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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Freedom;791058 wrote: Timur what would I expect from a puntland person lol apples and oranges keep thinking that . Somaliland has bussiness interest there we have close clan links so please with the garbage. For Somalia lol old man the only broken is your glasses pops lol Did you now invent diplomacy? Hahahaha The only thing I know of which is made in your fictional territory is: "How not to get recognized for 21 years" lol
  2. The Hermet;790961 wrote: dream on dreamer...:cool: I just listened to the galmudug "president" he said this whole process is bull*tt :cool: hahahah. furthermore the entire conference in london has to do primarily with humanitarian, piracy and terrorism. The entire conference will last for 5 hours. It wont help you ethier. The reality is a long drawn out stalemate period of existence. Amison wont stay there forever, niether will kenya or Ethiopia. Alshabab have the man power, time and can wait it out as you see they still fighting inside mugdisho. But your right Somalia will make the only country in the 21st century to be put back under trusteeship or colonialism. enjoy MOFO... He said no such thing, you are now lying again. I expect this from the likes of you, you are afraid, afraid that your 21 years of limbo has now finally been called out. No one is going into trusteeship, I already explain what is going to happen but I think there's something in the genes of your people who makes them see the opposite thing of everything. If I was to tell you there was a green cat and there was, you'd tell me it's a blue dog. Look at this. Your colonial master speaking.
  3. Freedom;790946 wrote: Copy cat, cause Somaliland was there you copy and follow lol. Pay back this how you sound so making receive how you sound Are you broken sxb?
  4. The Hermet;790943 wrote: so you think a constitution holds any weight without 1/3 of the country not participating it just shows you how deluded these pirates are. This piece of paper you call a constitution was decided in a small pink room the size of a bed room over basto and plastic chairs. Furthermore for any constitution to become law it has to be put to the people. Do you sincerely believe that a referendum can be achieved within Somalia before or even after the August period...Stop chasing pipe dreams. :cool: we both know this is just another road to no where of which Somalia has seen many. Silly secessionist. You have no idea what's happening do you? The new government will function without Al-Shabaab controlled areas with AMISOM and TFG expanding out slowly. Meaning Hiiraan and upwards to Puntland will be part of the TFG and Mogadishu as well. This will be implemented at the London Conference. Silly secessionist, tricks are for kids.
  5. Carafaat;790939 wrote: It's not really clear yet what kind of governance sysytem Somalia will get. Not even clear which road Puntland will take and its not even clear what Somaliland status will be. So don't jump to conclusions about Federalism and getting power. You know full well that this agreement will be used in the London Conference and will be the new constitution after the transition. I'm sorry if your secessionist Somalidiid region didn't participate.
  6. You guys cried wolf too many times. This is a lie and a fake news story drummed up by the all too common alliance of the secessionist and Puntland haters.
  7. I haven't listened to them, the khudbads are meaningless bull. I am waiting for the papers to be released before I will judge.
  8. Once my friend told me he got attacked by monkeys on his way to Bacaadweyn.
  9. Gaacuur;790910 wrote: wax grass ah ma u jeedo, at least in la bilaabo dhisidda darbiga hore waa Horumar, laakiin waxay u baahan tahay howl badan.. National Football Cup waxaa lagu qabanayaa Xamar, soo Garowe laguma qaban kii lasoo dhaafay.. LOL@ 0:27 waxaa lagusoo riday xabado. qatar waaye haddiiba xabad la isagaa kaa ridaayo. LOL
  10. Gaacuur;790902 wrote: Ditoore, meesha wax Stadium la dhaho kuma arkin, darbi dheer iyo ganjeel lee u jeedaa.. I hope in Stadiums fiican loo dhiso gobolada dhan.
  11. My name has a deeper ideology sxb You've taken Garowe as well, it is as if you are playing right out of Carte Qaalib's playbook.
  12. Wiil Cusub;790852 wrote: Dining on cheap plastic chairs in poring room without any decorative touch at walls, doesn.t mean that future bright is for Somalia. Better come with any constructional development. Why don't you focus on stemming corruption of money that is supposed to be used on the people but is spent on opening irrelevant political parties?
  13. Men have things known as penises which actively prevents them from a friendship with the opposite sex.
  14. No, there's nothing wrong with it! Why you have call me out on this stuff? For some reason I don't believe if the flag post for the Somali flag was just 1 meter taller, you'd be ok with it either
  15. There's nothing wrong about it. Did I photoshop the picture? There's 2 flags side by side. Let me show you one more. The federal flag is above the rest in the US, that is true. Canada
  16. @Xaaji, stop being a drama queen. The flags being next to each other is normal. Look at this Here Faroole is happy
  17. Xaaji Xunjuf;790775 wrote: Why does it look like two head of states meeting protocolka waxba ka qaldan faroole wa governor Madaxweynuhu wa sharif What about Shariif and Siilaanyo, differen't rules there? But I agree, Sheikh Shariif is head of state so the welcome ceremony should be different but it isn't... for obvious reaons. Look at this though
  18. Give the camel back, Puntland and the rest of Somalia has far more camels than your secessionist region. Also how come the map is all wrong, you took Garowe and why did Galkacyo go to South Somalia, what is this, some kind of Irir Conspiracy? :D
  19. Galmudug flag is right there, the Somali one and Taleex Town Council is not recognized for obvious reasons. But isn't it bright? Look at them in their habitat sxb.