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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. You write like a 4 year old. Let the other secessionist speak for you. And FYI, why don't you start with NSS Berbera Station Chief, Dahir Riyaale? I wonder...
  2. The former PM (Mohamed) Farmajo is fighting tooth and nail to stage a comeback, and to stage a comeback, I think any savvy politician starts by controlling parliament. And we have evidence of him even bringing forward some people to contest the speaker position.
  3. Freedom;798413 wrote: Puntland and black hawk planes lool what a Joke Puntland with a naval air wing, what a joke.
  4. @The Sage, they have reconnaissance planes (already shown) and light helicopters. You will see them around August, I guarantee you that. Puntland's security contract with Saracen is at least $50 million every year excluding hardware. However, of course no Black Hawks..
  5. The reason I support him is not for his actions but that you chose to go after a weak man from a minority clan rather than the countless others who are roaming free in your enclave among other places. Selected justice.. Do you know this guy, General Ahmed Saleeban "Dafle"? This was the man who orchestrated the persecutions in Mudug, Nugaal and Bari and famously said that it was "xalaal" to rape women from those regions because they were "kacaandiid". He's Samatar's equivalent in those areas yet no one goes after him, do you know why? Because you forgive but you don't forget.
  6. FreshPrince;798384 wrote: I was waiting for your comment, as I know, Ali Khalif or anything that has to do with Khaatumo State is of great importance in your life. lol Welcome your former Prime Minister! Welcome
  7. Oooh La La La, It's the way that we rock when we're doing our thang Oooh La La La, It's the natural LA that the Refugees Bring Oooh La La La La La La Lalala La Laaah, Sweeeeet Thing
  8. Why can't SSDF supporters support former kacaan officials? But what's surprising is how nonchalant he is in the interview.
  9. Haha, loser has he ever done for his people? He ought to go to Garowe and ask for forgiveness.
  10. He is not guilty Qolodi ii dacwooneysay lacag doon bii ahaayeen
  11. Looooooooooooooooooooool .. I so didn't get that
  12. Xaaji Xunjuf;798333 wrote: ^He can be from where ever he wants but this man doesn't support Somaliland quest for international recognition he believes Somaliland should be united with Somalia thus not a secessionist.Pl politicians play a role on the Somali political stage and he has a right to discuss them since Somalia is his country and politicians shape the future of his country. Spoken like a true Puntland politician yourself..
  13. Yeah, this little right here. He was classic, just like Pokemon :eek:
  14. I don't know, I was born then but I did get a Playstation at the age of 8 and that was a special moment. Playing Crash Bandicoot.. I miss those days.
  15. Xaaji Xunjuf;798286 wrote: Carafaat is not a secessionist he is a unionist Pl is his country the same as the rest of Somalia so he cares about the future leaders of his country Somalia. He is a secessionist whether he likes it or not. He's from a secessionist region thus making him a secessionist, is he denying his heritage? Why is he so obsessed with Puntland politicians? They are just like the rest of Somalia's politicians
  16. This is a great initiative for the fight for a fairer representation and I hope it pulls through.
  17. Carafaat is the perfect example of just how much the secessionists are obsessed with PL politicians. Just taking things from thin air...
  18. Not really, we can continue to be honest, you are doing me a big favour but you don't get it, not that I expect you to
  19. Man stop crying and being jealous, learn from JB, Xaaji or the other seniors, you just exist the thread instead of commenting otherwise you look pathetic. Clearly we can see now that the Mudug Governor has cleared Mudug of any so-called pirates. Garacad is now cleared. Now the hotspot of piracy is alone Galmudug's coastline, especially Harardheere and towards the Ximan and Xeeb people.
  20. (Sawirro) Wafdi Puntland ah oo Kulan la qaatay Saraakiisha NATO ee la dagaalanka Burcad badeeda. Posted by Pi G 2 on March 3rd, 2012 Wafdi uu hogaaminayo Wasiirka Dekadaha, gaadiidka bada iyo la dagaalanka Burcad badeeda Saciid Maxamed Raage islamarkaana ay ka mid yihiin Wasiir ku xigeenka wasaarada arrimaha gudaha Cali yuusuf Cali Xoosh, Agaasimaha wasaarada Bada iyo ladagaalanka Burcad badeeda C/risaaq Maxamed Dirir, guddoomiyaha gobolka Mudug Maxamed Yuusuf Jaamac (Tigey), guddoomiyaha degmada Jariiban C/kariim Sheikh Maxamuud (keytoon), guddoomiyaha beesha Garacad, xubno ka socday qurba joogta, Isimo iyo odayaal uu ka mid yahay Garaaad Cali Ciid ayaa xeebta garacad kulan kula qaatay Saraakiil ka socotay Ciidamada NATO ee Hawgalka ladaagalanka Burcad badeeda Soomaalida ah, waxayna ka wada hadleen arrimao farabadan oo ay ugu muhimsan tahay arrinta Burcad badeeda. Kulankan oo ka dhacay Markab ay leeyihiin Ciidamada NATO dushiisa ayaa masuuliyiinta Dawlada Puntland waxay NATO siiyeen warbixin la xiriirta deegaankan iyo sida Kooxaha Burcad badeeda looga ciribtiray, waxayna sidoo kale Saraakiisha NATO ka dhagaysteen warbixino la xiriira xog ururin ay arrimaha Burcad badeeda xeebtan ka sameeyeen. warbixintan oo dhamaystiran qaybaha dambe ayaanu idinkugu soo gudbin doonaa. Daawo Sawirada:
  21. Maaddeey;798155 wrote: Waiting for Videos and photos, Dr_Osman and Somalia style! @Xaaji, where are Faysal Waraabe and former VP Kaahin, I saw them a few days ago with high spirits, Kaahin was quiet as ever.
  22. That was a lie. It was reported by PressTV a known propaganda outlet of Iran and was later proved to be false. And no one hates him, love a man who enslaved monkeys in the 21st century. But the funniest part is what happened to Khaliif Galayr which was actually true, he got kicked out of office, literrally, by Cabdi qashin, the single most humiliating act of that year 2001. Khalif Galaydh, failing since his life started. Stole money during the 1980s and won an election by saying "I held if for the Somali people" LOL
  23. *DING DING DING*, we have a winner. :cool: