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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Abwaan;792624 wrote: Ask your cousin, he should have the answer! Ah, so now you are playing diversion politics, great job man, great comeback.
  2. Xaaji Xunjuf;792611 wrote: ^^ Technically he recognized Somaliland he differentiates Somalia from Somaliland Man, that is some weak sauce excuse. He said "all the parties" also including your region. He could have said Puntland and it would still be the same. Wallahi I actually feel sorry for the region, to go through that kind of humiliation..
  3. Did RadioMuqdisho block out hotlinking? Hahahahaah man, that is too bad.
  4. David Cameron: THIS IS NOT ABOUT SOMALILAND At 17:55 Bisinka, they get slapped around for fun.
  5. .. to make a remix of Arab money? I've been contemplating the idea for sometime. I think it should be done immediately after the oil flows up. Waryaa Waryaa adigaaaaa Halkee baa uu socotaaaaaa We gettin Puntland Money We gettin Puntland Money Original LaLaLaHaleHeloHalow HelaBalaHeHeleBalo We gettin Arab Money We gettin Arab Money This is the song.
  6. Dr_Osman;792539 wrote: Xaji ninka ugu weyn oo ku taagero wa u.k haday sidan kula dhaqmeen maxad aduunka kale ka sugaysa? your crazy dude Their defence mechanism is to crack a joke, ironically they are the ones made look like a joke. Look at the secessionist protest in London right now, it's raining sxb :D:D:D
  7. BBC NEWS 38 seconds ago Somalia al-Shabab militant base of Baidoa captured Ethiopian and Somali troops have taken a strategic stronghold of Islamist militants in south-west Somalia. Eyewitnesses told the BBC that about 50 vehicles, including some 20 tanks, had entered Baidoa town. The BBC's Mohamed Dhore in the capital, Mogadishu, says Baidoa was the most important al-Shabab base after the southern city of Kismayo. Al-Shabab, which has recently joined al-Qaeda, confirmed that it had withdrawn its forces. It said that it would start a guerrilla war in response.
  8. Hahahahaha, wallahi I should go man, it would take me like 30 min. But I am afraid I'll speak out and a few Qawdhans chasing me down her Majesty's street.
  9. The secessionists need to keep their import taxes high for the Ethiopians.
  10. No. They are trouble makers that have been dealt with but soon these trouble makers won't look so bad to the people of Gaalkacyo, especially come 2013.
  11. Mr. Gaagab is not part of the government and does not speak for the people of Mudug so he does not have to take orders. And any actions they take should not deter him from governing. He fires who he wants and he hires who he wants.
  12. Somalina;792501 wrote: My cousins are in California, London, Rotterdam, Ontario and Alberta. If you say so.
  13. Men smarter than myself have tried to do so and based on their decisions there's only one way to deal with a cancer, you cut it out or you die. So Puntland must treat the administration, Galmudug, in order for it to survive. It is in everyone interest that the more rational people of Galmudug govern.
  14. Somalina;792492 wrote: Jubbaland who? Jaw! Gabar, forget Jubbaland, your cousins aren't even noticed in the deep south.
  15. When have I portrayed the "clannish virus", silly name calling to the ones that call you out on your bull. :rolleyes:
  16. I, as the President of Jubbaland State of Somalia, hereby forward my official request for admission to the London Conference on Somalia to be held on february 23rd. 2012. Jubbaland State of Somalia, has been formed and proclaimed on november 26th 2011. Subsequently, I have been elected president on january 28th. 2012. The Jubbaland State of Somalia comprises of the southern regions of: Gedo, Middle Jubba and Lower Jubba. We find it of utmost importance, for the sake of inclusivenes, tha the elected Presdient of this state which occupies roughly ¼ of Somalia be admitted to this conference in which important matters concerning my country are at stake. Looking forward to receiving Your confirmation. We remain Sincerely H.E. Dr. Ahmed Farah Dualeh President of Jubbaland State of Somalia
  17. Waxaa meel fiican maraya howlo dayactir ah oo beryihii u danbeeyey lagu wadey wadada Laamiga ah ee marta bartamaha magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta ganacsiga iyo dhaqaalaha Puntland. Mashruuca jidkan lagu dayactirayo oo qayb ka ah mashaariic 4-ah oo ku jira barnaamijka horumarinta degmooyinka ee JPLG ayaa waxaa fulinaya shirkadda dayactirka wadooyinka ee El-Gar. Qaybo kamida wadada laamiga ah oo burbur xoog lihi uu ka muuqdey ayaa xiligan ah kuwo dib loo habeeyey kadib markii dhowrkii beri ee lasoo dhaafay ay shaqo xoog lihi ku socotey. Inta u dhexeysa Hotel Nakhiil iyo xarunta dowlada hoose ee degmada Boosaaso ayaa maanta laga dheehanayey isbedel xoog leh kadib markii goor hore oo saaka ah Daamur lagu shubay. Dhinaca kale waxaa dhowaan la qorsheynayaa in iyadana Laami laga dhiga wadada isku xirta Airport-ka iyo xarunta dowlada hoose ee degmada, wadadaas oo dhowr todobaad kahor loo diyaariyey sidii Laami loo saari lahaa. Si kastaba ha ahaatee heshiiska jidadka magaalada Boosaaso laamiga looga dhigayo oo lakala saxiixday 2/2/2012 ayaa u muuqda mid si weyn wax uga bedli doona bilicda iyo isu socodka dadka iyo gaadiidka ee magaalada Boosaaso. Waxaana mashaariicda dayactirka wadooyinka ee Boosaaso ka socda si aad ah usoo dhoweeyey bulsho weynta ku dhaqan magaalada Boosaaso iyo guud ahaan gobolka Bari.
  18. AYOUB;792456 wrote: The darkie is the "Scott's "Independence" Flag". Check below Anyways don't divert me guys, I just want my SL flag avatar back thank you! No it is not. This is the Bonnie Blue flag, please get your facts straight.
  19. AYOUB;792453 wrote: Ok people I need help I said That's not the Bonnie Blue. It is much darker. That is the Somali flag.
  20. Abwaan;792439 wrote: What is this got to do with Garsoor and Raxanreeb....Say something about this horrible incident amase iska aamus. Imagine if you were one of these young, respected and educated individuals who went back in order to help Somalia and some mo oryaan kidnapped and attacked you! What does this have to do with Faroole, I ask you then. Raxanreeb posts these sort of stories all the time. The one before this was the Galgala "attack" that never happened. You must have seen them, the secessionists on this site were promoting the story. It has nothing to do with Faroole, he has nothing to gain and so much to lose. I wish people would just use simple logic these days.
  21. Abwaan;792440 wrote: If you really want the truth you can find out yourself. No no, use your mind. Rub 2 brain cells together, logically, what would he gain by doing this?
  22. Abwaan;792433 wrote: Carruur Booli iyo jirrinimo lagu koriyey maxaa kale oo ka filaysaa? They should take him to court elsewhere whatever it takes, inform the international community regarding this incident. I don't believe that they will get justice in where his pirate dad rules. What the hell does he have to gain from assassinating some journalists?
  23. Faroole tried to reason with reer Mudug in 2009 and we all know what happened. He hasn't visited Gaalkacyo since.