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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Lying as you usual, Mr Carafaat. The world disagrees. Puntland Marine Force and its Air Wing.
  2. I honestly think sxb, that you may be suffering from something known as mental retardation. I am not sure but I think so. Do not take it as an insult.
  3. ADMIN: There's already a thread, delete this one. Follow coverage here. The time has come for a vision to be fulfilled.
  4. ^^ That is one khat induced secessionist.
  5. Jacpher;793140 wrote: They came out of the woodwork now that the green grass is banned. Way duushay! Lol
  6. Carafaat;792995 wrote: Somalia, Germany has a long history going back centuries of being a Confederation of Lander(countries). After the second world war, some authority was reinstated to the Bundeslander after being fully central under Hitlers third Reich. Germany is not fully Federal rather it has a central federal goverment where the central goverment still decided through the basiclaw which areas a the responsibility of the States and which of the Central goverment. Therefor it has a decntralized Central State meaning the central State decided what mandate is of States(Lander), if oil was to be found in Germany the central State would decide how it would be divided. Faarah, you say everyone should deal with its own territory. Well if that was the case then there would be no need foreign troops nor foreign marine vessels and mission in to Somalia's territory. No competing maamuls asking TFG for mandate on their own regions? Everything you described is what federalism will look like except the oil and minerals bit, so that's what's bothering you about federalism.
  7. A_Khadar;792873 wrote: Landers, u let me down.. i was expecting half a million.. They are trying to save face, it's funny. Not only has he said he won't recognize them, he has said that it isn't even about them. :cool:
  8. Whatever you call it, I pity that generation.
  9. It honestly hurts that a child is taught that.
  10. AsadSL;792787 wrote: Somalia, Were you there? No, I was mocked when I asked some people to join me.
  11. Xaaji Xunjuf;792784 wrote: You ought to be ashamed of that picture. Cajiib.
  12. The only people against federalism are the ones who have had 20 years to fix their land yet opted for chaos and lawlessness. The day when Somalis will be dragged down by a bunch of primitive savages is over. Federalism has been accepted by the TFG and its allies as well as the international community. It's a new dawn and it will work. Just like federalism worked for Germany after unification. You stemming from a secessionist background should be the first one to support it. Mogadishu is the federal capital and will remain so. If you count Ras Caseyr then we will count, Saylac State, Saylac and Lughaye State, Awdal State, SSC State and Khatuumo State.
  13. I can, it is a shame you didn't see what I did there.. :cool:
  14. I have called him 'President'. Look at this .. Ban Ki Moon - UN Secretary General, Sheikh Shariif - President of Somalia and Ahmet Davutoğlu - Foreign Minister of Turkey But, I will end it here. Let bygones be bygones.
  15. Abwaan;792693 wrote: Aniga igama suurtowdo inaan qof iyo dad Soomaali ah xaqiro, waanan aqoonsanahay oo weliba taageersahay horumarka magaalo kasta iyo degaan kasta including Boosaaso iyo Garoowe unlike you and few doc-kayeerro aad isku cammirtaan idinkoo dalka intiisa kale liida! Waxaan aaminsanahay in dad ka mid ah kuwa Soomaali ugu wanaagsan ay degaannadaaas ka soo jeedaan, kuna nool yihiin, laakiin unfortunately qaar weli xanuunsan like you and few others-na waa jiraan oo magaca, sharafta iyo karaamada walaalahaas wanaagsan ku ciyaara! Horta maxaad iskugu naagaysan, hal hal dadka ulama hadli kartaan miyaa? Ooops I forgot in laba qof lee magacyadaan badan awalba wadatey! Listen you've been exposed 1 too many times. You will not see me or any other person from Puntland calling Sheikh Shariif or any other leader "Mo/ryaan" but you just love the pirate bit. We have not seen one good intention coming from the likes of you so do not embarrass yourself any further. Qabiil is in your bones.
  16. Puntland Marine Force has an Air Force The best video I have seen in a long time!
  17. Abwaan;792673 wrote: All I can tell you is that 20 years have passed since 1990. You need to forgive and forget. Soomaali godob badan bay kala gashay wakhti hore, dhexe iyo dambeba dad badan baana samray ee adiguna cuqdadda iska saar! Adiga laftigaa baa uu bahan in cuqdada laga saaro. Puntland is gone, that's what bothers you.
  18. General Duke;792657 wrote: My friends, ironic that the Al Qaeda groups have failed and under the TFG with the help of the "occupiers" AMISOM, things are coming back to normal. Xamar is experiencing a renaissance and that is wonderful. The hypocrisy is loathsome no doubt but in some ways it's flattering. Great that the city is recovering.
  19. Somalina;792642 wrote: Yep. Doesn't matter, you got my message loud and clear.
  20. Somalina;792637 wrote: "Get lost" means get lost not follow me around SOL. :D isku dhejis badanaa naga fuq baan ku iri. , never. Is that you in the car? kingofkings;792635 wrote: talk about someone who's always ahead of themselves. Lol
  21. Somalina;792634 wrote: I wasn't talking about you Cusmaano. You're a league on your own, the Cusmaano League that is. Omg, Somalina stop teasing me with your brilliance!
  22. Somalina;792631 wrote: My pirate fans, ah! you know you're a celebrity when you're followed around by bunch of pirates. Life is sweet! Don't flatter yourself, who posted on this thread first? :cool: