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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Mario B;788547 wrote: :) *thumps up* This was not my intention!
  2. A troll, why? :eek: No, but there's a distinct Xamar accent and he has it thus likely to be from that area. Mogadishu is not of my concern, I will be focusing on Bud Bud iyo Bitaale, the lost lands. So lets move onto Hiil Qaran and the future state of our people.
  3. Sure, maybe he is from a minority clan on his mother's side. Somalina, all I am saying is accents can determine where you are from. So you are from Mogadishu, you share this guy's accent. I do not know why you are embarrassed of him, he is very smart, a programmer if you must know. Exactly @Mooge is right.
  4. Cadde Muuse is an old man, hadalka in la isku dhex qaso waa caadi when you are old. This is a young man with a Mogadishu accent and we should discuss his view as a Somali from that area on Hiil Qaran.
  5. Mario B;788521 wrote: Sool will soon have it's own oil nomads. No, what about the environmental damage to the Nugaal Valley? Read this article, you will think twice about drilling.
  6. Kulahaa waa reer bari, ninka sidaasa uu hadliya miyaa ah reer bari? Why you dissing reer Bari? I am afraid he is indeed from Xamar Jajab. He is a provocateur that must be respected due to his plight for the minorities. He himself is a minority in Mogadishu and due to his looks he must be related to the Sheikh.
  7. Well known what? There's nothing known there man. I see a oil rig somewhere else. You are part of me and I am part of you. One big family.
  8. Aaliyyah;788483 wrote: The capital city of the Khaatumo State I believe will be Taleex..that is temporarily. Till laascaanod will be freed from the snm crew. and Makhir/Awdal state are both wlc to join Khaatumo State (actually thats probably why that name was chosen, gol khaatumo waa meshi reer SSC, maakhir iyo awdal ku heshiyeen. .) salaam Khalif Galaydh named the state after his grandmother.
  9. Somalina;788478 wrote: I sitll don't get how a PLander is Sharif's son? are you ashamed of him Cusmaano? is that why you ridiculing him and tirelessly dedicating thread after thread to him? Accept your cousin for who he is rather than who you want him to be. Real talk! I am not ashamed of him and I am definitely not ridiculing him. I agree with his sentiment. He is from Mogadishu and is indeed Sheikh Shariif's lost son. Please stop with the accusations.
  10. Secessionists are way outnumbered in Scandinavia, especially Denmark, I hope a Darwiish gets a hold of him (if we can call him that).
  11. b-boy;788343 wrote: now it's abdullahi yusuf's fault miyaa and here i thought it's some local politicians and their clan militias fault! every day you learn something;) It's that Khalif Galaydh putting thoughts in their minds. Why would Abdullahi Yusuf give away SSC to a secessionist region, it doesn't even make sense. Look at this, it was posted on Hadhwanaag among other places. Watch from 01:15
  12. Sometimes Galmudug leaders aren't allowed either. They may not have the right documents.
  13. NASSIR;788226 wrote: haye, Are you saying the rift between Hobyo and Beletwein is too deep and unbridgeable? A friend of mine who is one of the architects of Galmudug told me once of the need to expand the state to incorporate other central regions. Thus far, Galmudug is half of Mudug. It doesn't even have the political support of Cadaado district. You said it yourself, Galmudug doesn't have political support of Cadaado. Forget that, Galmudug only controls Baraxley, Galkacyo, they don't control Hobyo or Harardhere and have asked for help many times to clear the 'pirates'. Even if they were to unite as half of Mudug, their sworn enemies will always be Cadaado.
  14. Che -Guevara;788153 wrote: ^You don't like Whitney songs? No. She seemed like a broken person though, Bobby smacked her around too much, I hate violence against women.
  15. Xaaji Xunjuf;788128 wrote: my fav song LOL, I laughed so hard.
  16. NASSIR;788140 wrote: Hopefully the néw state and Galmudug will merge. Hahahahaha, it doesn't work like that.
  17. ^^ What do you call a troll you can't describe in those quotes? A successful troll.
  18. Also a man attempts to attack pub goers with a chainsaw but gets knocked the f out.
  19. Snippet of a documentary, he confesses his addicton to his dad. In other news, Beyonce looks like this after having her baby pushed out.