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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Dhageyso wasiirka iyo taliyaha Saldhigga dhexe ee Booliska degmada Boosaaso waxaa maanta lagu soo bandhigay gaari raashin iyo qalab u sidey kooxaha Galgala ee dhowaan shaaciyey inay ku biireen Al-shabaab. Mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan wasaarada amniga ee Puntland, Taliska sare ee ciidamada Booliska gobolka Bari, iyo saraakiil ka tirsan ciidamada Daraawiishta oo saldhigga dhexdiisa Saxaafadda shir ugu qabtay ayaa ka warbixiyey qaabkii ay gaarigan usoo qabteen iyo meeshii uu ku socdey. Jaamac Siciid Warsame (afguduud) oo ah taliyaha ciidamada Daraawiishta Puntland ee ku sugan aagga Galgala iyo Sugurre ayaa ugu horeyn hadlay wuxuuna sheegay in gaarigan oo sida raashin ay qabteen ciidamadu isaga iyo sadex nin oo watey. Wasiir ku xigeenka wasaarada amniga ee Puntalnd Cabdijamaal Cismaan Maxamed oo isna goobta ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in ay ku faraxsan yihiin sida ay ciidamada ammaanku gaarigan gacanta ugu soo dhigeen isagoo xusay in agabka gaarigaas lagu soo qabtay uu ahaa mid la rabay in dadka iyo dalka lagu waxyeeleeyo. Axmed Cabdi Gurxan oo isna ahaa ninkii gaarigaasi u rarnaa ayaa gudaha saldhigga Saxaafadda kula hadlay wuxuuna sheegay in gaarigaasi uu isaga u rarnaa islamarkaana uu raashinka iyo qalabka lagu qabtay u sidey kooxaha ku sugan buuraleyda Golis. Siciid Maxamuud Cartan oo ah dareewalka gaarigaas wadey ayaa sheegay in isagu uusan waxba kala socon arintan haseyeeshee gaarigiisa laga kiraystay kadibna ay ciidamadu soo qabteen xilli ay marayeen meel aan magaalada Boosaaso wax badan ka durugsanayn. Waa markii ugu horeysey oo ay ciidamada ammaanka ee Puntland gacanta ku soo dhigaan gaari raashin iyo qalab u sidey xoogaga Galgala, waxayna arintani kusoo beegmeysaa xilli dhowr beri kahor ay shaaciyeen inay ku biireen xarakada Al-shabaab.
  2. Carafaat;796065 wrote: In which year will Oil Production Start ya Uchi, this year? And when are there elections(before august 2012, this year). Oil fever iga dheh. Doesn't matter when it will start, it matters that it is there.
  3. Carafaat;796064 wrote: Indeeed Puntland should adres Piracy and fight them in Garacad and Eyl Indian Ocean rather then taking picture's for media in Red Sea. I already showed you evidence of the Garacad and Eyl theories you have. Stop with the pathological lying.
  4. Carafaat;796036 wrote: Puntland is spoiling. they are abducting Somalia to Federalist corners. I blame the Siyadist leftover from Minnesota high on US Federalism. They have no clue wallahi. Xiinfaniin ayaa u aqli ah, Baashi waa mutacalinkooda. Ilaahayoow dadkeena Mareekan so hagaaji. That's your response?! Hahahaha
  5. Carafaat;796028 wrote: What is Federal? to send you failed clan Politician to the Presidency? Somalia, werent you complaining about Faroole neglecting your clan enclave in Galkacyo for not giving you more weapons. No I wasn't, I think you transitioned into becoming a pathological liar now. Ever since you claimed Puntland 'promotes' piracy, you've just gone down from there, worse than the stock market. If he failed then you wouldn't worry and make threads about him 24/7 Would you? :rolleyes: Also why do you like to project your feelings onto us, I mean "clan politician", when the only clan one is your triangle, why project those feelings onto me? :confused:
  6. On Mahiga, funding for projects, economic exclusive zone and a lot more.
  7. It is a reality, Faroole, Sheikh Shariif, Caalin and the rest of the TFG all endorse it. Hillary Clinton. “We will encourage the international community to impose further sanctions, including travel bans and asset freezes, on people inside and outside the TFG who seek to undermine Somalia’s peace and security or to delay or even prevent the political transition.” Wow, everyone loves the transition from TFG to FG. :eek:
  8. Abdul;795999 wrote: There are different southern clans so whats your point exactly? Of course, he means these educated men right here. All of them with Ph.Ds in running a country.
  9. The Sage;795840 wrote: Big surprise there. Anyway, as unorthodox as it sounds I nominate Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, He proves that one doesn't have to be Somali to genuinely care about the plight of its people. This article he wrote from last year really captures it: Faroole has done more for Somalia than any other politicians in the past 3 years, even the UN recognized that.
  10. Puntland is fighting piracy, it is the only one with the capabilities to do so and the ones that have done the most. I am glad the Norwegians acknowledge that.
  11. Man, we can brag like there's no tomorrow but that article Why did you post it here. :(
  12. Xaaji Xunjuf;795947 wrote: Somalidu mar mar waxan is yidha dadkanu manay ogayn waxa u fIcan iyo waxa u kheyr qaba . Imika xita haday wax diidayaan may sheegaan qodobkay diidanyihiin si qodob kale loogu badalo laakin wixi hore hala tuuro wax cusub hala keeno wa waxa somali halka dhigtay.
  13. There's no deal, there's just an understanding.
  14. Faroole isn't going to run for the highest seat and if he does why do you care, didn't you just say he wasn't good enough for Puntland, how on earth would he then be elected?
  15. Man look at the video, there's nothing to hate on. The training is good though.
  16. Hah, my threads, of course, now it makes sense. No, I will continue to post them. I will make one tomorrow giving a tribute to Abdi Iley, no doubt, only a few men have vision in that area and he is one of them.
  17. How, how do I look like a fool for showing an article of the UN Envoy to Somalia saying and I quote 'Without Puntland's existence Somali politics would never have reached this stage today'? Man, you should fix your part of Somalia instead of crying
  18. Man, I am not saying anything, I am letting people speak, I am letting 20 years speak. What are you letting speak?
  19. Man, the reason why she failed is because she started asking the wrong questions at the wrong time. We are just exploring. She shot herself. But if they (haters) are grasping straws now before oil has even been found, imagine the articles coming up if it is found.
  20. Yeah but what about that Mercedes, damn. Also this.