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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Aakkhhhh, fool xumaa, what is this place, is this planet Earth? :eek:
  2. The report provides new details about an operation by the South African firm Saracen International to train a 1,000-member antipiracy militia for the government of Puntland, a semiautonomous region in northern Somalia, effectively creating “the best-equipped indigenous military force anywhere in Somalia.” - The New York TImes
  3. 1985 is too late for things to change, if you'd chosen 1984 then maybe there could be a chance.
  4. The Sage;799326 wrote: ^^^Don't know why you're pushing reconciliation so hard, if anything the Somaliland government has been emboldened as of late due the international community's acceptance of Somaliland as a distinct and separate entity from Somalia. That's why recognition was denied 3 times publicly (by the Brits alone) and twice in meetings. Not to mention the US' stance on a "united Somalia" according to Hillary Clinton.
  5. - Housing - Construction of water reservoirs - Locating groundwater, recovering it and storing it in water resevoirs Berkad ittle trade Kaalo, a Dutch-Somali aid organization founded by refugees, jumped into the hole. President Abdisalam Ali: "We decided the nomads to help build a new life. That seems to work. It's really apparent that something is happening. "Yet Kaalo not finished in Budubunto. "The shepherds have no more work. Once construction is in progress, you see that the economy revives. The women drive a little trade. The men do not, those cards. They do not know what to do. Education is so important, not only for children eight to twelve years, for which a school is built, but also for adults. "But first the houses and the water. The houses are built in stages. The first twelve cost 66,000 euros, the money came with the support of other Wild Geese. Eventually, sixty houses. For the second phase Kaalo half the money. Ali: "And hopefully we can do something in between the water shortage. If the rainwater out, only trucks with water, but the dealers ask $ 120 for 100 liters. Priceless for the nomads. " Construction of water resevoirs in Nugaal for IDPs Assessing groundwater storage by SamSam Water Here's a dutch video as well.
  6. But you are missing the point, Khaatumo doesn't speak for everyone, it speaks for some people and they don't have the right to control anyone. In fact, Puntland hasn't had anything to do with those regions in some time, but the people that live in pro-Puntland areas want to be part of Puntland and we can't deny them that, they were founders of the state and will remain part of it. So Khaatumo or whatever, has nothing to do with those areas. Also, the drilling is not scheduled to happen in SSC clan territory by the way, not only you live in Nugaal, maybe the second one but not the first.
  7. Of course, facts are not to be taken seriously, I'm sorry if you feel intellectually defeated but I am telling you the facts on the ground. The schedule is for Nugaal. I don't care whether or not "most" Puntlanders support Khatuumo, it's a fallacy, a joke perpetrated by none other than the failed man known as Galayr. The areas of drilling are under Puntland, they support Puntland and it will remain that way. It's just a fact. Why haven't you been able to unite with Buhoodle, let alone trying to run for Laascaanood? Because you are a divided people (by choice), some come under Puntland, some come under Somaliland. So let the people that want to be part of Puntland be part of it and mind your own business. Sub-clans trying to rule over others is just not good, people have a choice.
  8. Xaaji Xunjuf;799272 wrote: Somalia isn't xudun a khaatumite town goormaad dadka dhulkooda ka boobtay saaxib If I'm not wrong Mr Axmed karaash hails from Xudun. The people of those areas support Puntland, that's the fact on the ground, I do not hail their clan-wise though. I am speaking of reality sxb. @Taleexi, how about you mind your sub-clan instead of trying to undermine pro-Puntland people in SSC?
  9. No, the fact on the ground is that the drilling rig in Dharoor is scheduled to go to another site it Dharoor valley, Shabeel 2, then Libaax 1 and Libaax 2, that's the schedule it was rented for. And the location will be West of Garowe in Nugaal block, those areas are part of Puntland, controlled by Puntland and nothing to do with Khatuumo. Just like Xudun, Badhan etc and all of these other places have nothing to do with Khatuumo. SSC is divided into sub-clans, pro-Puntland (the areas I stated), pro-Somaliland (Laascaanood and North Western parts of Sool) and Khaatumo (Taleex and co). So if you want to drill in Taleex, inshallah I am with you. As for FreshPrince, I think he is confused, he was Puntland before that, that's what he said.
  10. In Puntland's exploration deals and future negotiations by the federal government and oil companies? Under the deal, which President Yusuf approved as the Petroleum Law of Somalia on August 7, the Somali government owns a 51% share of SPC while Kuwait Energy Company and Indonesia's PT Medco Energy International each own a 24.5% stake in the SPC, according to Kuwait-based daily Al Watan. ?
  11. Alpha Blondy;799027 wrote: lol@norf, those who arrived in late 80s and early 90s are overwhelmingly more integrated. those who arrived in early 2000s are useless and unsettled. as the articles clearly points out in its description of 3 different groupings, success depends entirely on length of stay. I echo Carafaat, the ones who arrived here early are the ones doing the worst, total waste of space, both economically and socially, their kids are the ones who lost their mother tongue, coming with the "blud" or "innit yo" and are send back to the old country while the new arrivals from mainland Europe, Scandinavia, Germany etc (excluding Holland) are doing the best.
  12. What talk have they walked? They don't occupy you, your sub-clans are fighting each other. But we just claim parts of SSC, you know pro-Puntland parts, Laascaanood doesn't matter, we can walk around that.
  13. I think everyone reading this exchange knows what just happened. I call it pwned. It's sad you support a pseudo state that was named after Khalif Galayr's grandmother.
  14. Producing what? I am honestly not angry, I am just baffled, it's pathetic that everyone thinks they are even in the same stage as Puntland. It took 7 years for this to happen my friend and if found it will take years to exploit it.
  15. I commented because it was you not kastuumo. And stop with the jealousy just because Puntland is exploring for oil you don't have to get all "Look at me mommy, look at me!", it's pathetic. As for Nugaal, it's part and parcel of Puntland's exploration programme. The drill is going to Nugaal next after a second drill in Dharoor and it isn't twice as big as Dharoor.
  16. . Last time, I said 68 Billion barrels of Oil (Excluding the shores of Lassuraad, which is in Northern Sanaag) lool :rolleyes:
  17. Abwaan;798770 wrote: Aamiin AUN. Yaa dileyna? Ururka Al-shabaab ayaa sheegtay mas’uuliyadda dilkii xalay xaafadda Israac ee magaalada Gaalkacayo loogu geystey weriye Cali Axmed Cabdi. Idaacadda Andalus oo ku hadasha Afka Al-shabaab ayaa caawa baahisey in dilka weriyahaas ay iyagu ka danbeeyeen. Waxayna intaas ku dartay in weriye Cali uu ka tirsanaa sirdoonka Puntland sidaas darteedna loo bartilmaameedsaday. Waa markii ugu horeysey oo ay Al-shabaabku sheegtaan mas’uuliyadda dil loo geystey weriye ka tirsanaa weriyeyaasha ka howl gala Puntland. AHN weriye Cali Axmed Cabdi wuxuu horay ula shaqeyn jirey Page-ka iyo Idaacadda Gaalkacayo. Waxaana dilkiisa si aad ah uga tiiraanyooday dhamaan bahda Saxaafadda ee Puntland iyo guud ahaan Soomaaliya. Horseed Media
  18. Che -Guevara;798956 wrote: ^LOL....what makes you think I am not from Bari:D wut. I need to go back and read some messages.
  19. Well, the article speaks for itself, if you want a slice of that black gold, get yourself a reer Bari girl.
  20. Hahahaha, caadi ma'aha