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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. The Sage;792316 wrote: So who actually controls Galkacyo? PL? Galmudug? or West Puntland state? Having trouble keeping track Puntland controls all of it except Baraxley, a small neighbourhood next to the airport. It also controls the checkpoints around the city. This West PL is like Saylac and Lughaye State.
  2. Are they still hurt over the Garsoor incident? :rolleyes:
  3. I don't listen to it, it has been reported by others and I knew he was giving an interview. In an interview with the BBC Somali Service, Mr Cameron....
  4. Xaaji Xunjuf;791568 wrote: Aaliyah we all know khaatumo is not part of Somalia it was rejected by the garowe clan enclave , khatumo is part of Somaliland khaatumities are citizens of the republic of Somaliland. If khaatumo was part of Somalia they would've been part of the garowe accord just a few days ago. But Khaaatumites fall under the jurisdiction of Somaliland. You ought to address Puntland in a more proper fashion now that they've got you by the nutsack.
  5. Siad Barre also had surveyors looking for oil in Mudug, Uranium is thought to have been found. But records were destroyed in Mogadishu, so no one really knows for sure except the companies.
  6. They have never protested regarding SL and they are still winning. Lol@your failure.
  7. I share your sentiment regarding Dharoor. But the rig touched Somali land, that is an achievement on its own, a pathetic one but one nonetheless.
  8. It's not all of Galmudug that's a problem, it's just that the administration can't control some parts and those are the people causing trouble. Puntland should use whatever future funds it can get to help the administration because if Galkacyo isn't calm, Puntland won't be calm. If it was 10 years ago, the city should have been cleared.
  9. This YouTube comment regarding the video is gold "Looking at a cleavage is like looking at the sun. You can't stare at it. But if you wear sunglasses, you can look at it as long as you want." - Napoleon Bonaparte And this proves he wasn't looking at the jewelry.
  10. Great, Al-Azhar, special connection to the Horn, it's called the Nile.
  11. kingofkings;792192 wrote: damn it's time like this that i wish i owned properties in Bosaso. I agree. My parents never made it a habit to build in Puntland, not even a house.. My mother inherited massive farms near Kismayo.
  12. It'll probably get worse when the oil flows to us.
  13. The people that were forgotten were forgotten for a reason.
  14. Xaaji Xunjuf;792131 wrote: Well technically the airport belongs to them since its located in the southern section of the city It doesn't belong to them. And the airport has always been part of the Northern side, it was part of the agreement to led them back into the city. They live in 1 out of the 12 districts, not even half of Israac or even Garsoor.
  15. The article should be called; 'Dahabshiil CEO and secessionists raise concern after recognition bid was rejected by Britain'
  16. kingofkings;792054 wrote: i'm expecting a bigger welcome for the President than the one in 2009. :cool: Sxb, no doubt, no doubt :D
  17. Day One 8 am – 6 pm 25 February, 2012 ****** Day Two 10 am – 6 pm 26 February, 2012 ****** Venue: Haverstock School 24 Haverstock Hill Chalk Farm London NW3 2B TUBE STATION: CHALK FARM - NORTHERN LINE
  18. Puntland President Faroole attending
  19. Somalicentric;791851 wrote: Genes? haha... please!!! Listen the bottom line is we are all human beings, from a single origin (Africa) Albeit being disbursed around the world, the labels we ascribe ourselves is a social construct... it is because of statements like yours that enable divisions based on outer appearance and racist thoughts. How do you know if we are from Africa, what if there are bones in Siberia but they haven't been found yet?
  20. We are Somalis not Arabs. If people claim to have a particular ancestry it doesn't mean they are still part of that group.
  21. What kind of dumb question is that?