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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Taleexi;789769 wrote: Haa, Xaajigu marmar runtuu sheegaa.
  2. Good stuff. With a pharmaceutical company opening in Garowe the future looks bright.
  3. Somalina;789793 wrote: How do you know how much they are worth? Waxaad ogtahay ka hadal, millions inuu haysto see ku ogaatey? bank statement kiisa maa furtaa bil walba? cajiib. There were reliable reports that he has offshore accounts in Malaysia. This is known like the sky is blue. Look outside your window, the sky is likely to be blue, the same way if you look at Shariif Sakiin, you know he's likely to be loaded.
  4. It's just a white man speaking. Is that why it is legitimate for you? The British left 50 years ago and you still suffer from the Uncle Tom syndrome.
  5. We must all support this new state in its right for self-determination.
  6. Beautiful flag, it has a Ottoman feel to it. Guul. Welcome Saylac State of Somalia. The people of Saylac have spoken. Maamul goboledka Saylac State Of Somaliya Published on Sunday, 12 February 2012 02:53 Maanta ay taariikhdu tahay 11.02.2012 waxaa si mug leh loo dhawaaqay Maamul Goboleedka SAYLAC STATE of SOMALIA . Sababaha keenay in bulshaweynta kudhaqan xeebaha galbeed ee somaliland ay kudhawaaqen Maamulkani SAYLAC STATE uu yahay cadalad daro iyo amani daro kaga timiday maamulka Somaliland iyo Dowlada JABUUTI oo cadaasi iyo hagardamo iyo dhulbalarsi kuhaysa umada kudhaqan deganadaas,iyadoo dowlada jabuuti ay ka faa'ideysanayso burburka Dalka soomaliya.Waxaa udheer inaasi hurumar la'aan soo food saartay bulshadaa kudhaqan deegana ay ka arimanayso SAYLAC STATE oo ah Magalooyinka SAYLAC,LUGHAYA,BOON,GARGAARA,iyo boqolaal tuulo oo hoos yimaada Degmooyinkasi,sidaa awgeen waxay beelaha degan deeganadaas ay si caqfiyow uga baraandageen inay katashadaan aayahoodo ,iyo inay laqeyb sadaan walalahooda somaaliyeed midnimada iyo horumaka usoo ifbaxaya . Habdhismeedka dowlada SAYLAC STATE of SOMALIYA waxa lashacin todaabadada foodaa inagu soo haya . wabillahi towfiiq wixii taagero ah nagalla soo xiriira
  7. @NASSIR, that comment will inflame a lot of people on this site
  8. Waxaa Maanta Soo Gaaray Magaalada Garowe ee Xarunta Maamul Goboleedka Puntland Wafti Ballaaran oo ka Socda Dowlada Jabouti. Madaxweynaha Maamul Goboleedka Puntland Cabdiraxman Maxamed Maxamuud Farole ayaa garoonka diyaaradaha ku soo dhaweeyey wafdi heer sare ah ee kasocda Dowladda Jabouti kaasi oo uu horkacayey wasiirka awqaafta iyo arrimaha diinta Xaamud Cabdi Suldaan. Waxa ku weheliyey socdaalka wasiirka agaasimaha guud ee madaxoyada Jabouti Ismaaciil Xuseen Taani iyo taliyaha amaanka Jabouti Xasan Siciid Kheyre iyo u qaybsanaha Puntland ee Jabouti Cali Cabdi Awaare. Ka dib salaam sharaf ay ka qaateen cutubyo katisan daraawiishta Puntland iyo ciidamada bambeyda ayaa loo galbiyey dhanka aqalka martida ee loogu talo galay wafdigan Jabouti ka socde,waxana Dr.Farole uu u sheegay inay farxad u tahay imaatinkooda iyo weliba ka qaybgalka shirka dastuurka Somalia.
  9. We already knew this. The secessionists make up stories as they go along. Like life in limbo, they've been living that for 20 years, ain't nobody know it better than them.
  10. Looks good, at least there's no fears of roadside bombs.
  11. Here in England it was 5000 per year, so 5000 x 3, 15000 dollars for a Bsc or BA But now it is 15000 dollars per year. I started Uni the last year it was 5000 dollars per year so I am like this. I wonder if @Somalina ever stepped in a school :eek:
  12. kingofkings;789482 wrote: why do you assume students work and study at the same time in the u.s. i was in the same boat as you are about 8 months ago; full time student and no full or part time job. Only did study job on campus. I thought the tuition fees were doing you guys a one over The fees were raised here too but not like you guys I believe. What does it cost to go to a decent uni, lets say NYU or GIT?
  13. Hey, that's not fair! I am a Uni student but I do live with my mom and not in a basement! I can't work and study at the same time, for God's sake this isn't the US. :eek:
  14. Somalina;789474 wrote: Cusmaano, I like typing "Cusmaano". Gabar, sheekada jooji, if you want my number, waan ku qori, that's no problem, we will unite our people through love.
  15. Somalina;789463 wrote: @Abwaan.... Cusmaano hurda la'aan ayaa haysa, hala yaabin. How come you got me on your tongue?
  16. OdaySomali;789458 wrote: Uchi what does your name mean. It reminds me of that song that goes something like, Uchi walli walli uchi bang bang, or something like that... very dirrty video I recall.
  17. uchi;789446 wrote: Indeed? Waryaa Somalia which Continent are you in? The UK, not on Continental Europe .
  18. OdaySomali;789433 wrote: OK sorry my bad you are a 20 yr old nuune. Yeah, being condescending doesn't help. Thanks for adding a year though, I'll just add 11 months to my DOB.
  19. ^^ What?! How about 20 years of lawlessness, qosol badanaa this one, where did you suddenly arrive from?
  20. OdaySomali;789383 wrote: Young ? :confused: Waryaa you are a full grown 20yr old, people of that age in Somalia don't consider themselves children, quite the contrary actually. You are qaangaadh from the age of 7. Young xaguu joogaa... I'm 19 and yes, I am young and stealthy. Why, isn't that young? I am obviously an adult but people regard 19 as a kid.
  21. kingofkings;789399 wrote: your attempt to sound sophisticated only beguiles your lack of ability to comprehend the words you use and unfortunately the context which you uses them. Furthermore, your attempt to correlate the above mentions fails as a result of poor word choice and lack of subject knowledge. I leave you with these wise words, "Looking back we see with great clarity, and what once appeared as difficulties now reveal themselves as blessings".