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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Yeah, we already established this 5 days ago. And this one is another lie. Sxb, maxaa beenta kugu falay? :confused::confused:
  2. Voice Of America Somalian leaders have concluded a conference in the semi-autonomous state of Puntland with an agreement on the formation of a new elected government. Somalian President Shaykh Sharif Shaykh Ahmad and the president of the Puntland regional administration, Abdirahman Farole, both attended the conference, along with international envoys from the United Nations and the African Union. The three-day conference ended early Saturday, with representatives agreeing to set up a bicameral legislature. The lower house is to have 225 seats divided among Somalia's major clans. The upper house will contain representatives from each of Somalia's states. Because new states may yet be created, the number of seats in the upper house has not been finalized. The new parliament is also expected to have a membership of 30 percent women. Somalia is to adopt a constitution before the elections which are to be held within a year. During opening statements of the conference, Puntland's President Farole urged leaders and the Somalian people to reconcile their differences and work together to establish a strong and stable democracy. Somalia has not had a recognized central government since 1991 when rebels took over the country and it spiraled into chaos.
  3. AFP MOGADISHU — Somalia's disparate leaders have agreed on the basic structure of a new parliament and government to replace the fragile transitional body that has failed to bring peace to the war-torn country. Constant infighting, rampant corruption and bloody attacks by Islamist Shebab insurgents have undermined Somalia's unelected Transitional Federal Government (TFG), whose Western-backed mandate ends in August. Somalia's president, the presidents of the breakaway Puntland and Galmudug regions, and the commander of the powerful anti-Shebab militia Ahlu Sunna Wal Jamaa signed the deal under UN auspices. The accord proposes a parliamentary system for anarchic Somalia, with both Puntland and Galmudug recognised as states within a federal system. A new 225-member lower house -- including at least 30 percent women -- will be nominated by "traditional elders assisted by prominent civil society members," the agreement reads, released late Saturday after a three-day meeting. The agreement is the latest among more than a dozen attempts to resolve Somalia's more than two decade-old civil war, with the country split between rival factions and pirate gangs who hijack ships far across the Indian Ocean. Al-Qaeda allied Shebab fighters, who control large parts of central and southern Somalia where they are battling African Union-backed government forces as well as Kenyan and Ethiopian troops, immediately condemned the deal. "The agreement is treason because it is part of a master plan of the international community to send Somalia back to colonisation," Shebab spokesman Sheikh Ali Mohamud Rage told reporters. "The mujahedeen fighters will not accept such conferences and their outcomes -- instead we fight against them and, with the help of Allah, we will win the war," he said. Somalia has been without an effective central government since 1991, and the leadership in the capital Mogadishu is propped up by a 10,000-strong AU force from Uganda, Burundi and Djibouti. In addition, a 1,000-member upper house -- the National Constituent Assembly -- will be nominated by agreement signatories "assisted by traditional leaders and civil society" groups. The upper house too must include at least 30 percent women. "To ensure trust in the federal parliament, members must be patriotic, honest and of good standing in Somali society," the agreement reads, noting that anyone guilty of "serious crime or crimes against humanity" will be barred. "They must respect and uphold the rights of all Somalis and demonstrate tolerance towards all," says the deal, signed in the northern town of Garowe. Upper house members will be selected from a "cross-section of society" including representatives from the youth, businesses, diaspora, religious and traditional leaders and "existing and emerging regional administrations." The deal also recommends "a compensation package" to appease existing lawmakers not selected for the new parliament, many of whom command militia forces. The deal comes ahead of a London conference on Thursday aimed at mobilising international players to tackle Somalia's multiple political and humanitarian crises. Famine zones in Somalia declared by the UN last August were announced to have improved to emergency conditions earlier this month, but despite massive international aid efforts, conditions remain grim. A third of Somalia's population need emergency aid and mortality rates remain among the highest in the world, the UN warns.
  4. BBC NEWS Somalia leaders reach agreement on re-shaping politics Key Somali leaders have signed a plan to try to end the country's two-decade-long political crisis. The agreement provides for a new, smaller parliament and an upper house of elders. The deal came at a meeting in the semi-autonomous region of Puntland, but did not include some key actors. Al-Shabab militants, who control large areas of central and south Somalia, and the self-declared independent state of Somaliland did not take part. Federal state The latest agreement provides the first indication of what Somalis would like to see from this week's key conference in London. For three days Somali leaders had met in Garowe, the capital of Puntland. Somali President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed was joined by leaders of the pro-government militia, al-Sunna Wal Jamaaca, and senior officials from another semi-autonomous region, Galmudug. The consultative conference hammered out a blueprint for a future government, to replace the current transitional government, whose mandate expires in August. Somalia would become a federal state, with Mogadishu as the federal capital. The plan envisages: - 225 MPs, halving the existing number - an upper chamber of 54 Somali elders - women would make up 30% of parliament - civil society and "respected women" will nominate and select the women members - parliamentarians will be drawn from Somalia's traditional regions and reflect the nation's clans The Garowe agreement was witnessed by representatives of the international community, including the African Union and United Nations special representative, Augustine Mahiga. Matt Baugh, the British ambassador to Somalia, welcomed the agreement as "a step forward in the political process", but warned that all parties to the plan would have to "deliver on what they have said they are going to do". After so many agreements in recent years, there remains much scepticism among Somali observers about whether this plan can succeed and many details need to be worked out, starting at Thursday's Somali conference in London.
  5. Everyone seems to have gotten what they want. Caalin and Sharif Hassan got it good.
  6. I will, just getting some pictures together to start a thread.
  7. I add to the liveliness of your lovely thread but you keep referring to me in pictures. Why, do you need my real one? I mean, forget that, I am from a prestigious background gabar, imagine our future kids being leaders before they even become zygotes. I know, I can't think of it either, it's mind boggling.
  8. Gaalkacyo should be made into a federal city like Dire Dawa. The same with Erigabo and Kismayo.
  9. Why are you so obsessed with me, do you need my hand in marriage or what? Don't worry, I will consider it but I need to see a face, don't worry about qabiil, my heritage will cleanse yours
  10. I have darling and it is a village.
  11. Cadaado is not that big, where is that?
  12. But I am not Cusmaano and the O has the female ring to it, obviously makes sense why you keep using it on me. But ok then, I will call you AK-47.
  13. Yeah a lie, you should feel embarrassed for posting bull every time. Nothing has happened yet, this is the 4th time you and your sidekick Xaaji makes something up
  14. Abwaan;791194 wrote: Lol....Raadreeb-na ma beel magaceed adigaase qora? Marba wax meel ay ka yimaadeen la aqoon baa source elaba dhiganayaa...Shariif Xasan iyo Caalin inay shirka yimaadaan waa kugu adag tahay miyaa? Illeen liiskii waad ka reebtee? Hadhoow baa la dhahayaa qabiil lama buko? Yaa kaa akhrisanayaa?! What have I done? Are you accusing me of being qabilist, here's the website.
  15. Somalina, if you are going to call me anything call me Maxamuudo.
  16. ^^ Looted indeed. The people living in Cadaado were top fighters for the USC back in the 1990s so possible that's why they got them. Uniformed soldier.
  17. He was Prime Minister and now he is Foreign Minister.
  19. HARGEISA-Former Somaliland President and current chairman of opposition party United People’s Democratic Party (UDUB) Mr. Dahir Riyale Kahin returns to the country on Thursday after residing in the French capital of Paris ever since defeated in the last presidential poll. Mr. Riyale was greeted at Egal International Airport by members of his former ministers, MP’s, traditional leaders, politicians, and hundreds of party members. Dahir Riyale spoke with the media at the airport’s VIP room as he touched number of international and domestic issues including the London Somali conference, the recent hostilities in Buhodle and the relation with neighboring countries of Ethiopia and Djibouti. Former President Dahir Riyale expressed his disapproval of Somaliland government’s participation of the upcoming London Somali Conference being hosted by the UK government and 40 governments and multi-lateral organizations in London. Riyale also acknowledged that former Vice President Ahmed Yusuf Yasin who is one of several members that will accompany President Siilaanyo to the conference does not represent him or the party. Once asked about the recent war hostilities in Buhodle district where there was high casualty Mr. Riyale called upon both the government and the militia to cease fighting and give dialog a chance. President Riyale went on to every president has his own way of dealing with domestic issues in order to find a compromising solution. SOMALILANDPRESS
  20. HARGEYSA, Somalia Feb 18 2012 (Garowe Online) – Former Somaliland President Dahir Riyale rejected the Buhodle invasion by Somaliland President Mohamed Ahmed Silanyo, Garowe Online reports. Dahir Riyale former Somaliland President and leader of the opposition party UDUB spoke to VOA on Thursday said that he felt that the recent offensive by Somaliland troops in the contested region of Ayn. “The war in Buhodle had no purpose and usually war without purpose is lost,” said Mr. Riyale. Somaliland troops attacked Buhodle last month but were repulsed by local forces opposed to Somaliland's secession from Somalia. Although the fighting has subsided, military tensions remain high in the region. Mr. Riyale was asked about the announcement of a self proclaimed Awdal state, a region within Somaliland, “I think that these states are part of the political disputes in Somaliland. Awdal region is where Somaliland was born.” Mr. Riyale was asked about the upcoming London conference on Somalia, in which Somalia’s leaders will be attending, including Somaliland President Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo. Mr. Riyale did not welcome President Silanyo’s decision to attend the London conference. “My position did not change and I don’t think that Somaliland should attend this conference,” said Riyale during the VOA interview. President Silanyo has come under criticism after a botched attempt to capture Buhodle a city that shares a border with Ethiopia. President Silanyo recently fired his two of Somaliland’s highest military officials and has yet to pull out his troops despite recent appeals to withdraw from the region by the Puntland government and local clans. GAROWE ONLINE
  21. Somalina;790950 wrote: lol@politicians. Yaabka yaabkiis. Cajiib :rolleyes:
  22. You are not annoying me, you look foolish when you say you invented diplomacy. But the secessionists sure do love to show themselves to the world don't they..
  23. No one cares about your fictional entity, why are you so obsessed with Puntland? I wonder why you are a secret though hahahahaha
  24. Warbaahinta Raadreeb oo aad uga barateen warar dhameystiran iyo xog Rasmi ah ayaa waxa ey idin soo gudbineysaa, Ergada rasmiga ah ee ka qeyb galeysa Shirka London iyo dalalka ey ka soo kala jeedaa, Liiska ka qeyb-galayaasha Shirka London ayaa noqonaya kii u horeeyay ee lagu soo bandhigo Warbaahin Soomaaliyeed ee Liiska Magacyada ka qeyb galayaasha Shirka iyo Dowladaha ey ka socdaan: 1- Ra”iisulwasaaraha Australia: Kevin Rudd ( Australian Foreign Minister) 2- Madaxweynaha Burundi: Pierre Nkurunziza ( President of Burundi) 3-Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada John Bird( Foreign Minister of Canada). 4-Zhong Jianhua. China special representative for African Affairs. 5-Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada Denmark Villy Sovndal. Danish (Denmark Foreign Minister) 6-Madaxweynaha Djibouti :Ismail Omar Gelle- (Djibouti President). 7-Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada Masar Mohammed Amir-(Egypt foreign Minister). 8-Ra’iisulwasaaraha Ithopia Melez Zenawi -( Ethiopian Prime Minister). 9- Midowga Yurub Catherine Ashton ( EU) 10-Madaxweynaha Tarja Holen-( Finland President). 11-Ra’iisulwasaarada Germany Michael Link-(Minister of state of Germany). 12-Xoghaya Urur Goboleedka IGAD Mahboub Maalim-(Executive secretary of IGAD). 13-Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada E. J. (Hindia Foreingn Minister). 14-Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada Talyaaniga Giulio Terzi-(Italian foreign minister). 15-Madaxweynaha Kenya Kibaki-(President of Kenya). 16-Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada :Uriel Rosenthal(Netherlands foreign minister) 17-Madaxweynaha Naigeria :Jonathan Good luck( Nigerian President). 18-ururka Jaamacada Carabta Nabil Al-Aarabi(Arab League States). 19-Wasiirka Degaanka Norway Mr Erick Solheim-(Minister of Environment and International Development of Norway). 20-Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada Luxemburg :Mr Jean Asselborn(Foreign Minister of Luxemburg). 21-Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada Afghanistaan Hina Rabbani(Foreign minister of Afghanistan). 22-Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada Qadar Hamad Bin Jassim(Foreign minister of Qatar). 23-Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada Sacuudiga -Prince Saud.( Foreign minister of Saudi Arabia). 24-Madaxweynaha Puntland Abdirhmaan Faroole(President of Puntland). 25-Madaxweynaha Uganda Musevani (Ugandan President). 26-Xoghaya Qaramada Midoobay Ban Ki-Moon (United Nations Secretary General). 17-Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada Turkiga Ahmet Davutoglu-( Turkish foreign minister) 18-Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada Imaaraatka Abdullah Bin Zaeyd Al-Nahyan(UAE Foreign Minister). 19-Xogyaha Arimaha Dibada Maraynka Hilary Clinton (Secretary of state). 20-Ra’iisulwasaaraha Soomaaliya Prof Abduwali Gaas ( Prime minister of Somalia). 21-Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Sheikh Sharif (Somali president). 22-Madaxweynaha Tanzania Jakaya Mrisho(Tanzanian President) 23-Madaxweynaha Somaliland Ahmed Siilaanyo(Northern Somali president) 24-ururka Islaamka Prof Ekmeleddin Ihsanologu (Organsation of Islamic Countries). 25-Ururka Midowga Afrika Jean Ping. (African Union).
  25. My God, you used a few posh words, I feel intellectually defeated. Only a fool would compare Churchill to a guy who can't lead his militia into a small town, 3 times in a row.