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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Gaalkacyo and Bosaso need major urban planning, something Garowe is much ahead in, with it being the capital.
  2. I think the Chamber of Commerces should unite under 1 auspice to work for a more coordinated industrial sector.
  3. It is true that they announced their connection to Al-Qaeda 2 years ago, this is no news but it re-establishes the already known connection.
  4. PL is setting a precedent that other maamuls should work towards a similar system.
  5. This will get PL a lot of funding to fight those terrorists, things can only go forward when this crazy ideology is defeated.
  6. The moment he realizes the vision should be implemented. He has a relapse
  7. Duufaan;795245 wrote: you do not leave reality. you are busy building a house without foundation. It will colopse and again you will start from beging.that is your for ever reality Damn, a house without foundation, you just didn't go there did you?
  8. Duufaan;795237 wrote: You better leave Khaatumo alone! anything you say and do, counts against you. I'm just being realistic
  9. Duufaan;795223 wrote: nothing you can do about this. one day khaatumo security forces as part of national security forces may clean pirates and mafia gangs in Garoowe. do not denied this. Listen to yourself, you are dreaming. You can't even clean yourselves.
  10. Forget being part of the national force, they won't even give you funding as you do not meet any of the criteria needed.
  11. Some of those “alternate objectives” could be highlighted in a letter dated 6 December 2010 and addressed to the UN by the “president” of the Galmudug region of fractured Somalia. Here reference is made to a “massacre” of “innocent nomads” carried out by Puntland security forces explicitly identified as having been armed and trained by Saracen. In one of a series of actions conducted by troops in armoured vehicles equipped with heavy weapons, the Galmudug leader says 35 people were killed, and 46 wounded, many of the casualties inflicted on women and children. Lying Next ----->
  12. Indeed, and also treated like one, the doors open for him unlike others
  13. Here is a salt factory Cleansing the salt and packaging it.
  14. HORN OF AFRICA FREE ZONE AUTHORITY The lost programme of HAFZA should be re-established. No! HAFZA has reached an equitable and commercial agreement with the Government that will provide the Government and population with substantial revenues over the short and long term. There hasn’t been any secret in the project. The project was only contracted in October 2004. The HAFZA website has been posted since early November 2004. It appears HAFZA wasn’t news worthy until early February 2005. HAFZA believes that the project has an excellent chance of success. HAFZA takes the view that it has a 99 year lease to look forward to under the Agreement and we are only a few months past from the signing of the Agreement. Work has already begun. However, the tangible work requiring large amounts of funds can not commence until such time as all of the Somalia/Puntland laws are in place and/or internationally recognized. Readers will appreciate the project is huge. HAFZA has arranged a large quantity of international assets to assist in the initial commencement of the project through the issue and sale of Medium Term (interest bearing) Notes (MTNs). It is planned that general interested investors from the population at large, banks, financial institutions, developers and international investors will see the long term value of the MTNs, and the future of HAFZA There will be an abundance of employment opportunities. These positions will encompass all trades, professions, careers, businesses through a mixture of opportunities within HAFZA and the thousands of small businesses and large corporations participating within the Horn of Africa Free Zones. The Agreement entered into with the Puntland Government required a large percentage of Somali board members together with a government appointee to have a say on the Board. Somali managers with the necessary skills will be invited to participate in the project along with a mixture from other nations. The project will be controlled initially from Dubai through an autonomous HAFZA branch office, pending establishing a suitable location within Puntland. There is no plan to list HAFZA on any Stock Exchange. Participation in building the free zones will be limited by invitation to the shareholders of HAFZA or those holding the HAFZA MTNs. The development of Hafun as a financial/tourist centre is a longer term goal than the other immediate free zone areas of Puntland. Short term development of Hafun will be restricted to creating the general design for the area, together with existing population housing and jobs; all in readiness for Hafun’s end development. HAFZA is a relatively new corporation. Its ability to undertake such a large project revolves around the financial assets it can bring to the project through others to back up the MTNs (referred to above), and bring together large world corporations and leaders to assist in the overall development. HAFZA has the obligation of developing its own financial centre and a Central Bank facility for Puntland. Initially it is planned to have a network of ATMs through the free zones and secured areas of Puntland for employees to draw employment cash from.
  15. I think this is excellent excellent news. We must work towards a fair system for all, a democratic one.
  16. In this cliff, we take a hard look at Somalia’s numerous yet untapped resources. The nation is estimated to have some of the world’s largest uranium, oil, and natural gas reserves, so we’ll dissect the issue a little more and give a clearer picture of what exactly is at stake in the small war-torn republic. Minerals Uranium (over 25% of worldwide reserves est. by UN Geological Survey) Coal Iron Ore ‘Heavy Mineral Sands’ Yttrium Tin Tantalite Copper Lead Zinc Fossil Fuels Oil (19.9 Billion Barrels, according to Red Emperor Resources) Natural Gas Non-Minerals/Fuels Aquifer Water 2 Perennial Rivers; Jubba & Shabelle Longest Coastline in Continental Africa; plentiful & diverse marine life