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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. The Hermet;789066 wrote: Water...they couldnt find any in garowe and bosaso you had to go all the way south to Galkacyo for Water...remember you only get 25% of that water..the rest belongs to Galmudug, West Puntland State, Las Casry state as welll...hahah:D haraaad ba dilay walahi... Kulahaa "Watersearcher", the man is from an area that has no underground aquifers, there's a shortage of water in Hargeisa unlike anywhere else in Somalia and he has the nerve to talk. Kingofkings are you listening to this?
  2. Oodweyne;789138 wrote: XX , Dont blame our dearest Ms. Aliyah , for it's not her fault in here. Since, she has been mercilessly indoctrinated by yesterday's defeated lot, who decided to seek shelter in western world, whilst, at the same time, screaming their endless invective to those who bested them. And, their argument begins and end with the notion that says we in Somaliland are a three city folks. Hence, it's no use to try to bring her down to earthly reality in here. For, tragedy of her kind of folks, is that they really are "convinced" what miserable gruel of a nonsense that they have left Somalia with it (which is what they have been educated with in their heydays of Somalia). Hence, their "daily incredulity" when they see how others are minded to give them "standing contempt" the minute we see them chancing yet again another version of the "kacaanka's history" in right in front of our collective eyes, indeed.. The irony is level 9000.
  3. This is fake news. Is Buhoodle still hurting you or something, why make up fake news?
  4. This is false information. No such talks will happen. The colonial master will sort it out now.
  5. Nope. Puntland is already ahead with the federalism game so why would we trash ourselves?
  6. Inskata oo maamulka Siilaanyo iyo Ismaaaciil Cumar Geelle waayadii danbe uu u dhaxeeyey Mugdi siyaasadeed, kaddib markii ismaaciil Cumar Geelle uu yiri ” Reer Somaliland waa ay ku deg-degeen gooni u goosadka , waxayna la mid yihiin Gaari laga hormari mariyey Dameerkii Jiidi lahaa” :cool:
  7. I am opposed to it because they are telling us that due to the fact that they shared 4 days of nationhood with SSC, they must come with them now, 50 years later.
  8. Obviously I do otherwise I wouldn't have repeated it.
  9. Yaa ku badali doona? Justin Bieber uun baa haray
  10. I never mentioned his mom, why you got to involve his mom, that is just sick!
  11. What? I think you are reading a bit too much into this. I only posted this due to his stark resemblance to Sheikh Shariif and the undeniable fact that it is his lost son. This has nothing to do with Puntland, I do not know why you secessionists have Puntland on your tongue. I mean, move the hell on.
  12. Buy with what? These people are dreaming. This embargo should stay put for at least 5 more years. Corrupt incompetent boys can't even manage scholarships and medical supplies, what makes you think anyone will trust them with "modern weapons"?
  13. (Reuters) - Somalia's government called on Monday for the lifting of an arms embargo to help it resist an al Qaeda-backed Islamist insurgency. The appeal follows al Qaeda's declaration last week that the Somali militant group al Shabaab was joining its ranks, which raised concerns the Somali rebels' weakened campaign might be re-energised. Security experts say al Shabaab might be encouraged to carry out an al Qaeda-style attack, perhaps on Kenya which has sent troops to Somalia to fight the Islamist insurgency. Urging foreign powers to help, Mogadishu asked the international community to "lift the arms embargo on Somalia so that it could defend the country" and "increase and reinforce the Somali National Army". "We ... believe that their union (al Shabaab and al Qaeda) will increase the insecurity in Somalia, east Africa and the rest of the world and that Somalia risks becoming an al Qaeda base in east Africa," Somalia's information ministry said. The United Nations imposed the arms embargo in 1992, the year after clan warlords overthrew dictator Mohamed Siad Barre and plunged the country into civil conflict. The embargo has been amended several times, including in 2006 to allow for an African peacekeeping force to prop up the government and in 2007, in part to allow for the peacekeepers to be supplied with weapons and military equipment. Asked about the Somali government request, British Foreign Secretary William Hague said during a visit to South Africa he thought lifting the embargo would be "difficult to do, and in some instances, may be very unwise to do". "What we are doing is trying to make sure that the African Union and U.N.-supported forces in Somalia are strengthened, and have the funding to do their job and to grow in number over the coming years," he told Reuters in Cape Town. The request from Mogadishu comes ahead of a conference in London next week to discuss measures to tackle instability in Somalia and piracy off its shores. AL SHABAAB ORGANISE RALLY "The Somali government wants to buy its own tanks and modern weapons to crush al Shabaab," government spokesman Abdirahman Osman told Reuters. Al Shabaab, which professed loyalty to al Qaeda several years ago, relinquished control of the coastal capital in August, under pressure from the African Union's AMISOM force. The rebels continue to hold swathes of central and southern Somalia but are being squeezed out of some areas by Kenyan and Ethiopian troops. Al Shabaab spokesman Sheikh Ali Mohamud Rage led a rally in support of al Qaeda in the rebel-controlled town of Elasha, 15 km (10 miles) outside the capital, on Monday. "Let Somali participants not waste time at the London conference. They intend to colonise Somalia," he told hundreds of residents from the town. Some residents said they had been forced to take to the streets. One said the militants had driven through Elasha on Sunday in cars mounted with loud speakers ordering business owners to close their doors on Monday or face punishment. "We hate al Shabaab, how can we love al Qaeda?" said one mother-of-six, declining to be named in fear of reprisals. Somalia is a hotspot in the U.S.-led war on militant Islam and the al Qaeda-al Shabaab merger appeared a calculated bid to restore morale and reinforce each other's relevance after testing periods for both. "The (al Qaeda) announcement seems to suggest that the al Qaeda core is looking to cement its relationship with jihadi affiliates outside of South Asia and shows how East Africa is moving to the centre of global security concerns," said Robert Crowley of Janusian risk consultants. Britain has warned it is only a matter of time before Islamist militants trained in Somalia strike on British soil. (Additional reporting by Abdi Sheikh in Mogadishu, William Maclean in London and Wendell Roelf in Cape Town; Writing by Richard Lough; Editing by Pascal Fletcher)
  14. GAROWE, Somalia Feb 13 2012 (Garowe Online) – The Minister of Security Gen. Khalif Isse Mudan held a press conference today in which he announced that Puntland security forces caught a key figure from a terrorist cell linked Al Shabaab operating in Golis Mountains, Radio Garowe reports. Gen. Mudan said that the Puntland security forces had received a tip that a group of Al Shabaab linked men were meeting in a small town in the Golis Mountains. Gen. Mudan did not specify the date the operation was conducted but said that security forces conducted the operation in the early hours. The operation didn’t go as plan, because most of the men who came to the meeting had escaped but a key official was caught, Ahmed Saeed Mohamed. The suspect is a man alleged to have been the explosive expert in an Al Shabaab linked terrorist cell that operated from the Golis Mountains in northern Puntland that have carried out attacks in Bossaso. Ahmed Saeed Mohamed is the brother of Mohamed Saeed Atom an arms smuggler who allegedly has links to Al Shabaab and is responsible for many attacks on Puntland security forces. The Minister congratulated the security forces on their successful misson and said that the authorities are still questioning Mr. Ahmed, as his investigation is pending.
  15. Carafaat;788693 wrote: Marine forces building schools funded by UAE. Nope, the schools are build by the Puntland government with their own cash.
  16. kingofkings;788768 wrote: in case you can't see and no puns intended, i'm standing and clapping for the best response to those who believe that their opinion alone will cause puntland to come undone .
  17. A_Khadar;788759 wrote: Carafaat, as usual I don't come to the SOL during the weekends so what did that script of IamRevolution said caused him to get banned again? For Blue, she is nice person so I would say please stay sis though I suspected her as she is KoW/IamRev script at some point ..
  18. Garowe(Pi) Wasiirka Abniga Puntland Khaliif Ciise Mudan oo maanta shir jaraa’id qabtay ayaa sheegey in Ciidamada amaanka Puntland ay weerareen goob ay ku shirayeen Saraakiil al-shabaab ah oo dhinaca Miinada u qaabilsan kooxda uu hogaansho Wadaadka Maxamed Siciid (Atam). Saraakiisha la qabtay waxaa ku jira Atam walaalkiis oo lagu magacaabo Axmed-khayr Siciid Maxamed, Wasiirku wuxuu sheegey in ninkaan la qabtay uu sheegtay inuu kooxda buuraha ku jira u qaabilsanaa ama masuul uga ahaa dhinaca Miino dhiga. Wasiirku wuxuu kaloo sheegey in maxkamad dhakhso loosoo taagay Axmed kheyr, iyadoo lagu eedeynayo Argagixisnimo iyo dilal qorshaysan oo miinooyin loogu dhigay Ciidanka Amaanka Puntland.
  19. Garoowe: (Allpuntland)-Wasiirka Wasaarada Amniga iyo hub ka dhigista Puntland Gol.Khaliif Ciise Mudan oo Maanta Warbaahinta shirjaraa’id ugu qabtay hoolka shirarka ee aqalka madaxtooyada Puntland ayaa ka hadlay Howlgalo culus oo ay ciidamada kaladuwan ee Puntland ka fuliyeen meelo badan oo kamid ah deegaanada Puntland kuwaasoo qaarkood ay ciidamada Amaanku ka sameeyeen buuraleyda Galgala iyo Xeebaha Puntland isagoona Wasiirku uu sheegey in dhamaan ay Howlgaladaasi si rasmi ah u miradhaleen. Wasiirka Amniga ee Puntland Gol.Khaliif Ciise Mudan Ayaa sheegey in Ciidamada Amaanku ay todobaadkan Howlgal ka sameeyeen meelo kamid ah buuraha Calmadow islamarkaasna ay gacanta kusoo dhigeen rag uu kamidyahay Madaxii qaybta Miino-dhigista u qaabilsanaa dhaqdhaqaaqa Atam kaasoo ay wada dhasheen Hogaamiyaha Kooxdaas Maxamed Siciid Maxamed (Atam). Gol.Khaliif Ciise Mudan Dhanka kale wuxuu sheegey in Howlgalo kale ay Ciidamada Amaanku ka sameeyeen meelo kamid ah Xeebaha Puntland kuwaasoo ay kusoo qabqabteen rag Burcad Badeed ah, Dad Tahriibayaal ah iyo dad gacansiiyaan qaybahaas kaladuwan isagoona sheegey in ciidamadu ay sidoo kalena soo qabteen Agabyada loo isticmaalo howlahaas oo uu sheegey in imika Garoowe lagu hayo, Wasiirku wuxuu sheegey in loo baahanyahay in laga wada qaybqaato la dagaalanka Buracada iyo Tahriibka isagoona caalamka ugu baaqay in dawlada Puntland arimahaas laga gacansiiyo. Xafiiska Wararka Allpuntland, Garoowe.
  20. Lol, wallahi I do not have anything against the dude, I actually like his comedy. Let him diss Puntland admin everyday, I am reer Mudug, what difference does it make to me? Have a nice day too darling, my name is Somalia though, I mean, this Cusmaano guy must have done something wrong to you, miyuu ku ****? Why do you keep saying that?