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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. He said "biting off Somaliland". Meaning Puntland copied from Somaliland. So would you care to explain how your region invented development plans? He has said a similar thing in another thread.
  2. I'm going to be bold here and ask an interesting question. Where is the achievement here? Did I miss something? :confused:
  3. Xaaji Xunjuf;794778 wrote: Nice photoshop It was so obvious
  4. Xaaji Xunjuf;794725 wrote: Maya somalia cadalaad baan la raba sabab wa walahayo waxan ku idhi ya qadanaya wax ay afar nin so mal maluuqdeen in garowe oo u farooole gar wadeen ka yahay cadalaad baa loo Bahanyahay sheekdadan garowe accord ma shaqeyneyso wanad arki dad badan ba iska hor iman doona. I'm sorry but the world disagrees. It will indeed work. The TFG has made its play and so has the international community, both the US and the UK. And as you heard Hillary Clinton say, anyone who stands in the way of the transition will be dealt with. It can't be stopped.
  5. peasant;794720 wrote: Dr Osman adiga sida aad wax ku wado mar dhow puntland waadba ka goyn Somalia! bal sheekada yara deji sxb anagu weli somali baanu nahay LOOOL It's funny because of your username and who you are addressing, you are addressing the King,
  6. Here's the airport and the plane is parked near a wall. I think the plane is a Beechcraft Super King Air Mujahid steps off the plane.
  7. HOW? Explain HOW? How can one copy making a development plan? I honestly do not understand, help me out here.
  8. I am just trying to figure out why you would only send 6 people abroad
  9. Freedom;794703 wrote: Teaching more people to be pirates lool You shouldn't even talk You send 6 students abroad. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL :D
  10. That is very true but why weren't you able to secure a conviction, the supreme court already made the decision you know?
  11. 2012 is a bad year for them. However, this is good. They went after the weakest man, it just goes to show which kind of people they are. Forgive and forget or go after everyone. Qaranki;794694 wrote: A great victory for the Israeli lobbies who actively backed Mr Samantar. Say what?
  12. Are there stats on how many students are being send abroad? I think those initiatives are by the diaspora not by the government, there should be stats on all regions. Hundreds are sent abroad by Mudug every year but we need a central database on these kind of figures.
  13. Xaaji Xunjuf;794683 wrote: Faroole can't even unite the garowe clan enclave let alone uniting somalia the garowe accord is not accepted in ximan iyo xeeb not in hiiraan and also not in other parts of southern somalia. Lol, do not kid yourself, you know Faroole won this match, he played cards like no other before him.
  14. Great initiative. But goddamn Bosaso looks dry, the pictures hurt my eyes, I hope that oil money waters it up.
  15. Dr_Osman;794659 wrote: Dissident nation is on the loose, I will be contributing there my articles they won't publish you
  16. Jacaylbaro;794260 wrote: Somaliland Dictated ?? ,,,,, I think it is more of playing cards very well among the world powers. Hahahaha, which cards?
  17. Xaaji Xunjuf;794217 wrote: Carafaat don't mind Somalia he loves dismissing credible sources:D You lack basic thought processing. The "credible" sources you quoted do not even support what you say. Why don't you stick to quoting galgalanews and raxanreeb, you cried wolf too many times. Will you answer the question I have for Carafaat, where do they promote piracy? This will take you a long one to figure out eh.. Show me where it says Puntland 'promotes' piracy
  18. Xaaji Xunjuf;794122 wrote: She right that federalism can be solution for somalia I wonder what Hilary thinks about clan Federalism we can hardy compare the few million nomadic somali Folks. With the Well Civilised Americans who understand the concept of sharing a country and its resources. Those few million nomadic folks are more civilized than the ones in your part of Somalia (Somaliland) where they target innocent kids in Buhoodle, SSC. Also believe that these nomads decide the future of Somalia, yours as well. I think it is time Siilaanyo goes to Faroole and asks him for recognition support. It could be the game changer you need.
  19. Somaliland President Silanyo receiving statesman’s status. I like his British security detail holding the umbrella for him You said it in the context of a guy holding his umbrella, nothing to do with the Seychelles President's statement. Truth is, a lot of secessionists are pissed about Britain's open rejection of your recognition bid and you went anyway. It was a slap in the face. I feel like you should hire me to advise you. How about you address my video, do you believe that is the way a head of state is treated?
  20. You don't make sense. If it asserted its so-called "sovereignty" then why did it attend as part of Somalia? He didn't get a statesmen's status. Watch this video of him waiting to be led into Downing Street and the FCO have no idea who he is. He has to wait in the rain and then they keep saying "President of Somaliland" hahahaha. I swear WaagaCusub is taking you all for a ride. And do not respond bad to this, you are the one who looked at the superficial things, "white man holding my umbrella, I am important". _______________________________________________ He should never have attended, the Oodweyne guy is right. I don't know what the hell you were thinking.
  21. The Hermet;794110 wrote: Kosovo was an entity within Serbia and previously within Yugoslavia. Unlike the rest of Serbia, the inhabitants of Kosovo are mainly of Albanian descent. The ethnical differences have been the cause of many conflicts in the region. Since decades, the Kosovar Albanians felt like they did not belong under Serian rule, they had the wish for self-government. The region was firstly recognized as an autonomous province under Yugoslavian leader Tito in 1946. Milosevic ended this autonomy for Kosovo and placed it directly under the Yugoslavian regime. More and more Kosovar Serbs fled Kosovo, so the eventual low rate of Kosovar Serbs in de region decreased dramatically. In the time of Slobodan Milosevic, a nonviolent movement for more autonomy in Kosovo raised; the League of Kosovo. For the first time in 1990 the leader of the League of Kosovo, Ibrahim Rugova, declared Kosovo’s independence. Kosovo declared independence before Somaliland. Kosovo's parliament has unanimously endorsed a declaration of independence from Serbia, in a historic session. - 17 of February 2008 Also watch this.