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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Xaaji Xunjuf;790488 wrote: I know this guy from my area he is mental how ever he belongs to the kings lineage we hang out sometimes he said that the largest city of puntland belongs to his subclan and how they fought oman in the 19 century. Also he told me that faroole is walking in the footsteps of general cade muse and with out the kings influence his leadership in garowe would have been long undermined by the crazy folks from north mudug. I drove his car once because mine was at the garage I wanted to play the radio waxaba iga so booday ku dayo pudhlayn ku dayo pudhlayn. People from North Mudug are the ones that keep guys like you in check, you feel me homie :cool:
  2. Somalia


    Why did you call it "British Somaliland Protectorate"?
  3. Carafaat;790446 wrote: That is probaply why Qardho and Mudug dont hang around together. I knew there was a reason Dr_Osman wasn't fond of me. Imagine my name being Mahamud, that would be awesome.
  4. Carafaat;790438 wrote: ow I almost forget. There is a small group of Qardho/Bosasso King folks who tend to hang around with Somalilanders and sometimes they also play with the idea of Puntland secession. My London area is run by Reer Mudug, if you ask them about secession they will kick you to the kerb.
  5. Lol@Carafaat Dr_Osman, London is too much to describe, so let me describe my neighbourhood. There's Somalis on every corner but not that typical qat induced one (the secessionist clan is limited here), Puntlanders own all the businesses, the top restaurant, the clothing shops, hair dressers, all Puntland. Forget that, it's so Puntland that even the Dahabshiil is managed by Puntlanders.
  6. I like Dahir Riyaale, he is a man with a vision, he knows what's his business and what's not. He's riding that secessionist train till the last stop. He probably can't walk with all of that cash stuffed down his sides
  7. As we speak, Somalia's constitution is being drafted, damn, it doesn't get more exciting than that. Somalina, Xaaji Xunjuf are we not a big happy family?
  8. Garowe Live(pi) Madaxweyne shariif, Ra’iisal wasaare Gaas iyo Madaxweyne Faroole oo ay Airport-ka kasoo qaadeen ayaa markay yimaadeen hoolka shirku ka socday waxay si deg deg ah u galeen qol ay horay ugu jireen hogaamiyaasha kale ee Ergooyinka, waxayna u muuqataa in laga wada hadlayo qodobo dhowra oo Madaxweynaha lala sugayay ama Waxay saxiixayaan qodobadii shirka kasoo baxay. Inkastoo mardhawayd nasoo gaareen warar sheegay in shirka Maalin ama ka badan lagu darayo hadana waxay u muuqataa in sidii loogu tala galay shirku ku dhamaanayo. Wafuuda hada soo gaaray Hoolka Shirarka ee uu kamid yahay Madaxweyne Shariif oo iyagu ka yimid Garoonka Diyaaradaha Garowe ayaa si deg deg ka muuqdo socod orod ku jiro u galay qol lagu sugayay, waxaa Hoolka wayn dhooban Wafuudii kale ee shirka ka qayb galay iyo Ergooyinkii, Qolka waxaa ku jira oo kaliya hogaamiyayaasha Ergooyinka oo kaliya waana Somali kaliya, qolyaha ka socda Caalamka sida Mahiga oo UN ka ka socda, EU oo iyana maanta soo gaaray shirka iyo qolyihii horey u joogay waxay ku jiraan qolol kale oo gaara halka qaarkood hoolka fadhitaan. Saxaafadu waxay iyana joogaan meel aan saaas uga fogayn hoolka albaabkiisa . Waxaa hada lasugayaa waxa kasoo baxa Qolka ay ku shirayaan Hogaamiyayaasha Soomaaliya oo uu hormuudka u yahay Madaxweyne Shariif Sh. Axmed. Hoolka Shirka Garowe 2 live
  9. Let me end my part in this discussion by adding that she's fine as hell and anyone over the age of 21 should refrain from commenting in an overly positive way because that's known as being a pervy wanker here in the UK. :cool:
  10. Caalin is considered a dear friend. May his neighbourhood prosper.
  11. "Of you lot". It's their city and will always be their city. You are the one who is infected, wanting to divide cities. If there isn't 2 sides in Erigabo then there's not 2 sides in Galkacyo... The population that lives there loves peace too much even when they are being taken for a ride.
  12. Who cares about the setting. These guys could be outsourcing their skills, building websites and programmes, and marketing them over the internet! Imagine the revenue they could yield.
  13. The Hermet;790373 wrote: Thanks for making me laugh saxib...keep fighting for your so called somali unity, you want somali unity? lets see you unite Galkacyo into one city...then we can take you a bit more seriously...We all know your talk of somali unity as absolutely bull***t. Somali unity was born in Somaliland and died in Somaliland and only in Somaliland can it be revived because all Somali's know that we are the only people institutionally, politically and culturally able to revive this dead corpse you call Somalia. Erigabo is a divided city as well. Do you guys all live in a glass house or is it just you?
  14. AsadSL;790290 wrote: When I said that I mean we have one as in you do not have one. Hows that hard to understand. No you didn't. That doesn't even make sense. Is your grammar that retarded? You said I should 'attest' if you have a opposition which suggests you think you didn't. It has nothing to do with the TFG not having a opposition, you just pulled that "save face" card straight out of your butt. @LANDER, I would tell you to fix his grammar but you seem to approve of it. Great stuff.
  15. Kulahaa "without secessionistland nothing can be done". I thought you were gone, what does this even have to do with you? Your logic defies logic itself.
  16. Naxar Nugaaleed;790333 wrote: why because there is a cad an girl in the middle lol
  17. Abdul;790257 wrote: Ok,good luck with Faroole and his 'bigger things' Peace to you too. I don't think you or anyone from your area of Somalia is in any position to belittle any of Faroole's work.
  18. Somalina;790295 wrote: We will be there, count on it. Indeed
  19. Naxar Nugaaleed;790294 wrote: where it's set to private or not, it's her Facebook page, a certain amount like people not stealing your pics should, have we nothing better to talk about No one stole it. Check the link, it's on Facebook and set to public, meaning she didn't want to keep it private. So I don't know why you people are up in this person's business. It could be because you are embarrassed for her which I would then go ahead and say don't be, it's her life.
  20. You said "attest we have an opposition", meaning: prove we have an opposition. So you are suggesting you do not have one. I mean, stop using words you do not understand then.
  21. No, I support the secession of your clan as long as they know where their borders are. You can't say that because you shared a country with a person 50 years ago for 4 days, he is automatically obliged to follow you now. So as long as you know what is yours, I support you 100%. Viva SL
  22. It isn't even a private picture! Check the link, it's from FB, so the album is not even set to private.