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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Siad Barre is dead, AUN, I don't see how his ideology outlived him? Do you know something we do not?
  2. This thread is so longing for my interjection. It will soon come, no doubt.
  3. Abdul;797309 wrote: @Abdul, hurt over my truthful SSC or Khatuumo comments? NOt really,coming from a blind Faroole follower. A follower of facts. Why, you hurt over the fact that he doesn't pay much attention to a region that hasn't been productive since the 1920?
  4. Abdiweli could be the next President. His tone has changed, more decisive and leader like.
  5. I am glad that the Garaad has realized the support his clan had for Al-Shabaab was wrong and that we must work to defeat Al-Shabaab in Galgala, Puntland. Thank you very much for your time.
  6. Fiqikhayre;797237 wrote: Funny is how Abdiwali is also the only Somali working for another Somali. The three other's are all working for foreigners. That's quite telling. Arewe the smart ones here? Sshhhhhhh, you shouldn't say that out loud
  7. Somalina;796743 wrote: Unknown gunmen have now shot and killed a former Galmudug legislator in central Somalia town of Galkayo, Mudug region. The deceased, Abdullahi Mohamed Siad Shuluh was shot dead in the southern part of the city. According to local residents, the assailants immediately disappeared from the scene of the incident. The motive of the attack was not immediately clear. Galmudug’s security forces immediately arrived at the scene and conducted a major search operations aimed at netting those behind the killing of the legislator. Meanwhile, the dead bodies of two young men were today found dumped on the northern part of Galkayo. The deceased had gun wounds on their bodies. The city of Galkayo has in the recent past seen waves of violent assassinations and organised crimes that forced both Galmudug and Puntland administrations to conduct operations aimed at bolstering deteriorating security situation in the city. ------------- AUN to the dead. That's a lie. Response to the fake news. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  8. What were they suppose to do??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???? ??? ? ? ?? ?
  9. burahadeer;797192 wrote: Get out here,we don't need your poison tongue ..ruin every thread with meaningless confrontation LOL Ok...
  10. Why did you inject that irrelevant SLTimes article? Man, a lot of people want to prove themselves after Puntland's progres in the field
  11. Bluelicious;788651 wrote: I'm permanently leaving this place for good. Goodbye everyone! :mad: Damn, about time!
  12. Carafaat;797163 wrote: I know bro. Truth is, we could do so many things together . You have certain qualities and I you know I am the best. so lets join hands. Xaaji Xunjuf rather joins Djibouti, but I have a preference for Somalia. Djibouti is another mirqaam nation with no qualities. I understand why you are different, a bit of a Irir type I see.
  13. SSDF were the first to go against Siad Barre, and the only ones Siad Barre ever feared. After the coup, the first person he locked up was Abdullahi Yusuf and the only people he tried to satisfy with money, positions and status were those people but he never gave in, unlike any of the others. And everyone went to Ethiopia, SNM was in Ethiopia, USC, the difference between all of them thinks faster, decades ahead. Like Baidoa, again captured last week, now it is ok for the Ethiopians to come eh? It's funny and sad at the same time because the people that died weren't from Garowe. But what did he say in the video, that he was the one behind the collapse of Cairo, Arta and the rest. You ought to consider how this was possible.
  14. Magaalada Hargeysa ee xarunta Soomaaliland ayaa maalintii labaad waxaa laga wadaa burburin goobaha ganacsi oo ay shacabka wadooyinka hareerahooda ka dhisteen, ayadoo maalinimadii shalay shaqaaqo ka dhacday magaalada uu ku dhintay 1 qof. Dowladaha Hoose ee magaalada Hargeysa ayaa shalay bilowday inay burburiso goobaha ganacsi iyo sandaqadaha shacabka ay ka dhisteen wadooyinka waaweyn ee suuqa ku yaal bartamaha magaalada. Shalay ayuu halkaasi isku dhac ku dhexmaray shacab diidan hawsha dowlada wado iyo ciidamada Booliiska, rasaas halkaasi la isku dhaafsaday ayey ku dhaawacmeen sadex ruux oo shacab ah iyo labo askari oo booliis ah. Qof kamid ah dadkii halkaasi ku dhaawacmay ayaa u dhintay dhaawacii soo gaaray. Maanta oo Khamiis ah ayey markale ciidamada booliiska oo adeegsanaya gaadiidka cagafta ay hawlagalada markale ka bilaabeen suuqa, ayadoo maanta aysan magaalada ka dhicin wax rabshado ah.
  15. Hargeysa (HWN)- Dawladda Hoose ee Hargeysa ayaa maanta badhtamaha magaaladda Hargeysa ka fulisay hawl-galkii ugu balaadhnaa ee ay ku Habaynayso suuqa Waaheen, waxaanay dumisay sandaqado, iyo miisaska bacadyaalka ah ee lagu iibiyo badeecado kala duwan. Hawl-galkan oo ay hoggaaminayeen Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Maxamed Nuur Caraalle (Duur) iyo Duqa caasimadda Hargeysa Eng. Xuseen Maxamuud Jiciir, waxa ka qeyb qaatay shaqaalaha dawladda Hoose ee Hargeysa iyo ciidanka birmadka ee Booliska, waxaanay dumiyeen sandaqadihii iyo miisaskii ku teedsanaa wadada D/Hoose illaa Saldhiga dhexe ee Hargeysa, halkaasi oo ay baneeyeen dhammaan wixii meherado yar yar ahaa ee cidhiidhiga ku hayay jidka wadnaha ee magaaladda Hargeysa. Maayarka Caasimadda Hargeysa Eng. Xuseen Maxamuud Jiciir oo ka hadlay hawl-galkaasi wuxuu yidhi Dalkeenii imika waxa la doonayaa in caasimada ay u ekaato magaallo madax oo ictiraafkii ayaa inagu soo dhow. Marka ma doonayno in billic xumadda iyo dadkan is-dhexyaala oo waddooyinka la baneeyo oo dadka xuquuqda lihii waa dadka dhismayaasha leh oo cid hortagi karta laba rabo.Sidaa ayuu yidhi Maayarka caasimada hargeysa oo ka hadlayey dawladda hoose ee hargeysa oo biloowday hawlgalo ay ku bananaysay jidadka caasimada. Maayarka oo hadalkiisa sii watay wuxuu yidhi Dadku marka bakhaaro wada banaanbaa jira oo cidii kiraysan kartaa ha kiraysato intii kalena waxaanu ugu talo-galay meelo magaalada dabadeeda ah. Ilaa saddex iyo toban sareebadood oo cusub ayaanu samaynay oo dadka danyarta ahi magaalada dibada hawga baxaan. Hawl-galkan waxa ka horyimid dhalinyaro ka mid ahaa dadka ku ganacsada meheradaha hortooda oo ciidammadda booliska ku soo weeraray mindiyo ilsa markaana taayiro ku gubay wadada, kuwaasi oo aakhirkiina la sheegay inay Booliska ku rideen rasaas. Intaasi ka dib rasaas ay boolisku doonayeen inay ku kala kaxeeyaan dhalinyaradii rabashadaha sameynayay waxa la sheegay inay ku dhaawacmeen sadex qof oo midi ku dhaawac dhintay cisbitaalka guud. Waxa ciidanka Boolisku rasaas ay rideen ku dhintay Cabdi Axmed Aadan oo 40 jir ah siday xaqiijiyeen maamulka cisbitaalka guud ee magaaladda Hargeysa. Sidoo kale, waxay maamulka cisbitaalka guud sheegeen inay la tacaalayaan C/Raxmaan Maxamuud Maxamed oo ku dhaawacmay hawl-galkaasi. Dhinaca kale, dadweynaha ku dhaqan magaaladda Hargeysa ayaa maanta soo dhaweeyay wadada la baneeyay, waxaanay xuseen in cidhiidhigii laga qaaday wadada badhtamaha magaaladda Hargeysa.
  16. Carafaat;797151 wrote: But this thread isnt about Puntland. It's about Somaliland and why I think it doesnt have what it takes to become a Country on the World Stage. It would emberass itself. Hmm, interesting. @Abdul, hurt over my truthful SSC or Khatuumo comments?
  17. Carafaat;797152 wrote: I gave you a compliment. you have something of Yeey in you. No, what did he say?
  18. They did fight but that's not the point. What did he say in the video, the bit I showed you?
  19. Akh, lets end this conversation here, a secessionist calling anyone else a langaab... Ewww.
  20. Carafaat;797138 wrote: Proof the explosive's. little one Here's the other thread. Look at the responsible responses.
  21. We fight better than you and will always fight better. Our trucks never get hosed from us by a bunch of militias, maybe it is because you are militias as well that they get to do so We enter your lands, you never entered ours So, Puntland forces went into Ethiopia and then went AROUND gobolada dhexe? Hahahahha Oh Carafaat, you lost the plot mate.
  22. Carafaat;797115 wrote: Maybe, I exaggerated a little bit. But my point stands that in Foreign Politics you do anything that suits your interest, even attacking towns. When French, American, Russian's free their hostages in Eyl they shoot everyone in their way and blow up things. That is Foreign Politics. And Somaliland is not even ready to deport anyone to Somalia, even Djibouti and Puntland deport Somali's. But Somaliland is to soft to play Foreign Politics , so doesnt make sense to have a AU or UN seat. Thats why we need Unity with Somalia. Hahahaha, trying to save face after praising Puntland politicians skills. Man, you are worse than sii soco soo soco people