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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. NASSIR;795720 wrote: She's has asked valid questions and she is very articulate, far reaching thinker. My only advice to Bilan is to keep researching and keep writing on the subject. And don't be discouraged by the naysayers and those with limited information & knowledge about such issues. Be the Devil's Advocate for your country's resources. Naysayers? She's a complete.... Her motives are clear. Her articles have no merit. Why, why did she mention the environment, I still can't get over that. Where she lives they cut down trees and sell them off, and she has the nerve to talk about environment? That bit alone blows my mind. Which valid question did she ask? Lets now dissect her second article. When I pointed out some basic requirements for foreign investment like having a recognized government and financial institutions, some of the critics compared Puntland to the situation that happened to the Kurds in Iraq and the Libyan rebels. We are comparing apples to oranges, it was a politically motivated to cripple Saddam and Gaddafi’s economy. Here she raises a point I said earlier than you need countries to market the oil for you. Now see, she doesn't address that point and goes on to state it was "politically motivated to cripple Saddam and Gaddafi’s economy." What does that have ANYTHING to do with whether or not a country can market the oil for you? To my understanding, Range Resources have been itching to be involved with Puntland over the years, so that they can claim their stake, and be ready for when the real companies come to the table. That means Range Resources can claim any dollar figures they want (a million to a billion) and that will be added to the cost of our future oil business. So what? Puntland doesn't have to pay for it, the oil companies negotiate for the concessions with Range Resources, this is strictly between them. a) Who will invest in our country at this state? b) What is the amount of the investment and where is it coming from? c) What kind of infrastructure is planned for Dharoor (refinery, pipes to the seaports, or any other method) d) What are the environmental programs that will ensure the safety of human and wild life? d) What are the agreements and allocations to this project? e) What is the timeline for these projects: 10 years, 50 years or 100+ years. f) Who will hold this company accountable? None of these questions are for now, this is exploration not production. But number d. :rolleyes:
  2. GAROWE ONLINE Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxman Maxamed Maxamuud Farole ayaa magaalada London kula kulmey xubno ka tirsan jaaliyada reer Puntland ee UK xaflad siweyn loo soo maamuley. ka sokow xubnaha Dr.Farole ku wehelinayey safarkiisa London sida Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha Gen.Cabdilaahi Axmed Ilkajiir ,waxbrashada Cabdi Faarax Juxa,gudoomiyaha guddiga doorashooyinka Dr.Maxamed Xasan Barre oo joogey kulanka ayaa haddana waxa ka soo qaybgalay raysal wasaaraha Somalia Dr.Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali iyo weliba ergayga gaarka ah ee Qaramada Midoobey u qaabilsan Somalia Dr.Augustine Mahiga. Garowe Online waxay akhyaarta ku xiran halkan ugu soo gudbineysaa sawirada xafaldii 25, feb ka dhacdey magaalada London ee xarunta UK.....Daawasho Wacan.
  3. Xaaji Xunjuf;795647 wrote: Clan federalism is doomed to fail dawlada Pudhlayn ku yeh wamaxay dawladan dawlada ku dhex taala. No, for the first time you are realizing that what is about to happen will be the greatest achievement for the Somali people in 40 years. Do I need to explain federalism for you? Afkaa bar, it's called Puntland, you heard him. Just the mentioning of this name hurts you, which makes me happy . Hargeisa mala rariyo - Faroole :eek:
  4. Also Maalmulka Dowlada Puntland baa la yiraahdaa afkiina bara :cool:
  5. My mom was one of these kids. She told me Siad Barre came into her classroom, looked around and patted everyone on the head. And said 'he he he'. Sounds cool.
  6. I'm sorry? I heard the UN Envoy to Somalia, (who by the way comes directly under the UN Secretary General) saying that 'without Puntland Somali politics would never have reached this stage'. Man, what is he telling the UN Secretary General then :eek:
  7. London(Pi) Xafladii ay Jaaliyada Puntland ee London usameeyeen Waftigii Puntland uga qayb galay shirkii London ayaa waxaa marti u ahaa Danjiraha Qaramada Midoobay arimaha Soomaaliya u qaabilsan Augostine Mahiga, wuxuuna Xaflada ka jeediyey khudbad dheer. Agustina Mahiga” Puntland Waxay Role Model u tahay Soomaaliya” Ambashatoor Mahiga “ Waxaan soo marnay jid aad u dheer , oo aanu dhammaanteen ka wada shaqaynay, Waxaan hambalyo u jeedinayaa dowlada Puntland iyo shacabka Puntland oo suurtageliyey wixii wanaag ahaa oo soómaali oo dhan ay heshay, Puntland haddii aysan jiri lahayn Maanta talaabada siyaasadeed ee la gaaray lama gaareen. Talabooyinkii siyaasadeed ee Garoowe1 iyo Garoowe2 waxay suutageliyeen shirka London, waxaana idiin sheegayaa hadalka uu ku hadlay Cameron ee ahaa (Dowlada Federaalka ma dhaafi karto waqtigeeda), anagu waxaan go’aankaas ku soo gaarnay Shirarkii Garoowe1 iyo Garoowe2, oo waxwalba horaan usoo dhamaynay , wax dhamaysan ayaa lala yimi London, Puntland hadaysan jirin lama gareen wax heshiis ah , waana guul ay keeneen shacabka Puntland iyo Dowlada Puntland oo iska kaashaday degenaanshaha deegaanada Puntland. Waxaan kaloo ku farax sanahay Work shop-ka ay qabteen Jaaliyadaha Puntland Diaspora oo 2 bilood kahor igu marti qaaday inaan ka soo qayb galo shirkooda oo ay uga hadlayeen horrumarinta Puntland dhanka siyaasada , Waxbarashada, Dhaqaalaha, Nabadgelyada iyo Dimoqraadiyada”. Inkasta oo Xaflada waxyaalo badan laga hadlay haddana waxaan ku dadaalnay oo kaliya inaan soo qaadano hadaladii gaarka ahaa oo kooban ee ay meeshaas ka sheegeen masuuliyiintii ka soo qayb galay Sawiradii xaflada oo ay kasoo Qaybgaleen Ra’iisal wasaaraha Soomaaliya, iyo Waftigii Puntland uga qayb galay shirkii London oo uu hogaaminayo Madaxweyne Faroole, hada ayaan gacanta ku haynaa oo soo gudbinaynaa, Waxaa Xaflada iskusoo dubaridey PDF-Uk, waxaa Marti u ahaa PDF USA, PDF CANADA IYO PDF DENMARK.
  8. Hahaha, wallahi you are one hell of a comedian.
  9. ^^ They lost in Galgala and Gaalkacyo? What is it with you and lying? You still haven't learned from the "Puntland promotes piracy" bit and now you are spewing that? Bosaso, Somalia, August 14, 2010 (SL Times) – The hilly village of Galgala was captured by Puntland's armed forces after a brief engagement with a radical extremist called Mr Atom who used to control that area. But Puntland's success s in dislodging Mr Atom from his hill top position has not ended the conflict, and Mr Atom has launched some counter attacks. The security situation in Puntland has not improved either, and four people were wounded when a bomb was lobbed at a police station in Bosaso's Biyokulule neighborhood. Three of those injured were policemen while the fourth was a civilian. @Dr_Osman A far more important goal has been accomplished.. A lot of people on this website are anti-Puntland not just for clan reasons but what you have accomplished in the 14 years of existence, you shouldn't ask them of their opinions, they are default.
  10. uchi;795576 wrote: Do you think she read this forum? But to be honest I very much doubt she wasn't raised without clan mentality, come on dear...give me a break. Well reading through the old one, I was like 'blah, blah, not true, blah' but then I got to the 'environment' and that's where she lost me. For 20 years, warlords and now Al-Shabaab have been cutting down trees and selling the charcoal off at a minimal price to foreigners and she now worries about the environment. :rolleyes: She addressed my point. When I pointed out some basic requirements for foreign investment like having a recognized government and financial institutions, some of the critics compared Puntland to the situation that happened to the Kurds in Iraq and the Libyan rebels. We are comparing apples to oranges, it was a politically motivated to cripple Saddam and Gaddafi’s economy. Also, the investment and the infrastructure for these regions existed long before these groups divorced the rulers of Iraq and Libya. Meanwhile, we are in the very beginning stages, with much information to consider before jumping blindly into the arms of Range Resources. But were weren't talking about the cripping of economies or infrastructure, we were talking about if it was possible for entities to have their oil marketed for them, proving that it indeed was possible. Also, Range Resources is likely to sell of its concessions now that western countries have entered the game, just like people were saying earlier that multi-natonals take over later on.
  11. SHE CAME BACK FOR MOORE?!?! :cool: Make a new thread so we can pick this one apart as well. Please.
  13. And also, Puntland must organize to become one truly united entity.
  14. Excellent union, I hope more are made throughout the region and have a strong connection with the government for more coordinated and efficient work.