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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. It makes no difference, pseudo states pop up everywhere. The reason why Kastuumo won't exist is because Puntland won't allow it, nothing more nothing less. You even went to Mudug to try and convince them but you saw what happened at the airport, one of the 3 "presidents" was send packing.
  2. Not really, to satisfy a you must give him something, a title and that was how it was named because a portion of the soldiers are from Puntland controlled areas, such as Xudun and Badhan..
  3. It's reality that things are going upwards, people just don't want to face up to it.
  4. The amount of smileys you post illustrates how frustrated you are by the truth I delivered. Erigabo is divided into two entities, but one overshadows the other lets call him "peace-loving" individual rather than weakling, I can't deny that. Now, addressing your "declaration of independence", nothing gave you the right to dissolve, as I stated before when you entered there was no union, there was one entity, if you leave then it becomes a secession, not a dissolution. As for Bargaal, in your previous message you said "please don't tell me they are on the internet the Xaaji doesn't take cyber states to serious.", so I won't. And your ministers "roam" the eastern parts because of their clan affiliation and that is ironic since you call Puntland a clan state. We shouldn't even compare, you are the one pretending to be a country, you have the same grip Karzai has in his country, damn.
  5. Xaaji Xunjuf;796281 wrote: ^^ First of all i did not secede i merely dissolved a union there is a difference son but i am wondering who seceded in Somaliland where are they where can we find them please don't tell me they are on the internet the Xaaji doesn't take cyber states to serious.The pirate enclave a regional clan state that can barely keep a subclan together in their enclave who by the way have a hard time ruling a city divided into 3 entities. Somalidu waxay ku mah mahan doqoni Waxay tahey bay dadka kale mooda. You didn't dissolve nothing. There was no article stating you had a right to dissolve. The US have those, we did not, so you seceded in a triangular form. :eek: Erigabo is ruled by 2 entities. Parts of Togdheer isn't under your authority and the entire Eastern regions are not under your control. Even places like Xudun, the heart of Sool is not under your control. So I wouldn't talk while living in a glass house. You are the ones living in a clan state but project the feelings you have about yourself onto others, classic defense mechanism.
  6. Carafaat;796282 wrote: Swiss States have a 1000 year history of self governing and self rule. They together have created the Swiss Conferedaracy. Just the States have created the US of america. While Somalia as the world knows was created by 2 former colonies. Which existing and self ruling State will cereate the new Somalia? Puntland alone? The US was born out of federalism. The world's biggest democracy, India is a union. Russia is another federal country. Are you trying to say that federalism should exist between the 2 old protectorates? That's the most ridiculous idea yet. How would that work?
  7. No, they are not exported. Shalambot as it is called, is a huge area of plantations owned by the Italians and then by the government. In the civil war it was fought over by two groups, it's highly profitable so after Al-Shabaab leaves those areas they will be contested.
  8. Swiss-style federalism could play a key role in helping Somalia overcome the effects of 20 years of civil war, says Swiss Foreign Minister Didier Burkhalter. Burkhalter told an international conference in London on Thursday that the next six months would be crucial “to bring governance and a functioning state back to the country and emerge from over 20 years of state collapse”. The foreign minister pointed out that Switzerland had given its support to peace building in Somalia and contributed to the drafting of new constitution. The different Somali factions have shown an interest in federalism, according to Burkhalter, and it could help overcome tensions in a country where regional identities often play an important role. “A system with federalist elements would give democracy a better chance of taking root,” added Burkhalter. Switzerland spent SFr19 million ($21.08 million) on projects in Somalia last year. and agencies
  9. Many government buildings have not returned because a certain, lets say "group" doesn't want to return them. . . . . . . .
  10. Read what I wrote, it isn't even late, you started chewing already. You seceded, to where? It's a good question, no one recognizes you so you have seceded to wait for it.. no where! Damn, the joke even got funnier than I wanted. For 20 years you've been in political purgatory. Lool
  11. No, I meant half of SL seceeded, the secessionist triangle, that's why I had the picture Sxb, are you broken or something?
  12. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;796246 wrote: So it is all about advocating gobollada Bari's interests now and not Soomaaliya, aha? Even if that said interest is against Soomaaliya's interest. Do you know Soomaaliya has 18 gobol. Anyway, why don't you and your like-minded folks just admit that you yourselves are hardcore goosashadoon wannabes. Maxaa midnimada Soomaaliya loogu gambanaa when you have no interest of Soomaaliya's overall interest. Naasir, Reer Khaliijka waa kuwa dalkeena ka dhigay dhul nabaadguur ah oo abaaraha ka dhamaan doonin. Geedaheena dhan dhuxul ay shiishadooda xun ku dhuuqaan ka dhigeen because dhuxusha makes shiishada more 'nice.' Xaasidnimo ku gaareen inay iyaga geedahooda la gooyin, laakiin geedaheeda wada gubaan oo dhulkeenana saxaro ka dhigaan sida dhulalkooda. Ah, so you do not believe it is in Puntland's interest to fight Al-Shabaab in Bari? Ok, I got you. I don't believe in gooshaso, Puntland is where my brain is, but the heart is going home now.
  13. Man, I agree with him, can't you read? Wow Let me explain it to you in simple terms. First I say that the triangle has seceeded alluding to the fact that a certain people live their and have the desire to leave. Then you said "to where"? And then I said "Aren't you a Republic or something" or maybe you changed it LIKE YOUR BORDERS CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111111111111111111 REFERENCING SSC ehsefskehfsefq3 trh esf
  14. Xaaji Xunjuf;796241 wrote: What are you talking about maxa baas eeh is badalay Your colonial borders man, why can't you keep up? Somalina;796240 wrote: kan shaqo kale ma waayo horta oo aan ahayn in wargeysyada codkiisa ka maqlo? shiish... It's better than what others prefer.
  15. I don't know, aren't you a "Republic" or something, or is it only your borders that keep changing? Oooh snaaaap!
  16. I saw your intention the moment I saw "mercenaries". Do you think the UN's cares? The UN would have done something about it a long time ago. Puntland is safeguarding its interests and the international community doesn't mind because it is in their interests. If you want Mr Molecule to be safe then of course you are against Puntland's actions, otherwise you shouldn't be.
  17. Damn, a lot of good work can be done with those..
  18. I'm pretty sure others destroyed Somalia, I'd love to point them out but it'd get me banned.
  19. In a rainy, dreary cold whether outside Downing Street, Silanyo delegation looked more like they were lining up for food coupons than being a delegation representing a country. Sadly this is true. But when will you all stand up and sing 'Federalism here we come' with me?
  20. And cabinet ministers. They also visited Nobel Peace Prize center. Yesterday, there was a press conference with the foreign minister of Norway.
  21. I think he is suffering from the Uncle Qawdhan syndrome. And now he is trying to establish himself as an important figure by having been one of 550 MPs in a corrupt parliament Only in the secessionist region.