrote: Was he not hired only last month? I'm afraid he was.
  13. Never man, this man has a lot of political skills, we won't see it coming, he moves like a cat. With oil money, we know who will become the maid and butlers.
  14. Mario B;787488 wrote: Dr Faroole is a duplicious and a provision man, he sees the world through the prism of Garowe lense, he's got nothing to offer to the wider Somali nation. He should just occupy himself with provisional governance. What is a 'provision man'? He will be your leader, how come you do not like him, he will give you oil money, make it rain on you. @Gaacuur, he's not my uncle but he's our future President
  15. Mario B;787485 wrote: Spin, Spin I guess facts are not irrefutable in your world. Don't make stuff up, hit him out of the 1000s of other thing he has said, not something taken out of context. To the rest of you. He will be your President whether you like it or not, we will see in 6 months.
  16. Gaacuur;787478 wrote: He is Maxamed Dheere of Puntland.. No chance! carabkiisa ayuu isku biskooladeeyay. soo ma ahan ninki amray in ay guuraan dadki kasoo barakacay koonfur. That's a lie, it was taken out of context. He said that some IDPs should be returned to areas where Turkish relief workers work instead of being in Puntland where they can't get the same kind of help due to lack of funds.
  17. Qandalawi;787460 wrote: ^It may be him and it could happen, that's not to say others from Puntland have no chance but he's the only prepared serious candidate so far. But I don't like the guy anyway, I prefer someone else. However, its not the likability factor that's working for him, unpopular as he is it seems the guy knows to press the right bottoms that work for him as he was making progress lately. Perhaps he's sort of an underestimated politician, kind of weird politician. I agree with you on that point. This man has the expertise to pull it off and I honestly believe he will. Either Shariif will continue or this guy will take his place. He always surprises people, up till this oil exploration bit, no one believed it but then out of nowhere his every previous political move was explained. He has a vision, politics of grandeur.
  18. Great, those are some beautiful Gedo kids.
  19. Inshallah, what are some of the policies he will implement? He is moving Puntland forward at an ever so fast pace that it will only take a short while before he makes something out of the dreaded name Somalia by sharing his new found wealth and politics of grandeur. No doubt he will hold Somalia's economic future by the sheer nuts with the black gold slowly working its way up to meet us face to liquid, but he will have demonstrate leadership more than he has done in Puntland. He shouldn't try and appeal himself to crowds that will hate him regardless of his policies, he could give them the moon and they will still hate him. I hope he will appeal to minority clans as much as others, especially the ones in the South like Morgan did in Jubboyinka, he has already gotten rid of the backward clan segregation known as 4.5, I don't think he has to convince minorities of his sincerity to spread equality. What do you think our future leader will do as he is about to embark on a journey to take Somalia into the 21st century?
  20. Lol, like this guy, but Mudug will do you guys bad! They are dodging bullets in Galkacyo while playing ball :cool:
  21. Atirisho;787403 wrote: I didn't read further than "country" ;)