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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. They started a union and got to work. Today union house stands as a reminder of this successful federation
  2. Duufaan;797999 wrote: He is around. the others you mentioned are forced exile They are not forced exile. But he was slapped out of office by Cabdi qashin, LITERALLY, it doesn't get worse than that. Didn't even get the chance to resign, straight up in his office, told to get the hell out after he tried to play with Abdullahi Yusuf.
  3. Why don't you guys address why he was for a Federal Republic of Somalia instead of saying he disagreed with the public, we KNOW he did for God's sake, but WHY? @JB, no one is misinformed, no one divides the secessionist clan's lafo, it isn't that important. :rolleyes:
  4. Khaatumo is not about unity for the people of SSC, it's a faction trying to exert influence on the politics of the reason. Khalif Galaydh being one of them, it's his last chance to show his people he can do something and he has yet to produce something. Truth is a big proportion of the SSC people are pro Puntland and those people will always be part of Puntland, there's just another side that is sii soco soo soco, their principles is the dollar. And Mogadishu and Somalia welcomed you as Somalis just like I would welcome you as Somalis.
  5. FreshPrince;797962 wrote: The destroyer of Dreams (He destroyed Somaliland), The destroyer of Foundations (He destroyed Puntland's Foundation)! LOOOOL That's the man that tried to destroy Puntland and failed. He tried to go up against Abdullahi Yusuf and failed embarrassingly. Then Cabdi Qashin threw him out of office, literally. Dubai(Pi) Warar aad ugu dhow Cabdullahi Yusuf madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya ayaa noo xaqiijiyey inuu Cali Khaliif Galeyr uu kusoo booqdey Dubay mudo labo bilood laga joogo hada, kulankaan ayaa ujeedada uu Cali Khaliif u booqdey Madaxwweyne Cabdullahi Yufuf ahayd in uu dhameeyo Xurgufta dhextaal isaga iyo Cabdullahi Yusuf. Waxaa naloo xaqiijiyey in Cali Khaliif yiri “Madaxweyne Waxaan kuugu imid inaad i cafido” balse Cabdullahi Yusuf wuxuu ugu jawaabay “Ma aniga shaqsi ahaan inaan ku cafiyo mise in Reer Puntland ku cafiyaan, Anigu waa cafis wixii xageena inakala gaaray lakiin dhinaca Puntland Dambiyadii aad ka gashey waxay u taal shacabka Puntland iyo hogaamiyayaasha hada talada haya” sidaas ayayna ku kala tageen. Cali Khliif waxaa waxaa lagu eedeeyaa inuu geed dheer iyo mid gaabanba u fuuley burburinta Puntland lagasoo bilaabo xiligii uu Cabdullahi Yusuf Madaxweynaha ahaa, dhinaca kale wuxuu dhowr jeer lacago uu soo ururshey u direy gudaha Puntland is loogu furfuray siyaasada
  6. Abdul;797963 wrote: You think Farole has the say who is and isnt a state???This kind of hero worship stinks. No, you are a state if you want to be, you aren't a recognized state because Puntland opposes it and believes you are part of it. You can be a state but not a recognized state. Giving loaded questions to Sheikh Shariif doesn't make you a federal state.
  7. LOL@68 Billion Man, this guy is from another planet
  8. Yeah, copying Somalina, original as ever I see. Let me quote myself to show you what I said. You are clearly stumped by it and do not have an answer so you resort to asking me what I said again What has Galmudug done against Faroole that we do not know of? There's a reason behind Galmudug's inclusion in Garowe Principle, they have a purpose, Khaatumo has no leverage against Faroole.
  9. Nin-Yaaban;797937 wrote: What i would give to be in that room... Maxaan jeclaan lahaa. Samarka kadib.. I will be back with some news
  10. Duufaan;797941 wrote: Khaatumo has problem if they do not understand the solution of Guno collected people lies in Faroole and Garoowe. Faroole hold two confreres peacefully and planing to do another one in border city of Garrowe. Khaatumo cannot afford ignoring Faroole, interfere Khaatumo state. Khaatumo must speak faroole Galmudug style language, otherwise Khaatumo will not be around too long What has Galmudug done against Faroole that we do not know of? There's a reason behind Galmudug's inclusion in Garowe Principle, they have a purpose, Khaatumo has no leverage against Faroole.
  11. Timur;797889 wrote: looool. Showing up to an oil conference and not having oil, yet another mugged Somaliland situation. This is the saddest part: This company is giving a speech at the conference to announce their discovery in Puntland. Khat people are going everywhere they have no business at .
  12. Xaaji Xunjuf;797851 wrote: Somalia the garowe clan enclave is a little mini fiefdom in north Somalia they don't matter when it comes to the big boys. Pirates lost everything they lost the respect of the maakhirate community they are losing the trust of the Goldogob folks and even the clan its self are all taking their different route raascaseer. Mamuulka budhlayn wa baqashi faraska is mooday:D Qolyahan budhlayn dad xiishooda ba maha madaxdooda dumarkooda bay kaftanka raqiiska so dhex galiyaan hore lo yidhi wa muran ma nagoodle. Keep trying to convince yourself of that when you go to sleep every night. History is written in stone and it shows that Puntlanders can make things happen unlike any other. Who can doubt Puntland wouldn't be independent if it sought to do so. Carafaat said it like it was, hire PLers to help you. FYI, Puntlanders live in more land than the secessionists so I wouldn't call it small
  13. Xaaji Xunjuf;797837 wrote: lool the pirates are the weakest link we let them cry from the sidelines continue the cambaaarayn reer pudhlayn:D Man, stop using laughter as a defense mechanism, you know it's true, if recognition was given tomorrow, the ones at the door holding you back will always be the pirates Ask Faroole for help via his wife.
  14. @Xaaji, you ought to consider aligning with the pirates, they may allow you recognition if you at least show some proper manners.
  15. The London conference was a bit of a sad affair, especially when he was waiting in the queue outside Downing Street. If you listen closely you can hear the security guard asking for a name and he gets more confused about the President of SL line, so he says if he's a President then why is he coming in this way?
  16. Xaaji Xunjuf;797662 wrote: Tuur AUN believed in a (Somaliland and Somalia) confederation but it didn't matter in 1994 he was no longer the president of SL Abdiraxmaan tuur was SL first leader not the founder the was the SNM chairman from 1989 till 1991 and the Guurti selected him as the leader The foundation of SL in 1991 when it regained its independence once again was the creation of the people of Somaliland and also the guurti elders of the SNM played a huge role sending delegations as far as eastern sool and western awdal to get all the Communities of Somaliland under one political grouping as it happened in burco 1991.Remember Somaliland had its very own constitution in 1960 political parties history political leaders and freedom fighters and structure of governance in 1991 they merely continued where they stopped in 1960. But his idea echoes that of the great Faroole, that we must unite under a federal system, that is what a person takes from this. I am just sad I never brought this up earlier.
  17. It's starting to look pathetic. Why not focus on quartz and other minerals?
  18. It's possible, he is from one of the more advanced habro. However, I believe it is proper to bring this up due to the opposition by some to a federal system when we had the founder, the President of the Republic of Somaliland, the first one to take the oath supporting the idea.
  19. Under a federal system. How do you guys feel about that? Mr. Abdirahman Tuur renounced the secessionist agenda in 1994 and instead publicly supported the return to Somalia under a system of federation.
  20. Che -Guevara;797544 wrote: ^red district? Rudy...I am used to the heat. I lived in Pakistan for 8 yrs with really hot summers. Makes so much sense now.
  21. He's a good reporter, he didn't do anything wrong, I just love the awkwardness.
  22. Narniah;797418 wrote: What a dumbass buffoon for a news reporter. lol Lol Rag badan ayaa kugu mashquul ah, ha ahaato jirkaaga... This reporter is a class A act.