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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Dr_Osman;791744 wrote: Beergaal, where did you read that from? source? or is it just hear-say It's bullshit.
  2. So in 6 years they got that done? I see this.
  3. rudy-Diiriye;791730 wrote: Bring it on! u aint nothing to me but smelly piece of crap! Also, silly-land aint in my list. I have no clue how any one can accuse me of that! dig deeper! Who is your uncle?
  4. @rudy What are you on about, which uncles have I bragged about? You make no sense.
  5. Xaaji Xunjuf;791711 wrote: Is his wife from india bye the way I knew the family Jamac jangali Back in xamar good family How old are you?:eek:
  6. rudy-Diiriye;791706 wrote: U see thats the problem with you cheerleaders! u judge a book by its cover!! so u think that your uncle is like the holy grail and everything he says is like the shizzel my nizzle! I had no idea that my avatar was the pic of f-head Usher!! lol. Some how, sol assigned me that and i rolled with it. But now, i gotta have a meeting with Libaax!! lol Did u every see me talk about my uncles!! If i tell u who they are, u will kiss my feet!! I know most pple in sol dont know shyte about me. But i aint like that. I judge a person by their karti and and knowledge. its just pathetic when a grown up human, shakes their bootys to a tribal dance!! thats just freaking immature behavior. Whats better, is to think out of the box and believe that u & tribe can not have the whole pie, and as a somali nation, we all need to share it. Can u share?? Mashallah, tell us, who is your uncle..
  7. uchi;791671 wrote: Would it be possible to get my dad's old house in Mogadishu back? Once we drive away Al Shabab? Or is that wishful thinking? I've asked the same many times, it looks bleak though.
  8. Carafaat;791661 wrote: Good move by the Professor to visit Puntland. I visited Puntland 4 years ago and I really liked it.Didn't have the chance to visit mudug unfortuantly. Why do you have to throw Mudug under the bus?
  9. Xaaji Xunjuf;791641 wrote: Loool@ calamda badan Why you laughing, you already posted this a while ago.
  10. Ban welcomes political deal reached at Somali constitutional conference 19 February 2012 – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today welcomed the political agreement reached by Somalis at a national constitutional conference, saying the accord “sets out clear steps for ending the transition and putting in place a constitutional order” in the war-scarred, impoverished country. In a statement issued by his spokesperson, Mr. Ban said the stakeholders who took part in the so-called Garowe II conference, which wrapped up on Friday, deserved credit for reaching the agreement. “The Secretary-General applauds the spirit of unity and commitment demonstrated by the Roadmap signatories as well as representatives from the areas recently recovered from Al-Shabaab who participated,” the statement noted. Senior members of Somalia's Transitional Federal Institutions (TFIs), parliamentary leaders and representatives of self-declared autonomous regions within Somalia all took part in the conference, which was held in Garowe, Puntland. Augustine Mahiga, the Secretary-General's Special Representative for Somalia, also participated in the conference, which took place less than a week before the international community gathers in London for a major conference on the way forward for Somalia. The TFIs are in the process of implementing a roadmap devised in September last year. That roadmap spells out priority measures to be carried out before the current transitional governing arrangements end in August. Mr. Ban said in today's statement that he particularly welcomed the commitment to include a minimum of 30 per cent women in the Independent Electoral Commission, the Constituent Assembly and the new Federal Parliament. “The Secretary-General looks forward to full and timely implementation of the commitments made,” the statement stressed, adding that the United Nations is ready “to provide comprehensive support for their implementation.”
  11. Recovering-Romantics;791590 wrote: There's a world of difference between what some gang leaders worried about their term write on some worthless documents & trying to implement. Mogadishu is the capital city of Somalia but its not an empty land where every ***** can lay claim to it. It belongs to a specific group. That same group that dismantled the Siyad Barre Regime & Abdullahi Yusuf & have left a psychological dent on the minds of Faroole & his gang. If you think the people of Mogadishu will give away their ancestral homeland without a nasty fight, you are utterly messed up in the brain. Faroole & the gang he comes from are guests in Mogadishu & they will have to obey the local rules & mandates of the city-state or get forcefully get evicted like in '91. It's like talking to a brick wall. IT doesn't belong to anyone. Read the charter. And for your information the "group" that live there are allied with Faroole, Abdullahi Yusuf and the rest. What kind of "psychological damage" can they inflict? People like you are what's wrong with Somalia. Now that 4.5 is gone and the discrimination due to Faroole's work, Mogadishu could be claimed by cad cad, how about that? I am playing by your rules.
  12. Recovering-Romantics;791584 wrote: Very valid points by MP Salaad Ali Jaale. Thousands of people have died to bring down the communist regime of Siyad Barre which had the same views of Mogadishu as the current gang in Garowe & we are prepared to fight nail & teeth to bring down that criminal enterprise in Puntland if it attempts to enforce its clan agenda on the people of Banadir. What happened in '91 will be a walk in the park. Mark my words Empty threats. What will you use to fight the government this time? Sticks?
  13. Abwaan;791542 wrote: I am not the one saying ciddaydaa wax walba u qalanta, ciddeydaa wax walba taqaan...I am sorry, Soomaali baan u doodaa and you don't:....Koox iga daba heestana ma qabi oo ii camirta, oo dan qabiil lee SOL u doodda... Doc ka yeerna daankaa lagu dhuftaa! You've exposed your views many times. People do not want to live among others who do not want peace. You've played warlords for 20 years and now when you see the nation moving forward, using a realistic system of governing i.e federalism, you all of a sudden cry for "peace". This is the way forward, a federal Somalia and any other way is unrealistic. I understand full well why you do not want the system, that's a no brainer but it is supported by large swaths of the country and the international community is now behind it. Your time is up. And do not play the projection card with qabiil, we know full well who has the worse agenda here. I do not keep you from prospering but you want to keep others from it.
  14. Recovering-Romantics;791579 wrote: For the most part, it is a good document but things will go nasty when they try to get involved or attempt to change the status quo in Mogadishu & the greater Banadir Region. I don't think any sane or credible person will try to reduce Mogadishu the ancestral homeland of 1.5 million people into an equal ownership land where all sorts of weird & random people from Somalia lay claim to it. The people of Mogadishu have waged a bloody & vicious campaign that led to the ultimate demise of the former clan-rooted communist regime & placed it in the very abyss of history's dustpin. Any attempt to dust of the 70-80s none sense of free-for-all Mogadidhu will face a similar fate. Look at this little tribalist soldier from Snet. Mogadishu is the FEDERAL capital of Somalia. It shouldn't belong to ANYONE and it hasn't been "tried", it has been done for the past 8 years, it belongs to nobody, read the TFG charter. Declares Mogadishu as the capital, and grants Parliament rights to pass laws over its governance (Article 5). The parliament governs the city.
  15. Abwaan;791394 wrote: Why not build one Soomaaliya now. Bring the nation together and then si caddaalad ah uga feker haddii uu Federalism shaqaynayo? Because there's people like you.
  16. Business Week New York - United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Sunday invited Somalia's leaders to engage in “full and timely implementation” of a weekend deal on the future government of the war-ravaged country. Somalia's president, the presidents of the breakaway Puntland and Galmudug regions, and the commander of the powerful anti-Shabaab militia Ahlu Sunna Wal Jamaa signed the deal on Saturday under UN auspices. The accord signed in the northern town of Garowe proposes a parliamentary system for anarchic Somalia to replace the country's fragile transitional body, with both Puntland and Galmudug recognised as states within a federal system. “The secretary general applauds the spirit of unity and commitment demonstrated by the road map signatories,” the United Nations said in a statement. Ban “particularly welcomes the inclusion of a minimum of 30 percent women in the Independent Electoral Commission, the Constituent Assembly and the new Federal Parliament”, the statement said. “The secretary general looks forward to full and timely implementation of the commitments made. The United Nations stands ready to provide comprehensive support for their implementation,” it said. Ban “looks forward to discussing how the international community can support these agreements at the London Conference on Somalia next week”, it added. The agreement is the latest among more than a dozen attempts to resolve Somalia's more than two decade-old civil war, with the country split between rival factions and pirate gangs who hijack ships far across the Indian Ocean. Al-Qaeda allied Shabaab fighters, who control large parts of central and southern Somalia, where they are battling African Union-backed government forces as well as Kenyan and Ethiopian troops, immediately condemned the deal. “The agreement is treason because it is part of a master plan of the international community to send Somalia back to colonisation,” Shabaab spokesperson Sheikh Ali Mohamud Rage told reporters. Somalia has been without an effective central government since 1991, and the leadership in the capital Mogadishu is propped up by a 10 000-strong AU force from Uganda, Burundi and Djibouti. - Sapa-AFP
  17. Bloomberg Somalia’s leaders agreed to the basic structures of a new government and parliament to replace the current United Nations-backed transitional administration. The country’s future lower house will have 225 members, at least 30 percent of them women, according to a statement issued after a meeting of signatories of the Somali road map -- signed in September on setting up a new government -- in Garowe, Puntland, in northern Somalia, hosted by Puntland State and held under UN auspices. The upper house will be based on the future federal state’s final configuration and have a maximum of 54 members. A national constituent assembly of 1,000 people, with 30 percent women, will be appointed by traditional elders and civil society members, according to the statement. To contact the reporter on this story: Hamsa Omar in Mogadishu via Nairobi at
  18. faarah22;791337 wrote: His a classic specimen of the anarchist remnants of the moryaan era, dowladiid qashin. he can't create shit and won't allow other to progress. Co-sign
  19. Beer-Gaal;791296 wrote: Well, who is qabilist if you are not one then? Are you trying to be funny?
  20. Abwaan;791266 wrote: Are Caalin and Sharif Hassan everyone? Cayaar baad meesha ku haysaa! This agreement will be Somalia's stepping stone into a federal system. The international community is behind it and so are the Somalis who want to move forward. The British Ambassador also said it is the move forward. Excuse us for not fixing your part of Somalia so you could participate and you know I ain't talking about Al-Shabaab held territories. Anyone who is against this is against peace. Al-Shabaab have already come out against it, so be on the wrong side of history, it won't matter. As for Caalin and Sheikh Hassan, no they are not everyone.
  21. No, you are lying. Why do you like to post things you know is a lie? If this happened everyone would report it. But it didn't. See, the thing with you secessionists is that you have some sort of cuqdad against Puntland. We build a great place, it's part of Somalia and we are prospering. We are living what you are living except we are not forced to. So sxb, let bygones be bygones, it's a new dawn. Do not hold any old things against us. It looks pathetic.
  22. Daily Nation Key Somalia groups have reached an agreement on a number of pending transitional government tasks, including a federal structure for a future government and representation in parliament. Delegates from the presidency, cabinet and the parliament of Somalia's Transitional Federal Government met representatives from the authorities of Puntland, Galmudug and moderate Islamist group Ahlu Sunna wal-Jamea for three days in Garowe town to hammer out a final deal. Garowe is the capital city of the semi-autonomous Puntland state of Somalia and hosted an earlier conference that set out steps to be met as Somalia looks to implement a stabilisation roadmap that would end in elections this year. Sources say the group agreed on the nature of the country's future parliament at the end of the current transitional house before August and implementation of the principles reached at the Garowe I conference held in December 2011. Among the highlights of the deal is that the future parliament would constitute 250 members with at least 50 of these being women. An upper chamber (house of elders) would have a maximum of 54 members. The future federal structure will be based on the 18 regions Somalia had before the collapse of the central government led by the late Gen Mohamed Siad Barre in early 1991. The meeting also agreed on the selection of 1,000 representatives for a constituent assembly that would endorse a draft constitution for Somalia. This assembly would have at least 30 per cent of its members being women. "This accord is going to please all Somalis, in and out of the country," said President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed speaking at the end of the conference. He added that his government could now concentrate on liberating Somalia from Al-Qaeda. Prime minister Abdiweli Mohamed Ali and house Speaker Sharif Hassan Aden also signed the deal witnessed by representatives of the international community led by Ambassador Augustine Mahiga, the UN secretary-general's Special Representative to Somalia. The envoy said that he had briefed Mr Ban Ki-moon and the African Union boss Jean Ping on the outcome of the meeting, and both had welcomed the agreement. Most of the signatories flew to London for a major conference on the future of the country to be hosted by British prime minister David Cameron on Somalia starting February 23. Somaliland President Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo was confirmed to have flown from Hargeisa, the capital of the breakaway republic, on Saturday for the conference.