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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Carafaat;797132 wrote: Somalia, even my my grandmother has a mobile and a car battery. Doesnt proof terrorism. Your grandmother goes out and buys; food supplies, car batteries and mobile phones. Mashallah, her IEDs must be the best. Even Xaaji or Jacaylbaro knows when to stop, Mr Carafaat.
  2. Carafaat;797102 wrote: Somalia, dont embarras yourself. you mean these guys riding on Ethiopian tanks? So the Ethiopians came to Garowe, escorted them through gobollada dhexe? haahahaha, oh Carafaat.
  3. Carafaat;797116 wrote: Dont see any explosives. only mobile's and some car batteries. another PR stunt for the CIA funded 'terrorism project'. Are you broken? IEDs..
  4. Carafaat;797090 wrote: Where did they go? Went from Garowe all the way down to gobollada dhexe and met up with their Ethiopian counterparts and had fun.
  5. Man, I'd ruin you, Cabdullahi Yuusuf style, without you even knowing. Listen from 9:10
  6. Hahahaha, occupying Djibouti seems more likely than Bosaso or Garowe, you can't even occupy Buuhoodle. But my question is this, why do you need Puntland politicians? Huh? Finally see the light?
  7. All I see is a lot of name calling, illustrating the frustration the secessionist people had for the conference. This is my favourite bit And while Somaliland president was signing bilateral agreement with the president of Seychelles, the TFG leader was busy heckling Hillary Clinton like an immature kid Except we now know that it didn't happen, and you signed an agreement to house criminals WOOPTI DOO
  8. Carafaat;797059 wrote: Security forces implies they secure something? Care to explain what or which place they secure? Or are these part-timers who have office jobs in Garowe and in the weekend do military parades. seems like that. Do you know what's funny? That Puntland forces have gone to other parts of Somalia while no other force can enter Puntland More than a defensive force I'd say
  9. Carafaat;797060 wrote: Abdiwali being carried in the Qabiil basket by Faroole. Even cartoonist Amin sees Abdiwali as a clan stooge, why cant LST see it? What has he done, Abdiweli not Faroole?
  10. If I want to cure it, the next man doesn't meaning we all have to come on the same level, there's deep mistrust in some parts of the country. You make it seem like nothing has happened and I understand why you want federalism to fail as it shows that secession doesn't have to occur. As for the "how will it work". There will be clear guidelines on distribution of resources in the constitution. No federal state will have a standing army so in the future there can't be any physical threat of "withdrawing" from the union. A state would be cut off financially anyway. And a country's size does not decide whether or not it will succeed in being a federal country. We are a homogeneous country and the only places that fail with federalism are usually countries that are not, like Yugoslavia while others do succeed.
  11. Yes, it is in the interest of the country. To draw up states along clan lines is a much more stable prospect than to do it with multiple clans. See, I see reality for what it is and there's no way after 21 years of civil war that the country will sing Kumbaya together, you know this, and now the world is starting to realise it as well. Let every man build his own region and govern himself. And that is why eedo said that sanctions will be placed upon people in the TFG who do not allow a transition to happen, meaning the transition into federal government is inevitable. What is your problem with federalism, the only thing I hear is that you seem to be against it, but why?
  12. peasant;796895 wrote: Well, fighting the secessionist agenda and uplifting the blue flag was always our main objective and that is why a lot of secessionists resent Puntland the most. As for the southerners, they never understood what was at stake and it was puntland who kept reminding them their roles and responsibilities and that friendly reminder is very much were much of their resentment stems from. You are indeed right, the last ones who would ok the secession of somalidiid would always be from Puntland. The last card was federalism and it is now resurging unlike any other time in its history.
  13. Xaaji Xunjuf;796900 wrote: Eastern sanaag and eastern sool regions are part and parcel of Somaliland its indisputable I'm just being realistic as usual my friend _______________________ Federalism has now been chosen by the TFG and allies, and has the full support of the US and UN unlike any other time in TFG history. I think Xaaji's head has eedo Clinton's voice echoing inside of there. Some people want to pretend there can be one central government with states made up of multiple clans. :rolleyes:
  14. There will be unity as Somalis and sharing of natural resources. Each clan will build his federal state and meet in Mogadishu to discuss national issues. The Somalidiid region will be given the choice to secede along its clan lines and if it chooses to do so unity is much more likely. :cool:
  15. Qandalawi;796856 wrote: ^Loooooooooooooooooooooooool, XX as the rest of the secessionists cidiyo kudirir ayuu kujiraa. Their irrelevance in the Somali stage is resounding so they are trying to overturn that by any means necessary. Waa ismuuji ilaahaw kuwa aad taageeraysid haday doonaan ha ahaadeen maalig iyo jinni iska soo horjeedee
  16. This biased Amin Arts guy is creating problems Faroole got rid of 4.5, he is now a full human being for God's sake
  17. Prime Minister Abdiweli with Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt
  18. peasant;796729 wrote: I would say faroole would run the country far better than the one we have now in office in Mogadisho but southerners would rather have an incompetent president of theirs than a fine leader from the north east. Remember the whole frame work which the TFG is using today was formulated by the Former President Abdullahi Yusuf and during his tenure we remember how much cry used to come from the mogadishu folks, accusing him using ethiopian armies, amisom and etc. If they would have stopped bittching and mourning this country would have been on it's feet long ago. PS: All of a sudden you hardly see anyone complaining about the ethiopian forces in Baladweyn and in Baidoba! The hypocrisy is a tell-tale sign to the world as a whole so you shouldn't see that as a minus but rather a plus. Remember what Mahiga said, if Puntland never existed Somalia would never have reached this stage of progress, that's what matters.
  19. NGONGE;796741 wrote: ^^ Why is Goodluck standing behind the Somalis? :D
  20. Carafaat;796728 wrote: Galkacyo has invented the consensus of Clan Killings and wants other Somali's to follow this example of Federale States. Al Shabaab even has beter directions to hell then this. What does this have to do with federal states? It's afternoon for God's sake, you've already started chewing..
  21. Western companies must be fully aware that all exploration rights & drilling contracts in N.Eastern #Somalia are now permanently nullified Contracts to Range Resources, Africa Oil, et al, who are looking to plunder the mineral resources in Dharoor &Nugaal valleys are non-binding!/hsmpress :D
  22. Carafaat;796724 wrote: AUN. Marna waa Puntland, marna waa Galmudug. The killings and assinations of Isims,Sheicks, Politicians continues. This what some like Duke and LST call consensus and peace. Indeed its a blance, the downwards balance. This has nothing to do with Puntland.
  23. Carafaat;796720 wrote: Institutionlized clan is the biggest obstacle to a Somali State. All Somali's should denounce and rejectcl clan ideologies. You are living with the fairies my friend Also, wouldn't Somaliland be the first in line then?