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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. I have the utmost respect for women. I am just pointing out a relevant story and that a person shouldn't live in a glass house.
  2. Alright, now you got something @Mintid. But I got this. Gunter Pischof Albert Porn Making Earns German Man 4 Years In Somaliland MOGADISHU, Somalia — A court official says a Somali judge sentenced a 72-year-old German man to four years in jail for making pornographic films and pictures in Somalia. The official says Gunter Pischof Albert was engaging in un-Islamic behavior by making films and pictures of himself having sex with local women. On Thursday a judge ordered him jailed and fined him $10,000. A 23-year-old woman was also sentenced to one year in jail and fined $880. Police say Albert was a consultant to two international relief agencies. He was sentenced in the breakaway northern region of Somaliland. Much of Somalia is controlled by Islamist insurgents who carry out regular amputations and executions. But Somaliland is ruled by a democratic government and relatively peaceful.
  3. Mintid Farayar;789366 wrote: Thank you for sharing that fact, young Mr.Somalia. Many things make sense now. Carry on.... I know, you are wondering how can this brilliant person be so young, yet so clever, so formidable. I wonder the same all the time. :cool:
  4. Mintid Farayar;789354 wrote: Reerka indha-adeygnimada waa lagu sheegi jirey laakiin sidan maan moodi jirin... Little Xiin's in-training.... Why you mad though, just spreading false stories... It's sad.
  5. Isn't it funny getting schooled by people born after 1991? In fact, I was born in 1992. Your grammar always bothered me. It is as if you are trying to be someone you are not, using fancy words where they do not belong, stretching sentences to the limit. You make me sad
  6. Mintid Farayar;789344 wrote: This one is going to hurt so brace yourself, my friend. Coming to you straight from RBC.... Now take a deep breath and pray for peace for all..... That's the worst source out of all of them. I don't know what you are smoking using that source as your last attempted blow. I mean, even Xaaji Xunjuf would know not to play that. Why are you mad tho?
  7. Oodweyne;789334 wrote: ^^^ :D You need to go back to school and learned how irony works, dear lad. For, there is nothing I said in there, that even come close in touching the first basis of ironic sense of anything.. :D Hah. Let us see then. she has been mercilessly indoctrinated by yesterday's defeated lot And ironically YOU are the one that has been indoctrinated because even after the 3 defeats of Buhoodle you keep pushing the same line.. Get it now? That's why it is ironic coming from you. Thank you. I will now bow. *Bows*
  8. Xaaji Xunjuf;789335 wrote: i don't understand what does atam got to do with buhoodle i am sorry i am missing here something Somalia just because didn't report it that doesn't mean it didn't happen. No one reported it because it isn't true. Xaaji, why are you so obsessed with Puntland, you and your other sidekicks, you know very well this didn't happen yet you push it. What's with the obsession? Is it the Buhoodle defeat? @Mintid They said "reportedly", meaning it isn't confirmed... I wonder why it isn't confirmed..
  9. Keep pushing your lies, we'll see where it gets you. Is Buhoodle still poking you? Hiiraan and SomaliaReport, the most "reputable" sources in Somalia. Good stuff. I think the fact that his brother got caught yesterday must be "thorning" you. Did clans from all over Somalia come to Buhoodle too?
  10. kingofkings;789326 wrote: there's no mention of this so call incident. makes you wonder the length of desperation of some people. how sad that they are resorted to making up such news only to hide their low moral. I know, I think Buhoodle is still poking them but PL forces had nothing to do with that.. Do you know their most "respected" news outlets came with the excuse that it was the clans of Gedo/Jubboyinka, Somali Galbeed, Puntland, Khatuumo that was fighting them?
  11. *ANWAR*;789324 wrote: i hate the blue flag and im from galmudug!! way I hate the flag?? cuz is freaking UN looka like You hate it because of the man who made it. Just come out and say it.
  12. You are the deluded one, in fact you should be embarrassed to even utter the words SSC State or Khatumo or whatever you come up with next. They haven't mapped out anything. They mapped out a village called Taleex. You are no different from the following so-called phantom states: Shabeelle Dhexe State, Azania, Dooxada Cagaaran State, Jiinwabi State, Ceelbuur State, Dooxo State, Udubland, Ras Casayr land, Awdal State, West Puntland State, Mareeg State, Hiiraan State, West Hiiraan State, Central State. Add SSC and Khatuumo.
  13. Xaaji Xunjuf;789298 wrote: Taleexi wars in bari region effects us all not just puntland but also other parts of the region so don't know what you are talking about. There was no war. Why do you keep lying?
  14. Mintid Farayar;789293 wrote: I thought Galgala was part of Puntland. Mise iyaduna wey go'dey?? Man, this devolution is hard to keep up with... I can create a website using other people's names and being against it. I hope you didn't use too many brain cells to think of that one. Why are you so obsessed with Puntland? I mean, we must be doing everything right for you to be so mad..
  15. @NASSIR These are the people who send a "Defence Minister" to his region and then expect us to believe it comes under his authority.
  16. SomaliaReport is anti-Puntland and writes a lot of garbage. The most recent one was an article copied from GalgalaNews, someone on Snet pointed it out. They also had some kursi doon trying to establish themselves by being against oil drilling.
  17. Abwaan;789270 wrote: Lol....very observant...check on the PM Abdiweli's welcoming....Farole met him at the airpot... I know Abdiweli is The PM of Somalia and not comparing the two leaders but one thing that I wanted to add here is.....The office of the PRESIDENT (Sharif Ahmed) not the PM announced a reshuffle on two ministerial posts....If that is how happened I know that is WRONG....but according to some sources from Mogadishu that was done immediately after Mr. Gaas's plane took off from Aden Adde Airport......Maxaa meeshan ka cad meelaha bannaan buuxi! I don't which planet you are living on if you believe he has the authority to do so. What, do you regard him as Abdullahi Yusuf or what? Faroole can wave his finger and tell him to come to Garowe immediately and you think he can reshuffle cabinet seats...
  18. Mario B;789258 wrote: ----------- No they are not!! KS/SSC have decided to stand on their own feet, stay away...we have already learnt our lesson form the Hargeisa hegemony, unlike you, we want to create a strong Federal Gov. :D You don't even know the basics. You match no criteria to be part of a federal government and Puntland will make it so.
  19. Garoowe:Caasumadda Puntland ee Garoowe oo bari (Arbaco) uu ka furmi doono shirka heerka sare ah ee looga hadlayo Arimaha Fadaraalka oo ah wajigii 2-aad ee shirkii dhawaan isla Garoowe lagu qabtay, ayaa Ciidanka ammaanka waxay bilaabeen dhaqdhaqaaq ballaaran oo lagu sugayo ammaanka, waxaana la xiray dhammaan wadada laamiga ah ee dhexmarta bartamaha magaalada mana jirto wax gaadiid iyo dad ah oo isticmaalaya wadada, iyada oo la doonayo in la sugo ammaanka Wafuuda ballaaran ee Garoowe ku soo qulqulaysa. Ciidanka ammaanka, ayaa sidoo kale xiray wadddooyinka ku soo leexda laamiga, waxaa kaloo la joojiyay dhammaan gaadiidkii iskaga kooshayay magaalooyinka Puntland, waxaana iminka gaadiid badan ay ku xayiran yihiin Kaantaroolada Bari iyo Galbeed. Ciidanka amamanka, ayaa waxaa kaloo siteel-teel ah loo dhigay magaalada iyo Airaporka. Magaalada, ayaa waxaa si wayn looga dareemayaa dhaq-dhaqaaqa Ciidanka ammaanka ee u sugaya ammaanka. Shirkan, ayaa la filayaa in uu furmo ayna ka soo qayb-galaan dhammaan dhinacyadii shirkii kan ka horeeyay Garoowe lagu qabtay oo ay ku jiraan madaxda ugu saraysa DFKS.
  20. Faroole wasn't available, that's why the greeting was like that. And at least we do not insult Galmudug leaders like they do in SL region.
  21. There's historical cuqdad, do not doubt for 1 second that they have hatred installed in their bones.
  22. No man, what the hell. The man's bomb maker was caught yesterday, maybe that's what's bothering you.