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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Galkacyo( A member of southern Galkayo’s Semiautonomous region of Galmudug was gunned down in Galkayo on Tuesday, puntlandi reports. Gunman with pistol opened fire on Abdullahi Siyad ,alias “Shuulax”, a member of embattled parliament of Galmudug. Perpetrators escaped from the scene . People who were in the area of the accident reported that the parliament member was killed in broad day light in the heart of southern Galkayo in what is believed a clan based avenge. Galmdug police reached at the scene and promised detaining the killers. Security in Galmudug has been volatile for the last several months where several high profile murders took place. There has been bitter row among Galmudug administration after when parliament sacked the incumbent president Mohamed Ahmed Aalin by underlining he isn't the legitimate president of Galmudug.
  2. Hiiraan Online Ahmed Abdisamad Tuesday, February 28, 2012 A member of the Parliament of Galmudug state was shot dead in Galkayo town in central Somalia. Eyewitnesses say Abdullahi Mohamed Siyad (Shirwa) was shot in a market at the city center of Galkayo. Mudug province commissioner of Galmudug have confirmed the death of the MP and denounced it in his strongest terms. “Today,unknown gunman assassinated Mr. Abdullahi Mohamed Siyad a memper of parliament, we can’t tell who is behind this crime, but we will carry out investigations”. Said the province commissioner Mohamed Guuleed Guure. He further stressed that they will not accuse any one for this incident, until investigations are ended. Although the motivation behind this killing is unclear, assassinations and revenge killings are outspread in the volatile city of Galkayo.
  3. Saalax;796693 wrote: UNICEF and other children's protection organizations are keeping a good eye on the rising number of child soldiers in Puntland. No they aren't, because it is fake.
  4. Oh, so now that you failed at defending the non existent entity, you try and forge an alliance with resident Aideed over there, I am afraid it won't work. Taking the cloth of feminism in vain, tsk tsk tsk
  5. Watch from 7:25 If he's president then why is he coming this way? :D:D:D:D:D:D What's his name again?
  6. Yeah, I was being very very misogynistic. Why would you ask for her help, I mean, you could quote me and address my points instead? Or did SSC now run out of men?
  7. Yeah, please direct me to the "Somali Ancestry Database". :rolleyes:
  8. So did the land actually belong to her, what does "ancestor" mean in this situation?
  9. Mario B;796494 wrote: Tell this diehard Faroole fan to change the record. So you need a woman to defend you?
  10. Xaaji Xunjuf;796492 wrote: ^^ Cabdilahi yusuf the warlord was not welcome in Xamar you have a problem with that. No, I don't, I am pointing out the sheer hypocrisy and how some people are logical thinkers while other are well, lets just say blinded by special interests.
  11. Amxaaaaaaaaarooooooooooo baaaaa qabsaaaaaaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay :(
  12. The Hermet;796479 wrote: Somalia keep talking saxib...we all know we got this show on lock...and you sleep in garowe because of the mercy of Somaliland. :cool: hahahaha... You shouldn't even laugh, a sub-sub-sub-sub clan of the SSC clan took 1 truck with anti-aircraft guns from you and 2 technicals with heavy machine guns. That is a pure embarrassment, watch here.
  13. Mario B;796462 wrote: AMISOM will be stationed in four regional capitals.....Baidoa, Mogadishu, Kismayu and Galkayo. And because of Piracy from your region, in the coming Summit about Piracy in UAE...Somalia will pressurised to reduce its territoria watersl to 12NM. How does that even make sense? Do you listen to conversations? Only around a Somali dinner table do you get like that. And also AMISOM isn't coming to Gaalkacyo, so sad day there too. At least come with facts when coming up against me
  14. FreshPrince;796456 wrote: That's why I said "Perhaps", after I said, "Candy". Build your reading skills, silly kid! Maybe I should teach you English. Perhaps is used in an instance of uncertainty, so you saying perhaps means, "maybe candy", not "is it maybe candy".. Damn, with people like you, SSC will become the number one fictional state in the whoooole wiiiiiide wooooooooooorld
  15. Mario B;796455 wrote: I think you should worry about the coming AMISON force in Galkayo, i never understood why you ever wanted to expand your little enclave when your work is cut out. What AMISOM force, why do you keep repeating a lie, it's the same as the one about the EEZ, what does the EEZ have to do with Puntland?
  16. M&Ms are sugar coated chocolate, not candy. You don't know nothing about nothing do you? I should ask you stuff about your region but you wouldn't know them either.
  17. Those are not child soldiers of Puntland, Puntland captured them in Cal Madow. And FreshPrince, you just can't get me out of your mind. Which comment was it when you lost it, was the "Puntland won't raise a finger" or the rape, torture or killing bit?
  18. Freedom;796438 wrote: Mmm interesting lool Might be the smartest thing you have ever written.
  19. Yeah they do, but to do so they have to....... exist.
  20. The Hermet;796425 wrote: all i saw were mobile phones, power converters and food?? unless they gonna use the mobile phones to blow up bags of rice...sit back down.. funny people...:cool: riwayad focol riwayad. IEDs, lives were saved. Seriously grow up man.
  21. What's wrong with being a siiju, I don't get it? Also which federal state are you talking about? Puntland does have a lot of natural resources, we know that, so what?
  22. FreshPrince;796403 wrote: LOL, really? I didn't notice that! Well, you should try a bit harder next time! I think you did. And I know which comment set you off. Oh man
  23. Man, I must have gotten under your skin.
  24. See, you just admitted it yourself, confused by profession. Clueless about where your next allegiance will lie. @Mario B, we are friends why are you mad at me :(
  25. FreshPrince;796372 wrote: LOOOOOOOOOOOL, this kid is a COMEDIAN! Kulaha "Puntland won't allow it". Oh boy! Oh boy! Why are you using laughter as a defense mechanism, anyone reading this can see that you are angry, don't be. You are confused by nature. When you joined you were pro-Puntland, then 2 months ago you were pro-Somalidiid and now you are pro Kastuumo. :eek: lol